1.Which of the following types of business ownership would help a quick-serve restaurant by taxing its owners as individuals:

A.Open corporation C.Franchise

B.Subchapter "S" corporation D.General partnership

2.Products that go straight from producers to consumers are using ______channels of distribution.

A.indirect C.unusual

B.direct D.unsatisfactory

3.Customer satisfaction, employee contentment, and profit can be directly linked to

A.paying higher wages than competitors.C.prestigious pricing strategies.

B.ethical business practices.D.automated distribution centers.

4.Providing quality customer service is one reason why quick-serve restaurants often coordinate distribution with other

A.marketing activities.C.staffing procedures.

B.operating techniques. D.business objectives.

5.What channel strategy would provide the best market coverage for a producer that wants to distribute its new product?

A.Inclusive distributionC.Exclusive distribution

B.Selective distribution D.Intensive distribution

6.The reason a quick-serve restaurant executive might do research and write proposals is to

A.understand complex data. C.investigate resources.

B.organize information. D.provide recommendations.

7.All calls coming into a quick-serve restaurant should end as pleasantly as possible in order to

A.help you to get a good review.C.leave a good last impression with callers.

B.make the best use of your time.D.provide callers with accurate information.

8.One reason food vendors often use note cards when making oral presentations to quick-serve restaurant managers is because the cards help them to

A.remember key points. C.write down questions.

B.look important. D.memorize the data.

9.What section of a long, formal business report contains the author's opinions?


B.Summary D.Introduction

10.What can quick-serve restaurant employees do to help provide good service to customers?

A.Offer discounts. C.Plan events.

B.Lower prices. D.Resolve problems.

11.In a quick-serve restaurant, what method of checking incoming goods is described as follows: Instead of checking all containers, the receiving worker spot checks containers to determine the acceptability of the entire shipment.

A.Direct check C.Blind check

B.Quality check D.Random check

12.Which of the following is it important for quick-serve restaurant employees to check when inspecting food deliveries:

A.Texture of processed cheese productsC.Taste of various soft drinks

B.Thickness of all hamburger pattiesD.Temperature of refrigerated items

13.A quick-serve restaurant received a shipment in which several items had been damaged. When the quick-serve restaurant sends the items back to the vendor in order to receive credit, what form should accompany them?

A.Loan C.Routing

B.Consignment D.Charge-back

14.Quick-serve restaurants usually store perishable products, such as meat, dairy items, and fruit, in which of the following types of storage facilities:

A.Ordinary warehousesC.Cold storage

B.Bulk storage D.Commodity warehouses

15.On September 3rd, a quick-serve restaurant distributor had a devastating stockroom fire, but the business was able to file an immediate insurance claim because it had up-to-date inventory records supplied by its

A.perpetual inventory system.C.vendors.

B.July 1st inventory count.D.previous tax return.

16.Calculate the inventory shrinkage in units from the following information: June 1 periodic stock count, 900; units purchased in June, 750; units sold in June, 800; July 1 periodic count, 832.

A.18 units C.100 units

B.15 units D.118 units

17.Which of the following is an example of a distribution process that encourages repeat customers:

A.Accurate packing and order-checking systems

B.Restocking fees for returned merchandise

C.Consistent back orders on common items

D.Extensive lead times for shipping dates

18.A person who decides to see a movie at a theater is satisfying a(n) ______want.


B.unlimited D.noneconomic

19.Which of the following determines whether consumers can buy goods or services:

A.Buying powerC.Competition

B.Labor costs D.Production costs

20.Countries whose governments provide citizens with free medical care, education, and other benefits often are referred to as ______states.

A.capitalist C.consumer

B.welfare D.military

21.When quick-serve restaurants use what they charge for their food items to attract customers, they are using ______competition.


B.unethical D.price

22.A market in which businesses sell products that are basically identical is an example of

A.free enterprise. C.monopolistic competition.

B.perfect competition. D.limited socialism.

23.What is a technique that quick-serve restaurant chains use to increase their employees' job satisfaction?

A.Limited work assignmentsC.Constant supervision

B.Repetition of tasks D.Flexible work schedules

24.Based on the following information, calculate the marginal cost of producing each item: total cost is $35,500 with zero quantity produced, and $589,900 with eight employees producing 275 items.

