September 27, 2012

SUNY Oswego, Fallbrook Lodge

WELCOME: Kathy Flaherty started the meeting at 10:12 by welcoming everybody to the Fallbrook Lodge at SUNY Oswego. She gave a brief history of the lodge and thanked the staff for providing us with a wonderful breakfast. We had some new member in attendance so introductions went around the room.


-June 14th and 15th executive council met at the Hilton Long Island. This will be the site for the 2013 conference. Dates for the conference at 10/15 -10/17.

-The 2009-2010 audit is complete but the 2010-2011 audit is still ongoing.

-2011-2012 membership was up 11%, while most regions have seen increases.

-Howard Leslie talked about the state trainings and how well they went. They will continue to do the trainings the same way this year.

-Lisa Simpson spoke about novice and they had 93 people attend

-2012 update will be given at the conference at Saratoga Springs

-2013 budget was approved and will be presented a the conference as well


-Balance is $3198.67

-In June we had a $290 deposit from the support staff workshop

-$996.63 check was given to LeMoyne for the lunch for the support staff workshop

-August a $50 check was given to Justin’s Grill for the December meeting

-We will be donating $100 to the scholarship fund to be given at the 2012 NYSFAA Conference

STATE UPDATE: HESC (no representative present but a worksheet was passed out)

-TAP training modules on web

-Implemented a web chat

-Financial coaching

-Tap training will be a the upcoming conference

-DOC TRAC working well. Great response time and it seems to be fast for people who are using it.

Kathy discussed the need for volunteers. She explained that new people might be weary of joining different committees but could mentor with people to learn the ropes. We seem to have many new/younger people joining and would love to see them join and volunteer.


-Membership is up from the past few years

-Region 3 membership currently at 202, almost an all time high

-We are currently 3rd highest in the state


-Kevin Sapio couldn’t attend but sent an email to Kathy and she read it

-Need volunteers for presentations email has currently gone out to region 3

-Binghamton workshop will be 11/16 at Holiday Inn

-Syracuse workshop will be 11/19 at the Sheraton

-More emails will be coming


-Had the workshop the Friday before Memorial Day and attendance was down but had a good time.

-A few new people showed up to the workshop.

-Looking at dates for next year


-Awards are decided but will be kept secret until the conference

-Would love to see more nominations. Don’t be afraid to write in at anytime to nominate someone.

Nancy Teodecki made a motion to take $150.00 out of the treasury to fund a gift basket to be raffled off at the NYSFAAA Conference in October. Bonnie Rooker second the motion and it was passed. Jackie Darquea offered to collect items and put a basket together.


-Chris Walsh has retired from Say Yes

-Ahmeed Turner has been hired

-They will have a FAFSA filing event in January and February

-A Junior College Night will be held in the spring

-Received a grant and had a summer workshop where about 80 students attended and were helped with financial aid and college applications. These workshops were held on Saturday mornings .

-Going to have a mini novice type training for On Point and Say Yes counselors starting next week

-Looking at having mini workshops about college and financial aid at high schools


-November 2nd @ LeMoyne

-December 7th @ Justin’s Grill in Syracuse

-March 8th @ TC3

-May 3rd @ CCC, to be determined where still

If anyone knows of anyone retiring this year, please let Kathy know so she can acknowledge them at the conference.


-IRS transcript, if it works it is great, problems with addresses

-Issues with account transcripts and tax transcripts

-Annette Broski on state committee to put together a plan for default rates

-Community college administrators are now paying attention and seeing what financial aid community has been saying for a while, that default rates are a big issue

-Oneonta is one of the top 5 colleges with the least debt of students

-Students seem to be bouncing around colleges to keep loans from going into repayment

-NSLDS print outs of students debt seem to be catching on and used by colleges

-Servicer issues are starting to come up

-Students are confused on their loans and who servicing them

Robin P Jaycox award was given to Darrin Rooker. He will receive his award at the October Conference.

Rising star award will be given out at the conference in October

Sharon Karwowski went over some of the different EASFAA webinars. In October there will be one on Media and Mentoring Relationships. January will have one on reauthorization and sometime in the spring a webinar on what is takes to be a rising star in your field.

Sarah Macri and Julie Render from the NYSFAAA Technology & Innovation Committee gave a wonderful presentation on Facebook and Twitter. They discussed how offices can create, manage, and perform basic functions on Facebook. Also they went over functions of Twitter and Linkedin.

Meeting adjourned at 12:41

Respectfully Submitted,

Sarah Hicks

Regional Secretary

Members Present

Sharon Karwowski, TC3

Tammy Oliver, TC3

Jim Janke, Tc3

Colleen Conroy, TC3

Sarah Hicks, Tc3

Darrin Rooker, New York Chiropractic College

Nancy Teodecki, SUNY Upstate, retired

Renee Jakarb, Cornell

Chris Walsh, Retired

Danielle Griggs, Say Yes

Ahmeed Turner, Say Yes

Veronica Allsandro, FSLCH School of Medicine

Rose Hartson, USC

Dawn Langdon, HWS

Kelly Henry, LeMoyne

Gina Giordani, HWS

Bonnie Rooker, CCC

Jackie Darquea, CCC

Annette Broski, MVCC

Allison Cass, CCC

Kevin Shults, Syracuse

Holly Zaglaniczny, Capitol Z Solutions

Sarah Macri, Berkeley College

Julie Moreno-Render, ELM

Kathy Flaherty, SUNY Oswego

Laura Helmich, PNC Bank

Theresa Gieseke, ASA

Sam Veeder, Nazareth College