CH. 18

1.  Imperialism; 3 factors that led to US imperialism

2.  Jose Marti

3.  yellow journalism

4.  Rough Riders

5.  Spanish-American War: who fought? where?

6.  Treaty of Paris: terms? How did the US begin to create an empire? (what territories were gained?)

7.  Foraker Act

8.  Emilio Aguinaldo

9.  Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency: when did he gain power?

10.  Open Door Policy: who, what, about which country?

11.  Panama Canal construction: in which country?

12.  Roosevelt Corollary: idea behind it? was an addition to what previous document? 2 examples of?

13.  dollar diplomacy: idea, which president?

14.  missionary diplomacy: idea, which president?

15.  America’s 3 foreign policy goals in early 1900s

CH. 19

16.  Triple Entente

17.  Triple Alliance

18.  event that sparked WWI?

19.  4 causes of WWI

20.  No man’s land

21.  US involvement in WWI – reasons for it? which alliance does US side with?

22.  1916 election – winner, campaign promise

23.  3 “actual overt acts” that prompted US involvement in WWI

24.  German U-boats

25.  Convoy system

26.  American Expeditionary Forces(AEF): what, nickname, leader

27.  Conscientious objector

28.  War Industries Board (WIB)

29.  Espionage and Sedition Acts

30.  Great Migration: what, 3 factors that led to it

31.  Poland – what country had lad taken from it to create this new nation?

32.  NEW countries created after WWI

33.  Zimmermann notes

34.  Fourteen Points; League of Nations – did the US join?

35.  Treaty of Versailles: war-guilt clause – who was blamed? 3 failures of treaty?

36.  4 results of WWI for the US; 1 major result for Europe

CH. 20

37.  Red Scare

38.  Palmer Raids

39.  Sacco and Vanzetti case

40.  1920 election – winner, campaign promise

41.  isolationism

42.  communism

43.  Teapot Dome scandal: what was it? which president did it affect?

44.  Fordney-McCumber tariff

CH. 21

45.  “roaring twenties”

46.  Prohibition: what is it? which amendments?

47.  Al Capone: who was he? where did he operate?

48.  Women’s suffrage: what is it? which amendment?

49.  Fundamentalism

50.  Scopes “monkey” trial: what was it about? How does it represent changing cultural trends in the US?

51.  Flappers

52.  Gertrude Ederle

53.  Charles Lindbergh

54.  1st animated movie w/ sound

55.  Harlem Renaissance

56.  Marcus Garvey/UNIA

57.  WEB DuBois/NAACP

58.  Jazz music – birthplace?

59.  Bessie Smith

CH. 22

60.  3 problems that hurt 1920s prosperity

61.  McNary-Haugen Bill – what, why Coolidge vetoed?

62.  1928 presidential election – winner

63.  Dow Jones Industrial Average: what does it measure?

64.  bull market, bear market

65.  Black Tuesday: date, what happened

66.  4 causes of the Great Depression

67.  Dust Bowl

68.  “rugged individualism:” who, what

69.  Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

70.  Bonus March – what, why, Hoover’s reaction, impact

71.  Patman Bill

CH. 23

72.  1932 presidential election – winner

73.  3 goals of the New Deal; what was the impact of this plan?

74.  FDR’s 1st action - bank holiday

75.  New Deal agencies: AAA, CCC, SEC, NYA, SSA

76.  New Deal critics – Long, Coughlin

77.  Court-packing bill: what, why

78.  Frances Perkins

79.  Marian Anderson

80.  New Deal coalition

81.  “War of the Worlds”

82.  Federal Writers’ Project – Wright, Steinbeck, Slave Narratives

83.  Federal Art Project – Wood’s American Gothic

84.  impact of the New Deal

CH. 24

85.  European dictators (5): who? where did the gain power? What circumstances allowed them to rise to power?

86.  Causes of WWII

87.  US involvement in WWII – which alliance does US side with?

88.  Events/issues that prompted the US to get involved in war

89.  totalitarianism

90.  Mein Kampf – goals Hitler listed

91.  Spanish Civil War – Franco’s role? what countries aided him?

92.  FDR – against isolationism; what did he want to do instead? why?

93.  Neutrality Acts

94.  Which country does Hitler take over first during WWII?

95.  Munich Agreement – what, what 3 countries signed it?

96.  Blitzkrieg

97.  Vichy, France

98.  Kristallnacht

99.  Final Solution

100. Tripartite Act: which nations signed it?

101. Lend-lease policy

102. wolf packs/u-boats

103. Pearl Harbor: date? what events led up to it?

104. Atlantic Charter – who, what, key points

105. Holocaust – phases, goals, examples

106. Nazi ideology – beliefs about race