Turner Middle School

Title I Family Engagement


The Title I Parent Resource Center, located in LC1 (1st portable in the parking lot next to the cafeteria), is open daily between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm. OurParent Outreach Facilitatoris Dr. Carol Lobban. Title I Parents, come by and check out the educational information available for you. We also have information on community resources available for our families.

ParentAdvisory Committee Meeting– August 22, 2017 at 6:00 pm

The purpose of this meeting is to review and discuss our school’s Title I program. We will cover some topics together as a large group and others in smaller groups. This way you will have an opportunity to ask questions, provide input and participate in more detailed discussions.

Open House “ Mix and Mingle” Night – August 22, 2017 at 7:00 pm

The purpose of our open house “mix and mingle” night is for families to meet their students’ teachers, get an overview of important school policies, curriculum expectations, as well as, school initiatives.

Title I Family Orientation- September 7, 2017

The purpose of this meeting is to review and discuss our school’s Title I program. We will cover some topics together as a large group and others in smaller groups. This way you will have an opportunity to ask questions, provide input and participate in more detailed discussions.

Social Studies/Diversity Family Night- October 12, 2017

This workshop will assist families in developing skills to raise positive family relationships and enrich academic support and growth through the use of safe technology. We will also provide information on the 2014-2015 middle school science fair.

STEM/Math Family Movie Night –November 17, 2017

Our Math Carnival will support different mathematical areas through games and activities. Our aim is to focus on basic math and logical concepts through entertaining and engaging families/students/teachers in an inviting atmosphere.

Science Night –December 7, 2017

Our Science Night will afford parents an opportunity to view some of their students’ science exhibits, as well as, expose parents to some of the scientific concepts their students are learning in an entertaining and engaging setting.

Parent Advisory Council Meeting- February 7, 2018

The purpose of our PAC is to ensure effective involvement of all families and to support the partnership between school, parent and community stakeholders.

Milestones Testing Early Prep- February 7, 2018

The GMAS Early Preparation Family Workshop will allow parents to have plenty of time to work with their student/s to ensure a successful pass. Workshop presenters will provide test-taking strategies, student testing tips, and supplemental materials for student use at home.

Parent Advisory Council Meeting-May 3, 2018

The purpose of our PAC is to ensure effective involvement of all families and to support the partnership between school, families and community stakeholders.

5th Grade Middle School Orientation- May 10, 2018

Turner Middle Schools’ Parent Resource Center Available during the 2017-2018 School Year

Turner Middle School

Title I Family Engagement


Reunión del Consejo Asesor de Padres--de augusto 22, 2017 Para asegurar la participación efectiva detodos los padres delos niños participantesde Título Iy apoyar lacolaboraciónentre la escuela, los padresy los interesados de la comunidad.

Noche Familiar de Lectura/Lenguaje- de augusto 22,2017 el propósito de nuestra casa es “mezclar y mezclarse noche es para familias reunirse sus estudiantes los profesores obtienen una visión general de las políticas escolares importantes as expectativos de currículo a si como las iniciativas escolares.

Oreintacion de Titulo I – de septiembre 7, 2017– El propósito de esta reunión es par repasar y discutir los programas de Titulo I de nuestra escuela. Platicaremos algunos temas como grupo genera y otros en pequeños grupos. De esta manera usted tendrá la oportunidad e hacer preguntas, dar su opinión y participar en la platica.

Estudios Sociales/Noche Multicultural de Familia (Taller conducido por Estudiantes)de octubre 12, 2017Vamos aagarrar ycelebrar la diversidada través de lostalentos denuestros estudiantes.Estetaller tambiénmotivara a los padresy estudiantes a sermás productivosen la comunidaden la que vivimos, mediante el apoyo, cariño y respeto mutuo.

STEM/CMatemáticas- denoviembre 17, 2017-NuestroCarnavalde Matemáticasapoyarádiversasáreas de las matemáticasa través de juegosy actividades.Nuestro objetivoes centrarse enlas matemáticas básicasy los conceptoslógicosa través de ser entretenido y atractivo parapadre/estudiante/maestro en un ambienteacogedor.

Ciencia Noche - de diciembre7, 2017 Nuestra Noche de Ciencias ofrecerá a los padres la oportunidad de ver algunas de las exposiciones científicas de sus estudiantes, además de exponer a los padres a algunos de los conceptos científicos que sus estudiantes están aprendiendo en un ambiente entretenido y atractivo.

Reunión del Consejo Asesor de Padres –de febrero 7, 2018- Para asegurar la participación efectiva detodos los padres delos niños participantesde Título Iy apoyar lacolaboraciónentre la escuela, los padresy los interesados de la comunidad.

Preparación Temprana para los Examenes “Georgia Milestone” –defebrero7, 2018- Este taller dePreparaciónpara los nuevos exámenes permitirá alos padres a tenerun montón detiempo para trabajar consus hijospara asegurarun paseexitoso.Los presentadores del tallerofreceránestrategias en como tomar el examen, consejos estudiantiles,y materialessuplementariospara que los estudiantes usen en su hogar.

Reunión del Consejo Asesor de Padres--de mayo 3, 2018- Para asegurar la participación efectiva detodos los padres delos niños participantesde Título Iy apoyar lacolaboraciónentre la escuela, los padresy los interesados de la comunidad.

5to Grado Escuela Media - Orientación a discreción del Distrito de mayo 10, 2018

Centro de Recursos para Padres Turner Escuelas ' disponible durante el año escolar 2017-2018

Resources available for parents:

  • Playaways (books on MP3 Player)
  • Study Buddies (handheld electronic game-ELA and Math)
  • Flash Master (handheld electronic game focusing on addition, subtraction, division and multiplications)
  • Laptop Computers for parents to checkout
  • Student homework station with materials available.
  • Pamphlets/ brochures/books available on social issues for parents to checkout/ keep
  • Flashcards-( addition, subtraction, division and multiplications)
  • Educational board games (scrabble-with dictionary, blokus….)
  • List of community resources with business cards, flyers….
  • DVD’s
  • Workbooks for parents to checkout/keep
  • List of helpful websites
  • Parent magazines and Parent Post from DCSS
  • Free books from the public library for parent/student to keep
  • GED Books (English and Spanish)
  • Physical Science and Earth Science CD Rom with study card kits

Carol Lobban

ILT/Parent Outreach Facilitator

Turner Middle School
