Vibrant Body & Abundant Life Blueprint
The 10 keys to living your healthy, abundant life with freedom

Tanya Penny

Dear Brave Soul,

I am so happy that you are here. Most people don’t even open this guide.

The truth is healing 100% can be a scary process. It may require you do to things that feel uncomfortable.

So, to you, I have a few important things to say.

One step at a time. Start with small changes. Healing happens at the pace it is meant to. Trust this.

You got this. I know there will be days you will doubt in your healing process like I did. On those days: breathe, reach out for support, and use all your tools.

When I work with people on their healing journey I also tell them progress not perfection. Never, ever, ever beat yourself up, no matter what. Loads of self-acceptance and compassion is key.

Lastly, you don’t need to do this alone. You are not superwoman (or man). We all need support when moving through challenges and healing. Whether it’s me you choose to walk alongside you, or someone else, doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have someone walking with you on your road to 100% healing in all areas of your life.

Sending you so much love and courage to walk your healing path.

Xoxo Tanya 

Your Invitation

In the pages that follow, I will walk you through the 10 keys that lead to a vibrant body and abundant like. People usually like to do this in 1 of 2 ways.

Some like to do it all at one time, carving out 30-60 minutes. And others like to do it over a series of 10 days, reading one key each day. However you do it is fine, you can’t do it wrong.

As you move through each key, I also recommend you rate each one on a scale of 1-10 with compassion & curiosity(0= needs a lot of support and 10= no improvement needed, you’re at 100%).

Also, there is no need to judge yourself. I won’t judge you, either. Wherever you are is where you are. And if you don’t really like where you are, that’s okay. It’s totally a normal part of life. And it’s totally changeable.

Have you become disconnected from who you truly are due to busyness, life challenges or trauma? Re-connecting with and accepting all parts of you – your desires, body, emotions, beliefs, and “Something Bigger” is the foundation to your healing, health and happiness.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Take 5 minutes each morning and evening to connect with you. Write your
emotions, what you feel in your body, your thoughts, and your desires- self-love,
health, relationships, passions, purpose, money/material, spirituality.

Do you have a harsh inner critic, should on yourself or beat yourself up when you make a “mistake”? Reject any part of you- body, emotions, etc.? Do you think you have to do something or change to be lovable? Cultivating complete self-acceptance & love is essential for you to heal and have a healthy body. You will only attract or receive what you believe you deserve, are worthy of- love, money, guidance, etc.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Look in the mirror each morning and evening. Smile at yourself. Tell yourself what
you appreciate about you. If there are things you haven’t been accepting about your
body, etc. tell that part of you that you now accept it fully. Feel free to add any
other words that are positive and loving and end by telling yourself that you
deserve, are worthy of love and everything else you desire.

Did you learn to look to and trust other people’s opinions, guidance instead of following our own desires and inner wisdom?You are the only one that truly knows your answers, what you need, and what your heart desires in all areas of your life. Trusting yourself& followingyour guidance will support you in making positive, lasting changes in all areas of your life and fully heal.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Reflect: What is something that your guidance/heart has been nudging you to do?
What is one small action you can take today to move in that direction?

We are all connected to “Something Bigger” (call it God, source, universe, nature, etc.) but have become disconnected due to busyness, negative experiencesor trauma. Cutting off this connection can create anxiety, depression, and even chronic illness.It keeps you stuck in the vicious pattern of struggle and survival fears. Connect with and trust your Something Bigger daily so that you can feel at peace, make decisions based on divine guidance vs. ego fears and beliefs. You don’t have to, weren’t meant to, do it all on your own.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Take 5 quiet minutes each morning and evening. Close your eyes and silently
speak/ask/pray to your Something Bigger about howyou feel and what you need
guidance on. Then listen, watch, or feel your guidance (we all get our guidance in
different ways).

Stress is the #1 cause and progression of weight, depression, pain and chronic illness.It also blocks your creativity and guidance. Stress is often caused by working too much, trying to please everyone,and do it all.Releasing the thoughts and beliefs that cause stress plus learning how to relax your body and mind and create a balanced lifestyle with lots of REST and PLAY is essential to heal and receive.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Take at least 30 minutes of you time each day to move your body, meditate, nap,
read, etc. What could stop you from taking this time (hint: people pleasing,
perfection or pretending to be Superwoman/man)?

