March 2007doc.: IEEE 802.22-07/0144r0

IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs

Plenary March 2007 Comments and Resolutions Minutes
Date: 2007-03-16
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Wendong Hu / ST Microelectronics / 1060 East Brokaw Road, San Jose, CA95131 / 1-408-467-8410 /
Edward Au / Huawei Technologies / HKUST / Hong Kong, China / 852-2358-7086 /

Tuesday (March 13, 2007) PM2

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 5:10pm

Wendong gives an overview about the status of MAC comments and resolutions since the teleconference on March 6. He plans to deal with the pending comments that have not assigned to anyone and have no discussion materials, then allocates time for discussing comments in various subjects.

The following comments (with CID numbers), that need either assignment or discussion materials, have been discussed during this session:

CID #30, #509, #510, #111, and #512.

In particular, for comment with CID #510, Dave Cavalcanti commented that the BS initialization is similar to CID #190 and he suggests considering his submission (22-07-0122-02-0000_proposed-resolutions) for the resolution. For the rest of CID #510, namely the regulatory requirements and databases, we decide to defer pending on TG2’s decision.

The meeting recessed at 6:14 pm.

Wednesday (March 14, 2007) AM1

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 8:20am

Since Stephen Kuffner and David Mazzarese are there, we discuss CID #509 again. David responded that he has prepared a document 22-06-0219-01-0000 for this, which contains the revision of the whole section 6.13.5. Note that therelated comment is CID #137

The following comments (with CID numbers), that need either assignment or discussion materials, have then been discussed during this session:

CID #194, #201, #519, #224, #227, #228, #231, #229, #230, #233, #234, and #236.

In particular, for comment with CID #201, Carlos Cordeiroelaborated why CDMA UCS notification should be supported. Randomly pick a code from the Table of codes (shared by all CPEs), no SID. The codes should be identical to .16. George Vlantis commented that clarification is needed for “incumbent codes”, “incumbentsubchannels” and“incumbent notification”.

The meeting recessed at 10:00am.

Wednesday (March 14, 2007) AM2

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 10:32am

The following comments (with CID numbers), that need either assignment or discussion materials, have then been discussed during this session:

CID #238, #46, #241, #179,

In particular, comment with CID #241 has been assigned to Wen Gao to address the following issues:

(1) Clarify the meaning of “collision” How to detect the “collision”?

(2) Clarify the impact on IDRP at the BS.

(3) Define the timing parameters.

The following unread/unclassified comments (with CID numbers) have been discussed during this session:

CID #4, #383, #5, #6, #7, #8, #384, #385, #386, #387, and #350.

The meeting recessed at 12:30pm.

Wednesday (March 14, 2007)PM1

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 1:56pm

Wendong presents a brief summary of the work done in the morning sessions..

Since Gerald is there, we discuss CID #4 and CID #5 again.

The following unread/unclassified comments (with CID numbers) have been discussed during this session:

CID #266, #89, #90 #63, #91, #154, #153,#155, #158, #159, #92, #29, and #182.

The meeting recessed at 3:29 pm.

Wednesday (March 14, 2007)PM2

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 4:09pm

The following unread/unclassified comments (with CID numbers) have been discussed during this session:

CID #119, #183, #344, #345, #23, #368, #185, #348, #24, #480, #157, #25, #156, #481, #181, #124, #116, #117, #122, #135, #120, #123, and #482

In particular, for comment with CID #119, materials have been presented to WG. It is now pending for WG’s decision. For comments with CID #344 and #345, they are deferred (green) until discussion in security.

The meeting recessed at 6:20 pm.

Thursday (March 15, 2007)AM2

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 10:30am

Since Wen Gao and Hang Liu are there, comment with CID #241 is discussed again.A discussion on collisions, GPS-sync, and CBP-sync is taken.

All the unread/unassigned technical required / technical comments have been discussed.

Dave Cavalcanti presented his submission (22-07-0122-02-0000_proposed-resolutions) for the resolution of the following comments.

CID #18, #21, #87, #126, and #188.

These 5 comments have been resolved.

The meeting recessed at 12:58 pm.

Thursday (March 15, 2007)PM1

Wendong Hu called the meeting to order at 1:50pm

Gerald Chouinard suggests discussing superframe and CBP in this session.

Dave presented the document 06-0156-02-0000, which is a review of thesuperframe structure.A discussion on short frame preamble, SCH control header, quiet period, synchronization among base stations is taken.

Motion: Do you want to remove the superframe structure from the working document?

Moved: Ivan Reede

Seconded: Eli Sofer

For: 7 Against: 10 Abstain: 4

The motion failed.

The meeting recessed at 3:36 pm.

Thursday (March 15, 2007)Extra Session

WendongHu called the meeting to order at 6:37pm

Dave Cavalcanti continued his presentation (22-07-0122-02-0000_proposed-resolutions).

Gwangzeen Ko presented his submission on WRAN channel sets management (22-06-0xxx-00-0000_ETRI_CH_set.doc) for resolving the comments on Section

The document, Proposed text changes and Comment Resolution to Section 6.21.2 Self-coexistence in IEEE 802.22/D0.2 Draft Standard(22-07-0121-01-0000-integrated-coexistence), is then presented.

Wen Gao presented his submission (22-07-XXXX-01-0000_proposed_resolution_for_comment_241) for resolving the comment with CID #241. A discussion is followed.

Baowei Ji presented his submission (22-07-0xxx-00-0000-Resolution for comment 53 on Section 6.21.5 CBP Synchronization v1) for resolving the comment with CID #53. A discussion is followed and CID #241 has finally been resolved.

The following comments have been resolved during this session:

CID #190, #237, #526, #178, #177, #46, #511,#519,#11, #127, #128, #240, #100, #180, #191, #206, #210, #214, #215, #246, #244, #203, #39, #107, #241, and #53.

The meeting recessed at 9:42 pm.

In summary, the following comments have been resolved during this week:

CID #11, #18, #21, #39, #46,#53, #87,#100, #107, #126, #127, #128, #177,#178, #180, #188, #190,#191, #203, #206, #210, #214, #215, #237,#240, #241, #244, #246, #511,#519, and #526


Submissionpage 1Wendong Hu, ST Microelectronics