JANUARY 1, 2014

TUITION for the 2014-2015 school year is $13,700.00


PLAN A - PAYMENT IN FULLon or before August 1, 2014. This Plan includes a $100.00 discount for payment in full within 30 days.

PLAN B - SEMESTER PAYMENTS60% of tuition on or before August 1, 2014 and the 40% balance on or before December 1, 2014.

PLAN C - MONTHLY PAYMENTS beginning July 1, 2014 for ten (10) months. This plan includes a $100.00 annual processing fee. Monthly payments must be made viaautomatic deduction from your bank account (checking or savings). Available payment dates are monthly on the 1stor 3rd Monday of each month or bi-monthly (equally split) on the 1stand 3rd Mondays of each month.


A non-refundable deposit of $1,000 is due with student registration upon receiving notification of acceptance from Salesianum. This deposit is deducted from the full payment (Plan A). The deposit will be deducted from the tuition amount when calculating semester payments for Plan B and the monthly payments for Plan C.

3. FEES:Application Fee - Incoming Freshmen/Transfer Student $ 65.00

Registration Fee - All Students $175.00

Ten Week Club Non-participation Fee$150.00 (only charged if required

tickets are NOT sold)

Senior Fee $100.00

Fees are separate from Tuition and are also non-refundable. The Registration Fee is due March 3, with the Tuition and Transportation Contracts. Fees billed in July are due, in full, August 1st for paymentplan A; for payment Plan B, fees will be subject to the 60%/40% payment schedule. Feeswill bedebited with tuition for those on payment plan C. Other fees related to specific courses and/or activities charged through the Finance Office on the student’s account are subject to the financial policies disclosed on this addendum, including but not limited to late charges and hold on grades. Fees charged during the school year are subject to the payment terms stated on the invoice.


Students are enrolled for the full academic year and no adjustments of tuition or fees can be made by Salesianum for absences, withdrawals or dismissals.Once your son has been registered for school, written authorization is required to transfer or withdraw your son. You must notify the school, in writing, of your intent to transfer or withdraw your son even during the summer months between school sessions. The following tuition requirements apply depending on the date of termination:

Date of Termination:On or before August 1, 2014No Tuition is due

After August 1,2014100%of Tuition is due

Parents who have not paid the full amount due as of the applicable termination date remain responsible for the balance due.


Late charges of 1½ % per month will be assessed on all balances outstanding over 30 days, with a minimum late charge of $10.00. Late charges will continue to accrue for each month the payment is late.

A fee of $35.00 is assessed on all checks and automatic debits returned for non-sufficient funds. Two (2) returned checks will result in the requirement of payments by cash, certified check or money order. Two (2) returned automatic debit payments will place the account in default and require payment of the remaining balance in full.


An account is delinquent if the parent has not fulfilled his/her financial obligations under this contract. Accounts delinquent over 60 days are subject to collection. Parents will be responsible for all expenses of collection, including attorney’s fees, to the extent permitted by law, and hereby consent to personal jurisdiction in the State of Delaware for enforcement of the terms of this Agreement.

SalesianumSchool reserves the right to deny re-admission for the following school year if a financial loss to the school has been caused by breach of a tuition contract.

SalesianumSchool reserves the right to withhold transcripts and other student records, including diplomas, if tuition and fees are not paid when due.


Families that encounter problems meeting their financial obligations need to contact Salesianum immediately at (302) 654-2495, extension 124.


Financial aid (need based) is available from funds generated by endowment, foundation grants and annual giving. To be considered for Financial Aid, parents must file a PFS (Parents’ Financial Statement). You may apply online at beginning November 1, 2013. Applications must be filed with the SSS (School and Student Service for Financial Aid) by December 15, 2013 for the 2014-2015 school year. In addition, each applicant is required to submit a copy of his or her 2013 Income Tax Return to SSS by April 1, 2014. Applicants must reapply for Financial Aid each year.


Four year partial academic scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen who achieve the highest national percentile composite scores on the December Placement Test. Each student awarded an academic scholarship must maintain a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 each semester and not be placed on disciplinary probation for any reason. Students falling below the 3.00 GPA standard or who are placed on disciplinary probation will receive two warnings; if they miss either of these standards three times (either in a row or in separate semesters) they will forfeit their scholarship.


For students using Salesianum Transportation, charges will be added to a student’s account in July. Payments are included in the Payment Plan schedule chosen for Tuition. Delaware students living more than two miles from Salesianum that do not use Salesianum Transportation currently receive a State of Delaware subsidy payment (one per family). Families will be given the opportunity to donate their subsidy to Salesianum’s Annual Fund or receive the subsidy payment by check.