A.$2,000 C.$2,016

B.$2,145 D.$2,190

25.What usually decreases when the economy is experiencing a period of contraction?

A.Cost of living C.Interest rates

B.Unemployment D.Consumer spending

26.To be effective change leaders, quick-serve restaurant employees must know how to

A.enforce rules. C.dominate the group.

B.coach others. D.ignore objections.

27.To develop effective political relationships within a large, quick-serve restaurant chain, it is important for an individual to

A.go around the boss. C.be a team player.

B.avoid the grapevine. D.ignore conflict.

28.What is the major reason that quick-serve restaurant employees lose their jobs?

A.They are unable to communicate. C.They cannot carry out job tasks.

B.They are unable to get along with others.D.They lack technical knowledge.

29.A group of quick-serve restaurant employees doing research and preparing a report to recommend that the restaurant chain change certain policies is an example of using

A.management. C.persuasion.

B.leadership. D.enthusiasm.

30.What credit legislation requires businesses to give consumers specific information pertaining to credit such as amount financed, interest rates, payment schedules, and penalties?

A.Equal Credit Opportunity ActC.Fair Credit Billing Act

B.Truth-in-Lending ActD.Fair Credit Reporting Act

31.Ali is borrowing $275,000 from a bank to open an ice-cream stand. So Ali understands the terms of the loan, the bank outlines the terms in a formal agreement and requires Ali to sign it. This is an example of a financial

A.proposal. C.contract.

B.warranty. D.referral.

32.Identify a speculative risk that might result in financial loss for a quick-serve restaurant and cause it to fail.

A.Paying a high premiumC.Facing a lawsuit

B.Rebuilding after a fire D.Adding a new location

33.A decrease in the availability of food items or ingredients that a quick-serve restaurant needs in order to operate is an example of ______risk.

A.cumulative C.marketing

B.human D.economic

34.When preparing cash flow statements, quick-serve restaurants include cash coming in as well as

A.revenues. C.payments.

B.sales. D.deposits.

35.The difference between a budgeted amount and an actual amount is called

A.a variance. C.a safety net.

B.the balance sheet. D.financial evaluation.

36.Total expenses subtracted from gross profit equals

A.cost of goods sold.C.variable expenses.

B.fixed expenses. D.net profit.

37.What information should a quick-serve restaurant owner include on a bank deposit slip?

A.Account number C.Account balance

B.Amount withdrawn D.Social Security number

38.In a preliminary screening of job applicants, the manager of Grimaldi's Carryout Pizza should consider the applicants'

A.background and/or job experience. C.pre-employment test results.

B.personal information. D.list of references.

39.Janet has been asked to prepare guidelines for the new-employee orientation program for the Zippy Hamburger restaurant chain. What would be an appropriate guideline to include?

A.Hold the orientation near a busy work station.

B.Use technical language in your explanations.

C.Provide adequate time for initial training sessions.

D.Instruct new employees to avoid asking questions of coworkers.

40.When coaching quick-serve restaurant employees, it is important to provide them with

A.positive feedback. C.routine criticism.

B.printed materials. D.job restrictions.

41.Why can punishing an employee's undesirable behavior in a quick-serve restaurant result in negative side-effects?

A.Behavioral changes are permanent.

B.People view punishment in the same manner.

C.Workers who crave attention are deterred by discipline.

D.Workers may exhibit hostile behavior towards the disciplinarian.

42.The quick-serve restaurant owner wanted to add a new menu offering but first decided to find out if comparable food items have been successful in similar businesses. Why would the owner need this kind of information?

A.To develop community relationsC.To meet consumers' wants and needs

B.To design attractive displays D.To prepare advertising materials

43.Which of the following is information about customers that quick-serve restaurant chains often monitor in order to make pricing decisions:

A.Supplemental incomeC.Credit rating

B.Personal character D.Buying behavior

44.One reason a chain of taco restaurants assesses the trading area before opening a new location is to determine if

A.the design blends with the community.C.the site is accessible to vendors.

