Tender Lists

2 August 2007

Parties are required to provide to the Court an index listing all the documents tendered as a “bundle” on a particular day. This document will be called a “Tender List”.

The eTrialBook has a facility that allows the tendering of multiple documents marked for identification (MFI) in a single operation. This process updates individual image records and changes the status of a document from Image to MFI.

The Tender List Document will contain the document “Bar code” number, the document date, and the description for each document tendered.

The eTrialBook has been modified to store Tender List documents for reference purposes. A link titled “Tender Lists” has been inserted in the main menu in Notes, and Exhibits section on the Web.

This protocol describes how tender lists are to be provided to the Court.

Tender List Document Format

The Tender List must be supplied in a MS-Word document format containing the following information: -

  • Document Number (of the Tender List document).
  • Date Tendered.
  • Party tendering the list.
  • Witness Name (optional).
  • Tender List description.
  • List of Documents in a table, with each row in the list containing:
  • Document number enclosed in square brackets. This column must be at least 4.6cm wide to accommodate longer document numbers.
  • Document Date
  • Document Description

A (hard) page break needs to be inserted at the bottom of each page, at least one row above where the current “soft” page break exists.

Parties do not need to remove documents from the list that have already been tendered in a previous list. The system will automatically mark these document with an “*” indicating that the document has been processed previously.

The document number, document date, description and tendered by information are to be enclosed in tags formatted as hidden text as shown below. A template has been provided to assist parties.

Document Number:<docNo>TENP.070802.01</docNo>


Tendered By:<tenderedBy>Plaintiff</tenderedBy>


Description:<tenderDescription>Plaintiff’s tender list for xyz tendered on 2 August 2007.</tenderDescription>

The document number format for the Tender List is as follows: -

The prefix “TEND” followed by a point, followed by the date in YYMMDD format, followed by a point, and followed by a two-digit number to cater for multiple submissions for a particular day. Example: TEND.070802.01. Parties are to ensure that tender list document numbers are unique.

An Example is shown below (with hidden text shown):

IND 996/2006

Document Number:<docNo>TENP.070802.01</docNo>


Tendered By:<tenderedBy>Plaintiff</tenderedBy>


Description:<tenderDescription>Plaintiff’s tender list for xyz tendered on 2 August 2007.</tenderDescription>

Document Number
/ Date / Document Description
[1] / 01/10/1998 / Open File envelope - Env no.9621 enclosing report titled " Review of Exploration and Mineral Potential -- Myall Creek Project - EL2517 + EL75/98 - Grawlor Craton and Stuart Shelf, South Australia." - Oct 1998
[2] / 01/10/1998 / EL 25 and ELA 75/98, Myall Creek, Progress Reports for the period 14/5/98 to 30/3/2000, submitted by Merritt Mining NL 2000. Also contains Merritt Mining NL, Review of Exploration and Mineral Potential Myall Creek Project, EL2517 + ELA75/98, Gawler Craton and Stuart Shelf, South Australia, Volume 1.
[3] / 01/10/1998 / Merritt Mining NL, Review of Exploration and Mineral Potential Myall Creek Project, EL2517 + ELA75/98, Gawler Craton and Stuart Shelf, South Australia, Volume 2. Attaches 11 plastic sleeves containing 22 Plates.

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Version 1.1 Issued 5 November 2003