Title:Our Government
Developed by: Sarah Metz



Students will create a Power Point Presentation about the leaders of our local, state, and national governments.


Two one hour classes

Content Area: Social Studies / Grade Level: 2
Microsoft Power Point / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §113.4.12 (A, B)
Technology Applications - §126.2.7 (A, B)


  1. Open Microsoft Power Point.
  2. Click in the title textbox and type in: Our Government.
  3. Click in the subtitle textbox and type in: Your name.
  4. Go to Save As… and save the presentation
  5. Go to Start>Programs>Internet Explorer>ETRIP>Research Tools>Search Engines.
  6. Search for: Capitol.
  7. Select a graphic to add to the title page.
  8. Right click on the image you want and select Copy.
  9. Return to your slide, right-click and select Paste.
  10. If you want to graphic to serve as the background for the page:
  11. Select the graphic.
  12. Click on Draw>Order>Send to back.
  13. Resize the graphic to fit the slide.
  14. Go to File>Save.
  15. Click on the New Slide icon.
  16. Click in the Title textbox and type in: Credits.
  17. Go back to the website where you copied the picture.
  18. Click on the web address to select it.
  19. Right-click on the web address and select Copy.
  20. Return to the new Creditsslide.
  21. Click the in bulleted list textbox.
  22. Right-click and select Paste to insert to web address for the first picture.
  23. Click back on your first slide to select it.
  24. Click on the New Slide icon. The Credits slide should be last.
  25. Click in the Title textbox and type in: Government Leaders.
  26. Click in the bulleted list textbox and type:
  27. City – Mayor
  28. State – Governor
  29. Nation – President
  30. Locate a graphic image to add to this slide. (Click on Internet Explorer in the Task Bar at the bottom of the page and follow Steps 6-9.)
  31. Remember to copy the web address for the new image to the Credits slide. (Steps 13-18.)
  32. Add another new slide.
  33. Click in the Title textbox and type: Mayor.
  34. Click in the content box and type in the definition of Mayor and his job responsibilities.
  35. Insert a graphic of a city and move it to the right side of the slide.
  36. Use WordArt to create the names of two cities near you.
  37. Go to Slide Show>Custom Animations.
  38. Click on the name of one city.
  39. Click on Add Effect >Entrance.
  40. Select the effect you want (diamond).
  41. Set Start Time: to After Previous.
  42. Set the Speed: to Medium.
  43. Click on the second city’s name and repeat steps 32-35.
  44. Create another new slide.
  45. In the Title textbox, type: Governor.
  46. Click in the content box and type in the definition of Governor and his job responsibilities.
  47. Insert a graphic of Texas and move it to the right side of the slide.
  48. Use WordArt to add the word Texas to the slide.
  49. Add a custom animation effect to Texas. (Steps 31-35.)
  50. Create another slide.
  51. Click in the Title textbox and type: President.
  52. Click in the content box and type in the definition of President and his job responsibilities.
  53. Insert of graphic map of the United States and move it to the right side of the slide.
  54. Use WordArt to add the words United States to the slide.
  55. Add a custom animation effect to United States.
  56. Create another slide with the Title only layout.
  57. Use WordArt to create a title: Our Government.
  58. Insert a map of the United States from ClipArt.
  59. Then insert a map of Texas from ClipArt.
  60. Resize Texas to fit the U.S. map and move it to the correct location.
  61. Click on AutoShapes in the Drawing Toolbar and select Stars and Banners.
  62. Select the 5-point Star and draw a star where Waco is located on the Texas map.
  63. Fill the star with yellow.
  64. Use WordArt to add the following labels:
  65. Country
  66. President
  67. State
  68. Governor
  69. City
  70. Mayor
  71. Click on the U.S. map and add the custom animation named Flash Bulb.
  72. Set Start: to On click and the Speed: to Medium.
  73. Click on the WordArt for Country to select it.
  74. Add the effect named Expand.
  75. Set Start: to With previous and Speed: to Fast.
  76. Click on President to select it and add the same effects as steps 61-62.
  77. Click on the Texasmap to select it.
  78. Add the same effects as in steps 58-59 (U.S. map.)
  79. Click on State and add the effects in steps 61-62.
  80. Click on Governor and repeat steps 61-62.
  81. Click on the yellow star and add the effects in steps 58-59.
  82. Click on City and add the effects in steps 61-62.
  83. Click on Mayor and add the effects in steps 61-62.
  84. Check your Credits slide to insure if you used graphics from any websites, you copied and pasted the web addresses onto this page to give them credit for the images.
  85. Click back on Slide 1.
  86. Go to Insert>Movies and Sounds>Sound from Clip Organizer.
  87. Select a patriotic song and double click to add it to the slide.
  88. Click Yes when asked if it should start automatically.
  89. Click on the speaker icon that appears in the center of the slide and move it to the gray border area around the slide.
  90. Save your presentation.
  91. If desired, print a handout of the presentation.


Our Government Rubric
Skills Expectations / Points Possible / Points Earned
All slides completed / 50
Effects working / 30
Spelling corrected / 20
Total / 100
Students create only slides with the basic information and omit effects. / Extensions:
Students can add the names of the current leaders for each level of government.
Additional Resources:
Ben’s Guide to Government for Kids -

First Gov for Kids --


Computer Fundamentals

Computer Fundamentals:
Identify basic computer hardware and peripheral devices: / 
Disk Drive / R
File Server / I
Demonstrate Appropriate Care and Use of Computers and Technology
Mouse, Keyboard, and Monitor / R / X
Shift key, Arrow keys, Spacebar, Backspace, Enter / R / X
Demonstrate Computer Management Skills
Save Files to the Server / I / X
Use Online Help / I
Ethical/Legal Issues
Follow Acceptable Use Policy / R
Copyright & Plagiarism / I
Use proper keyboarding techniques. / R
Demonstrate touch keyboarding techniques for operating the alpha, numeric, punctuation, and symbol keys. / I
Locate and use letters beyond home row / I



Manage Presentations / 
the skills utilized in the project
Create a presentation from a template / I
Save a presentation / I / X
Add slides / I / X
Move through a presentation (using mouse or arrow keys) / I / X
Add Objects
Add/arrange text and graphics / I / X
Customize the presentation
Add transitions / I / X
Write any additional skills taught in the project / Animation Themes
Custom Animations