
  1. Write the title and author of your book at the top of your Reader Response Journal.
  2. Write the date at the top of your response journal.
  3. Set a reading goal - # of pages. Write at the top of your response journal.
  4. Choose two or three different Reader Response Prompts per week to help guide your writing in your Reader Response Journal.
  5. Write your response in the journal, or you may choose to type it and tape it onto a page in the journal. Follow the same format as if you were writing it (Title of Book, Author, Date, Reading goal and# of pages).
  6. Write a least three complete sentences per response. Write more if you can.
  7. Submit it to your reading teacher twice a week.

*If you are listening to a book on tape, also use the book and be sure to track the text and follow along.

Reader Response Prompts: (Choose at least two different Reading Response Prompts each week):

  1. Summarize what you just read. (Do not retell every detail. Choose the main idea and supporting details).
  2. This part of the story surprised me because…..
  3. This part of the story was interesting because….
  4. Describe the setting of the section you just read, list the clues that helped you identify the setting and illustrate it in your journal.
  5. Describe an important event. Give at least three reasons why you think it is an important event in the story.
  6. Describe the challenges the characters are facing. Explain how they are overcoming or dealing with these challenges.
  7. After reading part of the text, which events are important? Why?
  8. After reading part of the text, which actions by the character are important? Why?
  9. What confuses, concerns, angers you so far?
  10. Do you like what you’re reading why or why not?
  11. Draw a line down the center of your paper. On the left, write facts from what you’ve read. On the right write your personal opinions about what you read.
  12. Draw a line down the center of your paper. Write a cause (why did it happen?) on the left and its effect (what happened?) on the right. Dothis until you have three causes and effects listed.
  13. Write about an important lesson that was learned in the story.
  14. Illustrate a scene in the book and then describe it in writing. Explain why you chose this scene to illustrate.
  15. After reading a section of the book, make a list of things you don’t understand, find confusing, or have questions about.

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______

Title:______Journal Entry:______

Reading Goal:(Page____to___) and Number of Pages Read:____

Reader Response Prompt:______