Telecommunications Management System

Overview White Paper

May 30, 2014


The Configuration Accounting Information Retrieval System (CAIRS) is a Telecommunications Management System (TMS) that offers a full suite of software modules that streamlines the operation and management (O&M) of your telecommunications infrastructure. We provide a single integrated system that allows your personnel to manage all of your telecommunications assets; alarms, billing, importation of cell phone and carrier call data for consolidated billing, call record collection, cable (copper, fiber optic, virtual connectivity), cell phones, data switches, directory, E-911, facilities, IP/MAC addresses, inventory, networks, voice switches (Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Hybrid and Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) switches, telephones, circuits, trouble tickets and work orders. Additionally the system provides reporting capability at every module and allows the export of data for use in other systems your organization may interface with.

The challenges of shrinking revenue, budget reductions and hiring freezes makes streamlining telecommunications O&M a necessity. meets those challenges with a single Microsoft SQL server database that offers ease of use, data integrity, accurate reporting, integration to the telecommunications switching network, real time updates to the switch and data base and streamlined day-to-day O&M with the single point of entry system. Workloads become more manageable and you can "Do More With Less", by eliminating multiple products and the associated maintenance costs. Users become efficient, while out of pocket costs are reduced.


There is a continuing need, now more than ever, to save money and improve efficiency when and where ever we can. The cost of doing business has hit an all-time high and continues to grow.

The management of our ever expanding telecommunications networks requires stable and streamlined operations. How the communications networks are managed is a critical factor in keeping Information Technology (IT) stable while keeping budgets on track. The cost of employment is high and the need to do more work each day, with less, while maintaining service levels is a the demand put on everyone that is responsible for any portion of communications management .

Management of the communications switches typically requires several products all with individual data bases to manage the day-to-day operations:

·  A product to manage adds, moves and changes in the voice switches

·  A product to collect, rate and store call record data. This data is vital to billing back departments, organizations and individual users. Billing services must include call record reporting for toll fraud & abuse, billable services and equipment.

·  A product to manage infrastructure (fiber optic cables & strands, copper cable, cable pairs, terminals and terminal ports.

·  A product to inventory equipment and services to include monthly charges and non-recurring costs (billable charges).

·  A product to process Work Orders and Trouble Tickets.

·  A product to manage alarms.

Multiple entries of similar data or moving data from one product to another increases workloads that can be overwhelming for those managing these critical day-to-day tasks. Severe data integrity issues may also exist due to manual duplicate data entries. Budget shortfalls may limit the ability to hire additional people to handle the growing workload and growing maintenance costs of multiple products. The need to change one or more products unexpectedly due to new technology can also increase training and maintenance expenses which again effect affect the budget.



Single Point of Entry / Eliminates the need for multiple management systems and the extra maintenance costs of multiple systems. is a communications network management one stop shop.
Relational Data Base / A single robust relational data base: All data is stored in a single data base for all of related functions, maintain data integrity and save communications management personal time maintaining and retrieving data.
System Administration / Manage security, user access controls, form customizations, work flow management, utilities jobs and more from a single user interface module.
Switches/Data Synch / Manage the communications switches from a single point. Daily automatic synchs of all switch data with the data base to ensure data integrity. Manage the switch and switch ports and related communications features.
Alarms / Real time notification of all network SNMP traps, minor, major and critical alarms as well as predefined contact alarms.
Configured Items / Manages all communications devices real time: adds, moves and changes for your device using Automatic Switch Interface. Telephones (TDM and VoIP),IP and MAC Address configurations, circuits, cell phones, radios etc. to include their current infrastructure connectivity, switch features, inventory, associated subscribers, directory information, E-911 and call data.
Facilities / Manage building details, Fiber Optics, cables, cross connects, terminals, wall jacks/ports.
Equipment / Services / Manage all equipment and services down to the actual communications device and subscriber: Telephones, computers, services, IP and MAC addresses, equipment and services, non-recurring and recurring charges.
Orders/Troubles / Manage the process of moves, changes, disconnects, or general work, or trouble tickets through a user managed dynamic work flow and approval process.
Accounting / Manage call records, toll fraud and abuse, billing, all counting accounting details, and billing- related tasks.
Directory/Organizations / Manage directory services as well as organization levels from this application.
Reporting / All query result sets made through each module menu option isare exportable to Eexcel and, PDF, giving each module a degree of custom reporting based on the simplicity or complexity of their queries.
Subscriber Portal / Web Application; Secure URL for subscribers to report trouble tickets, request work orders, order cell service, view directory information and view/print copies of their monthly bills.
Work Flow Management / Establish work flows for users and or departments required to use for day-to-day operations. The work flows are fit into the work order processing module to assist users in determining the most efficient way for them to complete their work.


AVAYA AURA CM6, Cisco Call Manager, AS5300, CS2100, CS1000, Nortel SL/DMS100, G3si, G3R, S87xx, S88xx, Siemens EWSD and Lucent 5ESS.


Installation and implementation of is available in the following:

·  Stand Alone: Customer furnished equipment based on our requirements or can be purchased through Unique Communication Solutions.

·  Virtual Machine (VM): Provide existing space on your server farm and we will install your new system.

·  Hosted: Unique can host your solution through a hosting facility and we will manage hardware & software maintenance, system & database backups and system upgrades. applications can be managed locally by a application administrator at your location or by our staff. All your staff has to do is use CAIRS.


All installations include a full suite of classroom training sessions, free on-line training information, quick tips, videos etc. are available to you at all times, on-site over the shoulder support following classroom training.


Our Technical Support is a friendly high quality team of extremely knowledgable engineers. Service and support is included in annual maintenance fees. Standard support hours: 8 am - 10 pm (EST).



·  Cisco Development Partner

·  Platinum Avaya Partner

·  Avaya Development Partner

·  Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) development Partner


·  Network Operability Certification - Joint Interoperability certified Test Command (JITC) (DOD)

·  Information Assurance Accreditation - IA Type Accreditation US Navy


We currently have deployments at 300 plus medium large and enterprise facilities that include; businesses, higher education facilities, federal/state government offices, the Veteran's Administration, medical facilities, US Army, US Marine Corp., US Navy, US Air Force and Air National Guard. Our enterprise installations manage 150K-200K telephone lines and circuits with over 80 Call Servers in a single database.


Since 1984, Unique Communications Solutions has focusedfocusses on creating an easy-to-use communications management solutions for medium, large, and enterprises facilities worldwide. Our mission is to provide innovative, reliable software meeting the needs of the ever changing telecommunications industry. Coupled with the best in design, customer service and training we have developed a scalable, -easy-to-use, world-class Telecommunications Management System.

Unique Communications Solutions, Inc.

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Fax: 702-216-0269 Extensions 4832 or 4839

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