Title: TerrAqua Column


To model the link between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; to examine relationships between organisms in an ecosystem; to observe the maturation of an ecosystem over time while recording and analyzing data


2 2-liter soda bottles

Soil without fertilizers

Clean sand


1-2 Elodea stalks


Grass seeds

Metric ruler


Old nylons

Graduated cylinder

Litmus paper

File folder

Data sheets

Observation journal

Book tape

Rubber bands



Day 1

1.  Prepare the soda bottles by following the steps provided. The teacher will help you make the initial cuts.

2.  DO NOT TAPE bottles together until Day 2 when you have added the components of the water system.

3.  Create a file folder with your team’s name and the full names of all four of the team members. This is where you will keep your observations and data sheet.

4.  Write your team’s name on each bottle part, as small as possible so that it can still be read.

Day 2

Water Environment

1.  Add 100 cm3 of sand to the bottom of bottle part C.

2.  Add 800 ml of river water to part C.

3.  Place Elodea plants (two stalks), duckweed, and water snail in part C.

4.  Record initial observations on the data table provided.

5.  Tape Part B to Part C with book tape.

Terrestrial Environment

6.  Place a piece of old nylon over the cap end of the bottle (part A). Attach nylon tightly with rubber band.

7.  Invert part A, set on top of part C and add 200 cm3 of sand.

8.  Add 200 cm3 of soil on top of sand layer.

9.  COUNT exactly 100 grass seeds and plant them 6 mm below the surface of the soil.

10.  Water part A with 30 ml of water every 10 minutes to allow the water to soak into the soil. Stop watering when soil appears to be wet throughout.

11.  Record initial data in the table provided.

On-going observations every M,W, & F for the next 4 weeks.

1.  Record the required data in the data tables provided.

2.  Water the terrestrial environment with 30 ml of water every Friday (record this data on table.)

3.  Write in your observation journal about the changes that are occurring in your aquatic &/or terrestrial environments.

4.  For the first journal entry, sketch the column, label the components, and color the sketch.


Use the data tables provided to recode all data.

Data Analysis / Calculations:

Calculate the following:

1.  % germination of grass seeds = number sprouted / 100 (number planted)

2.  Average pH over the course of the observation period.

3.  Overall growth of the Elodea plants in mm/day.

4.  Water lost from the system during the observation period in ml.

5.  Growth rate of the grass in mm/day.


Write 4 conclusions: Hypothesis, Learned. Sources of Error, and Applications

Lab Write-Up

Using the lab template posted on the web-page, follow all guide lines & be

sure that all parts are IN ORDER!

Part 1 DUE ______


Purpose copy from handout

Materials copy list from handout

Hypothesis make a hypothesis about 1 of the 5 variables being observed

Procedure copy from handout

Part 2 DUE ______

Data table complete and place tables in the correct order in your write-up

Observation journal record observations in your observation journal for every

observation day. These entries will be checked periodically during the

duration of the lab. Word process all journal entries for the final write-up AND staple the original entries to the back of the write-up when it is turned in.

Data Analysis / Calculations include in the write-up where calculations are

found on the template. SHOW ALL WORK, handwritten if preferred,

paste into the lab write-up in the Calculations section.

Conclusions Write 4 conclusions: Hypothesis, Learned. Sources of Error, Applications. Leave the headings that are on the template, & include in your


___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1 Due date______

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2 Due date ______Final, Parts I and 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)

TerrAqua Column

___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)

TerrAqua Column

___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)

TerrAqua Column

___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)

TerrAqua Column

___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)

TerrAqua Column

___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)

TerrAqua Column

___/100 Grading Rubric

___/12 word processed, neat

___/10 in order/followed directions

___/32 Part 1

___/2 Title

___/2 Purpose

___/2 Materials

___/10 Hypothesis

___/10 Procedure

___/3 Journal 1 check

___/3 Journal 2 check

___/46 Part 2

___/12 Data table

___/6 Observation Journal

___/6 Journal originals stapled to end of lab

___/10 Calculations (2 each)

___/12 Conclusions (3 each)