TO:Iowa FBLA Chapters and Advisers

TO:Iowa FBLA Chapters and Advisers

TO:Iowa FBLA Chapters and Advisers

FROM:State Committee

SUBJECT:Event Sponsorship & Business Contributions

The State Committee is asking for your assistance in acquiring award sponsorships for the State Leadership Conference. Not only will these contributions provide award certificates and trophies for our students at SLC, they will also assist in obtaining matching funds from the Department of Education through Carl Perkins Funds. These matching funds are critical for the operation of Iowa FBLA.

Therefore, we are asking that each chapter obtain at least two $110 sponsorships/business contributions—more would be appreciated!! Your chapter may organize this in any manner. For example, you may collect $55 from 4 different businesses to meet the total $220 contribution. REMEMBER…..this is a requirement to be eligible for the Lloyd V. Douglas Chapter of the Year and there are recognition awards at SLC for the chapter that obtains the most business contributions.

Chapters that have been most successful with this fund raising activity have made it a requirement for their officer team. You may find the attached information helpful when students are going into the community to solicit contributions. The businesses are more apt to contribute if a student is asking for the money rather than receiving a letter.

If your students are having difficulty raising the required funds, your chapter may contribute the $220 sponsorship.

Please return the Event Sponsorship Form (with money) by March 1, 2017to:

Kathy Larson

2865 Highland Drive

Marion, IA 52302




Chapter Adviser

Sponsor Name

Contact Name for Thank You


City, State, ZIP

Phone Number

Sponsorship Amount $______

Chapter Adviser

Sponsor Name

Contact Name for Thank You


City, State, ZIP

Phone Number

Sponsorship Amount $______

Chapter Adviser

Sponsor Name

Contact Name for Thank You


City, State, ZIP

Phone Number

Sponsorship Amount $______

Total Amount Enclosed$

Please send by March 1, 2017. Make checks payable to Iowa FBLA.

Send to:

Kathy Larson

2865 Highland Drive

Marion, IA 52302


Company Name



City, State Zip Code

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a national non-profit organization designed to help students become more successful in the business world. This year Iowa FBLA is undertaking a program seeking sponsorship for its annual Spring State Awards Program. Iowa FBLA is also seeking business contributions to meet matching State Department of Education funds that will assist in running the state chapter. We hope you will be able to help in recognizing the first-, second-, and third-place winners by sponsoring an award this year and contributing to the matching funds.

The Awards Program is held each spring at the State Leadership Conference. This year the Conference will be held at the Coralville Marriott in Coralville, Iowa. Competition takes place in various subject areas such as: public speaking, accounting, parliamentary procedure, job interview, entrepreneurship, computer applications, programming, and information processing.

You can help provide an excellent opportunity to recognize these individuals by sponsoring a state award and business contribution for only $110 per year. This contribution is tax deductible since FBLA has a non-profit designation (this status was received in a letter from the IRS in 1971). Your business name and city will be listed in the State Leadership Conference program.

Sponsors last year were (include your sponsors from last year).

A local chapter officer will call later this week to set up an appointment with you to explain more about the organization and receive your contribution.


Your Chapter President’s Name, President

Your School Name FBLA Chapter


Company Name



City, IA Zip Code

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you for sponsoring the Competitive Events Awards Program for the Iowa State Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America and contributing the matching State Department of Education funds. A receipt for your contribution is enclosed.

The Iowa FBLA State Leadership Conference will be held at the Coralville Marriott in Coralville, Iowa during the spring. The award for the event you sponsored will be presented by the state officers at the Awards Assembly. You are invited to attend this event at the Coralville Marriott Ballroom. Your company name, city, and state will appear in the conference program.

You have made it possible for Iowa FBLA to achieve its goal of recognizing more outstanding future business leaders. If you wish to attend our Spring Awards Program, please let me know.

Sincerely yours,

(President’s Name)


(Your School Name) Chapter FBLA