B.there will be a need for advertising.D.there is a sufficient target market.

45.The Tasty Fruit Smoothie chain needs more information in order to define the reason for its research and to decide which direction to take. What type of marketing research would the chain use?


B.Descriptive D.Causal

46.Which of the following is an example of a quick-serve restaurant tabulating the results of a marketing survey:

A.Comparing the results with results from other types of research

B.Analyzing the information to make it useful to the quick-serve restaurant

C.Assigning a numeric value to the various responses on the survey

D.Counting the number of respondents who agreed with the questions

47.In the quick-serve restaurant industry, the business philosophy that states the demands and needs of customers should be the central influence in every area of operation is called the ______concept.

A.customer relationsC.marketing

B.distribution D.product/service management

48.McDonalds' attempt to meet the needs of specific groups of consumers by offering breakfast food, children's meals, and low-fat menu items is an example of ______segmentation.

A.educational C.geographic


49.When identifying a target market, quick-serve restaurants often create a record of information such as age, income level, ethnic background, occupation, and attitudes, which is known as a

A.demographic breakdown. C.preference list.

B.customer profile.D.consumer composite.

50.An effective marketing plan usually contains a section that explains the marketing

A.mix. C.risk.

B.policy. D.concept.

51.A quick-serve restaurant considers segment size, product demand, and potential profitability when it conducts a

A.strategic assessment. C.technology evaluation.

B.trend study. D.market analysis.

52.A quick-serve restaurant reviewing the prices that other quick-serve restaurants are charging for similar menu items, and the types of services they are offering to customers is an example of a quick-serve restaurant conducting a(n) ______analysis.

A.industry C.competitive

B.technological D.relationship

53.What method of forecasting sales is based on expert opinion and personal experience?

A.Qualitative C.Long-term forecasting

B.Quantitative D.Intermediate forecasting

54.Tia wants to open a quick-serve restaurant and must develop a business plan to present to her investors. What are the three major sections of a business plan that Tia should include, so she can present a well-organized document?

A.Projected income report, marketing plan, and SWOT analysis

B.Financial plan, manufacturing plan, and market segment analysis

C.Marketing plan, financial plan, and business situation analysis

D.Business situation analysis, SWOT analysis, and trading area analysis

55.One way for a quick-serve restaurant to measure the effectiveness of its marketing efforts is to compare its sales objectives with

A.financial ratios. C.development procedures.

B.routine goals. D.sales performance.

56.What is one reason why quick-serve restaurants conduct marketing audits?

A.To identify problems C.To target customers

B.To account for funds D.To review procedures

57.When handling robbery situations that occur at a quick-serve restaurant, which of the following information about the assailant is important for employees to observe, write down, and relay to the police:

A.Sex, skin color, height, weight C.Sex, personality, height, weight

B.Sex, eye color, height, name D.Sex, skin color, name, aptitude

58.One technique that quick-serve restaurants use to clean service and work areas in order to kill bacteria is to

A.sanitize with chemicals. C.rinse with soapy water.

B.wash with detergent. D.dry with paper towels.

59.What is the policy that most quick-serve restaurants instruct their employees to follow if they are not sure whether food is spoiled?

A.Test it by tasting a small portion. C.Take no chances, throw it out.

B.Smell it to determine if it smells fresh. D.Serve it, and ask the customer's opinion.

60.Requiring employees to wear appropriate clothing on the job is one way that quick-serve restaurants can maintain a(n)

A.industrial image. C.safe work environment.

B.comfortable atmosphere. D.organized facility.

61.Which of the following is an example of production:

A.Reading a new novel C.Providing home security

B.Purchasing food items D.Answering your home telephone

62.One way for a quick-serve restaurant to determine if it is operating in the most efficient manner is to

A.develop a list of financial objectives. C.hire an international tax consultant.

B.distribute a survey to its competitors. D.evaluate its systems and procedures.

