WRC-07 Informal Group[*]

Notes of Fourth Meeting, Friday 23February 2007

The Agenda (contained at Annex 1) was approved afterthe addition of a new item 3 “Number of Vice-Chairmen of the Conference” and small amendments made to items 4d and 5 (previously items 3d and 4).

1.Progress on preparation by theregional groups

Representatives of the six regional groups reported progress as summarised below. In all cases, there had been examples of good inter-regional coordination through participation of representatives of the various regional groups in meetings of other groups.


CEPT had held seven preparatory meetings. The next meeting was scheduled for mid-April and the final meeting July.


Citel had held several preparatory meetings, the next being 17-20 April and the final one planned for July. Some CPs had already been developed.


APT had held four preparatory meetings, the most recent being in January in Bangkok. The final meeting was scheduled 16-21 July in Busan (Korea) in order to finalise CPs.


Two commissions had been formed and a working group to create CPs. The latter should be finalised in April with a view to submission to BR soon afterwards.


ATU held its first meeting in January and will aim to formulate its CPs following the CPM. The next preparatory meeting is planned in the period mid-April to mid-June to which representatives from all regional groups are invited. The Informal Group noted the desirability of holding the planned BR Information Meeting for Africa (as discussed at the recent meeting of RAG) contiguously with the ATU meeting.

Arab Group

The Arab Group had held five meetings, the most recent being in mid-January, The final meeting, in Damascus), is planned for 22 to 26 (midday) July, followed by a joint Arab/European group meeting from 26 (afternoon) to 27 July. Other representatives of regional groups are welcome to any Arab spectrum management meeting provided they speak Arabic.

2.Particular issues of concern (if any)

No particular issues of concern were raised.

3.Number of vice-chairmen of the Conference

The meeting agreed to follow previous practice, that is to elect a vice-chairmen from each of the six regions including that with which the Conference chairman was associated.

4. Work structure of the Conference

The meeting confirmed the principle that each agenda item should be dealt with in a single committee,(except for particular items, e.g. 3, 5 and 7.1).

The meeting subsequently decided on an agreed structure as contained in Annex 2. In particular, it was decided:

  • to keep AIs 1.10 and 1.12 together;
  • to assign AI 1.9 to WG 4A;
  • to have three substantive Committees and not to have a WG of the Plenary;
  • WGs 4A and 4B should not meet in parallel;
  • the next meeting of the Informal Group may consider moving the items shown under WG 4A into Committee 5 and those under WG 5B into Committee 4 to equalize, if possible, the work-load between the two Committees 4 and 5.

The meeting re-opened discussions on the future process relating to CPM-1 which has been initiated at the meeting of RAG-14 (see Section 6 of Document RAG07-1/24 (Rev.2)), and decided the following:

  • it was too late to introduce option b for WRC-07, that is to reduce the duration of the Conference by one day to accommodate the work of CPM-1;
  • any change in the process would need to be decided ultimately by RA-07 and reflected in Resolution ITU-R 2;
  • whilst option c was favoured (CPM-1 takes place the day immediately after the WRC), further consideration and consultations were needed within the regional groups beforehand.


  • The CEPT representative confirmed the CEPT candidature - Mr. C. Van Diepenbeek (Netherlands);
  • The representative of Arab Group confirmed their candidate - Mr N. Kisrawi (Syria);
  • The representative of ATU announced the candidate of Mr. J. B. Yao (Côte d’Ivoire).

Questions were raised on the application of the principle of rotation in the choice of a chairman of the Conference. These matters will be discussed further at the Informal Group’s next meeting that will be dedicated to this issueand which will be held on Thursday 1 March 2007, at 15h00, in Room 3 & 4 (CICG).

6.Next meeting of the Informal Group

The meeting of 1 March 2007 will decide on the date of the next meeting of the Informal Group that will have a limited agenda mainly dealing with nominations.

7.Other business



Agenda of the 4th meeting
(Friday, 23February 2006 at 1800 hours)

1.Progress on preparation by the regional groups

2.Particular issues of concern (if any)

3.Number of Vice-Chairmen of the Conference

4.Work structure of the Conference based on the following agreed principles:

  • Each agenda item should be dealt within a single Committee (with limited exceptions made with the agreement of all regional groups)
  • A preliminary structure (in addition to the four Standing Committees)

a)Committee 4
b)Committee 5

c)A maximum of two Working Groups of the Plenary:
c.1)for Agenda item 1.10
c.2)for agenda items 2, 4, relevant parts of 5, 6, relevant parts of 7.1 and 7.2

d)A maximum of three Working Groups, in principle, each for Committee 4 and Committee 5


6.Next meeting of the Informal Group

7.Other business.

N. Kisrawi

Chairman, WRC-07 Informal Group


Proposed structure WRC-07

COM 4 / COM 5 / COM 6
WG4A: (IMT2000, BSS)
§§ 1.4, 1.9, 1.11, 3*, 5* / WG5A (Mobile satellite and space science services):
§§ 1.2, 1.7, 1.17, 1.20, 1.21, 3*, 5* / §§ 2, 4, 5*, 6, 7.1*(urgent studies BSS 22 GHz and optical com, Rec723, Res 951), 7.2
WG4B (Appendix 30B, space procedural matters):
§§ 1.10, 1.12, 3*, 5*, 7.1* (including Res 80) / WG5B (Aeronautical issues):
§§ 1.3,1.5, 1.6, 3*, 5*
WG4C (LF/MF/HF bands, amateur and maritime services):
§§ 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 3*, 5* / WG5C (other space and terrestrial services):
§§ 1.1, 1.8, 1.18, 1.19, 3*, 5*, 7.1 (including urgent studies on def. HEO, HDFSS, Res 74 (Rev.WRC-03))
*) Relevant parts.
WGs 4A and 4B should not meet in parallel.
Next or future meeting of Informal Group may consider moving WG4B to COM5 and WG5B to COM4, after regional consultations.

[*]The website address related to WRC-07 which provides a link to the Informal Group, is as follows: