Announcing the

Washington 125 Digital Album

We invite you to upload images of Washington State in 2014 to be included in a special digital album to commemorate 125 Years of Washington Statehood.Accepted images will become part of the Washington State Historical Society Collections, shown on the Washington 125 website. They also may be shown at the Washington 125 Commemoration in Olympia on November 11, 2014 and may be included in the Washington State Centennial 125 Time Capsule in the Legislative Building in Olympia


Photos should be of people, events and locations that are indicative of Washington State in 2014. Examples: School, community, family or organization events, parades, commemorations; historic sites; scenic locations; views of work or rural or urban landscapes. Individuals shown in photographs should consent to their submission and be identified. WSHS reserves the right to not accept or display any content deemed unsuitable for our public audiences, or is not keeping with the Washington 125 project theme. Please submit only one file per location or event. Photographers can submit multiple files of different events, locations or subjects.

All contributing photographers who have their images accepted will receive credit for all images displayed in online galleries and other public presentations of the Washington125 project. Any digital photography images provided to WSHS for review may not have restrictions as far as use. Images are preferred to be at least 300 dpi in resolution, uncompressed TIFF or JPEG file formats, and saved at the highest quality (uncompressed). However, images of 72 dpi resolution and taken with mobile devices may be contributed for review. Image files should measure a minimum of 1000 pixels across the shortest dimension. WSHS does not pay any fees for any images received as part of the Washington 125project.

Submit the information form to . Once the form is reviewed, you will receive instructions on uploading the photographs(s).

Required Form information

Photo File Name:

Files should be named as follows: photographer name, event, date

Example: johnjoneslakefairparadejuly2014.

Name of photographer:




Names of those pictured:

Individuals or general description

Examples: Smith Family Reunion, Smith Farm, Ritzville, 2014 or Kiwanis Lakefair Parade Float, Olympia 2014)

I certify that I have the rights to submit this photograph for the Washington 125 Digital album.



Submit the information form to . Once the form is reviewed, you will receive instructions on uploading the photographs(s).