63.Which of the following factors do quick-serve restaurant chains need to consider in order to make a profit even if their sales are good:


B.Policies D.Contracts

64.Which of the following is an activity that might be included in a quick-serve restaurant's preventive maintenance program:

A.Remodeling the dining room C.Replacing light bulbs

B.Rearranging display shelves D.Renovating office area

65.Given the following information, determine whether this quick-serve restaurant's cash register balances at the end of the day: Cash in drawer $195. Cash paid out 5.Opening change fund 50. Cash received 150. Cash on detailed audit strip 150.

A.Shortage exists C.Overage exists

B.Register balances D.Cannot be determined

66.Individuals are more likely to reach their personal goals if they have

A.avoided making the goals too specific.C.analyzed all their personal dreams.

B.had help in setting the goals.D.put their goals in writing.

67.An example of an organization whose members operate quick-serve restaurants is the

A.National Federation of Independent Franchisees.

B.American Marketing Association.

C.Chamber of Commerce of the United States.

D.National Restaurant Association.

68.Quick-serve restaurant employees who use time-management techniques make sure that the first activities they carry out each day are the most ______activities.

A.essential C.unpleasant

B.difficult D.nonessential

69.What type of information is not displayed for the customer on a point-of-sale computer at the time of a payment transaction in a quick-serve restaurant?

A.Items in inventory C.Item discount

B.Description of item D.Item price

70.One reason it is important for quick-serve restaurants to recover their costs is so they can

A.stay in business. C.maximize their losses.

B.pay lower taxes. D.avoid government regulation.

71.Factors that affect the final cost of a product to a quick-serve restaurant are price allowances given by vendors and manufacturers known as


B.advance terms. D.discounts.

72.During which phase of product/service planning might a quick-serve restaurant chain decide to modify a new menu item?

A.Product screening C.Concept testing

B.Test marketingD.Market planning

73.Technological innovations now allow a restaurant-supply company to tailor a standard product to meet the specific needs of quick-serve restaurant chains, which is commonly called

A.mass customization. C.interactive transformation.

B.reverse standardization. D.modified obsolescence.

74.When using synectics to develop unique product ideas for an existing market, a quick-serve restaurant chain might generate ideas by focusing on

A.personal wants. C.general needs.

B.specific details. D.positive attributes.

75.When quick-serve restaurants satisfactorily handle their customers' problems by guaranteeing fast service, fresh food, and accurate order processing, they usually increase

A.customer loyalty. C.consumer complaints.

B.employee morale. D.government intervention.

76.Which of the following might a quick-serve restaurant experience if its products fail to meet government standards:

A.Reduced damageC.Increased expense

B.Increased goodwill D.Reduced liability

77.When identifying menu items and services to provide for its customers, a quick-serve restaurant must first consider the customers'

A.performance levels. C.emotional intelligence levels.

B.credit ratings. D.needs and wants.

78.When a quick-serve restaurant chain provides intangible benefits to add value to its customers' core purchases, it is providing ______services.

A.augmented C.ongoing

B.external D.conditional

79.Which of the following factors is the mostly likely reason for a business to reposition a product that is declining in popularity in the marketplace:

A.Few marketplace competitors C.High research and development costs

B.Stage of the product's life cycle D.Obsolete features and benefits

80.Processing telephone orders may build goodwill and help increase sales, but these services may not be offered by a small, quick-serve restaurant because of

A.increased operating costs. C.sufficient storage facilities.

B.decreased insurance liability. D.its competitors' standards.

81.To determine if an existing brand is conveying the desired image, a quick-serve restaurant chain needs to

A.select a catchy name. C.evaluate its effectiveness.

B.describe its personality. D.develop a brand promise.

82.A business manager's planned sales for June are $7,000. Planned stock for June 1 is $30,000, and planned stock for July 1 is $38,000. What is the dollar amount of planned purchases for June?

A.$38,000C.$ 7,000

B.$ 8,000 D.$15,000

83.What is one way that quick-serve restaurants can ensure continuity of service quality when unexpected situations occur?

A.Keep emergency numbers on the premises.

B.Give managers total control.

C.Prepare a list of routine problems.

D.Develop guidelines for employees to follow.

84.Baskin & Robbins Ice Cream offers many specialty cakes such as the ice-cream Christmas Tree and the Valentine's Heart ice-cream cake. Which type of external factor affecting promotion has prompted the business to promote its products year-round: