It is the sincere desire of the camp staff that your week on OrcasIsland be both educational and enjoyable. The program has been carefully organized to insure that each camper receive quality instruction and guidance. Therefore, so that all campers may get the most from their experience, it will be necessary to request that you become familiar with, and observe, the following camp policies for the duration of the week.

1.Familiarize yourself with the camp schedule. You will be expected to be on time for all meals, instruction periods, and meetings, and to be clean and neat in appearance.

2.You will be expected to attend all classes, campfires, meetings, and kitchen duties with your respective cabins. There are NO EXCEPTIONS without prior approval from the director.

3.The camp director, instructors, and counselors, as well as park rangers, are in a position of authority. You will follow their directions at all times.

4.Smoking is only permitted to those over 18, and only at the fire pit during non-instruction periods.

5.Cabins are to be kept neat and orderly at all times. No food or beverages are to be brought in at any time! Cabins will be inspected daily, and non-permitted items will be confiscated.

6.Gambling in any form is prohibited.

7.Use, possession, or transfer of alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any controlled substance is strictly forbidden. Any violation of this policy will result in immediate expulsion from camp and possible law enforcement intervention.

8.Firearms, hatchets, large hunting knives, or any other dangerous weapons are not permitted.

9. Swimming will be allowed only when the water safety instructor is on duty. Fishing is allowed at other times under the supervision of a junior or senior counselor. If boats are available, they must be checked in and out by the person on duty. There must always be at least two people in a boat, and life jackets must be worn.

10.All injuries, major or minor, must be immediately reported to the camp medic. The directors should also be informed as to the nature and extent of the injury as soon as possible.

11.Campers will remain at all times within the designated boundaries of the camp, except in connection with instructional periods or under the direction of an authorized individual. Violation of this policy is grounds for immediate expulsion.

12.Campers are expected to adhere to all curfews set by the directors.

13.DO NOT bring valuables or large amounts of cash to camp. You are responsible for any theft of money or items not checked into the directors for safekeeping. RADIOS, CD/MP3 PLAYERS, CELL PHONES ARE PROHIBITED AND WILL BE CONFISCATED.

14.Littering is prohibited at all times.

15.Campers are expected to be respectful of others at all times in both action and language. Fighting is prohibited. Campers will also respect the wildlife of the island. Harassment of the animals will not be tolerated.

16.At NO time will any camper destroy, alter, damage, or otherwise misuse the property of the camp in any way.