Were you taught how to listen to what your bodies needs and fully nurture yourself? Sadly, most of us didn’t see our parents do so and therefore never learned this skill. Making time daily to nurture your body with the food, rest, and movement it is asking for is necessary to heal and stay healthy. We can’t fully live our purpose or passions or spend time with loved ones if we are burnt out or sick.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Write one small inspired action you will take daily for each area- food, rest,
movement. (Example: Limit wheat, take a 20 min nap or meditation, move 20
minutes each day outside)

Not speaking & acting from your truth can make you depressed, gain weight and sick.Release the need to please others and stop tolerating unacceptable behavior. Moving beyond fear and expressing your needs, wants and soul desires PLUS set and keep healthy boundaries with yourself & others (family, friends, clients, etc.) is key to healing and living a healthy, happy, abundant life.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%

Tips & Tool:

Reflect: Who do you have trouble setting/keeping boundaries or speaking your
truth with? Why? Write one small inspired action you will take in the next week or 2
to set a boundary or speak/be your truth (Example: tell someone how you truly

Perhaps you’re in a relationshipwith someone that doesn’t fully respect you or controls you, but you stay because you’re afraid to be alone or because you don’t believe (on some level) you deserve better. You might also have trouble asking for and receiving support or tend to put others’ needs & desires first. Learn how to attract people that love and honor you for who you are & move on from unfulfilling relationships. We all need positive support, especially when healing or facing other life challenges. It’s necessary for your health, healing and happiness. You deserve to have loving, honoring, fulfilling relationships.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Write a divine friend, partner, healer/coach, or boss/employee list. The qualities that
are most important to you (Example: supportive, kind, adventurous, etc.). Read it

Your life experiences and the challenges you face are often the catalyst for youto discover & liveyour purpose. On the flip side, not living your purpose and making time for your passions can create negative symptoms–weight, pain, depression, and other chronic illness. Taking time to discover and nurture your passions and purpose is essential to being healthy, happy, andliving an abundant life.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Reflect: What lights you up? What do you love to do OR did you love to do as a child?
Perhaps something you have always wanted to try. Write one small action you will take
in the next 1-2 weeks to cultivate thispurpose or passions and write it in on your

What is your relationship with money? Do you feel positive, abundant or struggle with feelings of lack, scarcity or even shame?Discover your money blocks and learn tools to shift to an abundance mindset so you can create an easeful relationship with money, be a contribution to yourself and others, do what you love, and let the money flow.

How are you doing with this key?

0( ------|5------) 10

I need a lot of support I got this 100%


Reflect: What did you see, hear, and experience while growing up regarding
money? What beliefs do you think you hold about money given your past? Write
them down and then write an opposite/truth. Example: I never have enough
money vs. I always have an abundance of money flowing into my life.

On your journey to a vibrant body and abundant life, I also recommend to listen to a guided therapeutic meditation practice 1-3x/day to support you to heal 100% in all life areas. You can find a sample practice on your Starter Kit page.

Yes, you really CAN heal 100% in all areas of your life.

I’ve successfully worked with clients who’ve had the following diagnoses - Fibromyalgia,
chronic fatigue, brain fog, excess weight, M.S., headaches/migraines, pain, stomach issues,
depression, insomnia, anxiety, thyroid issues, cancer and more.

If you have a question or would just like to say hello, I would love to hear from you.

You can reach me at .

Sending you so much love and courage to walk your healing path.

xoxo Tanya 

I’m Tanya Penny and for 25 years of my life, I experienced anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and carried extra weight. In 2004, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That was my wake-up call to look at some deeper issues in need of love, attention, and release, that medications, lifestyle changes, and medical interventions couldn’t touch. It wasn’t easy (I had to peel back the layers and really look into myself) and it wasn’t quick (it took years), but I healed. I believe there is a place and a time for doctors and Western medicine, but if you are 100% committed to healing all areas of your life, your soul is called to go on a journey as well. Now, I teach the 10 Keys to a Vibrant Body & Abundant Life, trusting that it will find its way into the hearts and lives of those who need it, and are ready to take the journey.

©2017 Tanya Penny