We welcome all our visitors.

We invite you to fill in the welcome card on the back of the bulletin and to join us for tea in the Wesley Hall between the first and second services


Sunday 13 November:

08h30 Service

Duty: Leon Naude / Cheryl Wiley

Vestry: Jon Rutherfoord

Tea: Beth Wilkinson & Dot Purchase

10h00 Service

Duty: Les Prinsloo / Crystal Smith

Vestry: Keith McMurray

Sunday 20 November:

08h30 Service

Duty: Len Flaum / Babs Danvers

Vestry: Marion Flaum

Tea: Miriam Smith & Pat Nurse

10h00 Service

Duty: Crystal Smith / Rosalie Badenhorst

Vestry: Arnaud de Groot

  • Women’s Auxiliary Meeting on the 2ndTuesday of each month at 2pm in the Hall.
  • Choir practicein the Church on Wednesdays at 5pm.
  • Small Groups: Contact Keith McMurray for further information on 044384 0677/082 828 2847.
  • WA Jumble Saleon the last Friday(12-2pm) every month in Peace Cottage garden.
  • Car guard: Please don’t give to him directly, but leave a small donation for him in the boxes provided.
  • If anyone needs meals during a short illness please contact Cecilia van Wyk at 083 269 1751 or 044384 0562.
  • To receive our bulletin via e-mail, send your e-mail address to Pam ().
  • If anyone needsvisitationplease use the slip on the bulletin and pop it into the offering bag.
  • If you would like flowers “in memory / in celebration of” contact Dot Purchase on081505 5514.
  • Reconditioned cards by the WA are available at R3, R5 & R10each in the foyer.
  • For Hire – wheelchair, moonboot, crutches, baby campcot, 3 legged walking stick, pressure mattress, 2x prams with car seats & nebulizer. Contact Cecile van Wyk 044384 0562
  • Christmas Cake raffle tickets are available from Pam in the office at R10/ticket.
  • Jumble sale – Friday 25 Nov at 12h00.
  • Singing Kettle tea garden – Sat 26 Nov from 09h00.
  • NHW Fundraising Day at KMC – Sat 19 Nov from 09h00. Heritage walk, tea garden & market, jumping castle and raffle tickets on sale. Proceeds raised go towards security cameras.
What does eternity look like for you? Do you imagine lots of clouds and harps, with us all floating around as disembodied spirits in white robes? This may be a comical image, but the idea that our bodies are temporary and our spirits are eternal is widespread and persistent. But, this is not the message of the New Testament. Rather, the Scriptures teach a shocking truth, which we call resurrection – that our bodies (and, indeed the entire universe) are eternal and are raised from death in a glorified state in the end.
The message of resurrection is not just about what happens after we die. If our entire beings are eternal, then the physical world has value to God. And that means that it matters how we treat our bodies and those of others, and how we use the natural resources of our planet. But, resurrection is not just something with which we agree in our heads. Resurrection is a truth that we live in every moment, as we choose either to cooperate with God’s life or to ignore it or oppose it. Whenever we contribute life to others, we work with God’s resurrection life. Whenever we make some else’s life poorer, we oppose God’s resurrection. [JVDL]

Bank details: Methodist Church, FNB Knysna

Account No. 62000506529, Branch Code 21-02-14

Income 2016

August September Year to Date

Budget 104 450 79 450765 050

Actual 120 896 57 939 765856

To help us know and serve you better please  the

appropriate box below, tear off and hand the slip a steward or the minister, or place it in the offertory bag.

Please note my/our new address

I/We wish formally to join the church

I am a new arrival

I am going to hospital (specify which)

I/We request a pastoral call


NAME ……………………………………..

ADDRESS ………………………………...



TEL. NO. …………………………………...




Please pray for: ………………………...


Church Office hours:

Monday – Closed

Tues to Thurs 08:00 -13:00

Friday 08:00 – 12:30

Tel. & fax 044 382 3363

Secretary: Pam Jacobs


Society Stewards:

Marion Flaum(044 3884648) ‘meet’

Jon Rutherfoord(044 384 0766) ‘manage’

Keith McMurray(082828 2847) ‘learn’(adult)

Hazel Eksteen(082441 9075)’care’

Arnaud de Groot(073502 4528) ‘serve’

Circuit Steward: Elsie Joubert (082871 0868)

Prayer Chain: Rosalie Badenhorst (044382 0625) Flower Convenor: Dot Purchase (081505 5514)

Women’s Auxiliary: Joan Booysen (044 381 0048)

We are collecting the following:

  1. Soup mix: needed on a regular basis for the Soup Kitchen.
  2. Ready-made Soup: donations of ready-made soup for Tues and Thurs mornings.
  3. Soaps for Epilepsy SA: used as birthday gifts by Women’s Auxiliary.
  4. Greeting cards: for reconditioning by the Women’s Auxiliary.
  5. Any used stamps: used to fund the Bible Society of South Africa.
  6. Donations for jumble sales: any unwanted goods e.g. clothes, kitchenware, ornaments etc. – sold by Women’s Auxiliary.
  7. Ice-Cream & yoghurt containers: are needed for the Soup Kitchen.
  8. Plastic bags/packets for Soup Kitchen: any plastic bags/packets are required for the Soup Kitchen on a regular basis.
  9. Second-hand plant pots needed for pot plants sold at the Singing Kettle tea garden.
  10. Second-hand books to sell at our monthly tea garden.

We strive to become a community

of Christ followers who …


God passionately


for our congregation


the wider community


about God, Scripture and life


in small groups, and at our Sunday



our resources wisely


Minister: Rev Rodney Jamieson

PO Box 7 Knysna 6570

044 382 3363 (w) 044 382 1371(h)

Cell: 0823752449