Suggested Script for Inviting Indian Women for a Smear

Suggested Script for Inviting Indian Women for a Smear

Suggested script for inviting Indian women for a smear

The script below can be used by practice teams to guide discussions with Asian women to encourage them to have a cervical smear.


Indian = “Namaste” (suitable for mostIndian + Fiji-Indian women)

Punjabi = “Sat Sri Akal”

Good Morning”/”Good Afternoon”is fine if you are not sure about which greeting to use

My name is……………………..... I am calling from …………………….. Clinic. Dr…………………….. has asked me to call you to talk to you about having a cervical smear test.

Have you heard about smear tests and what it involves?” If they answer no, explain briefly.“Smear tests are done to make sure that everything is OK in your cervix. We use a soft brush to collect some cells from you cervix and send it off for testing.

When we have a headache or fever we go to our doctor who may prescribe medicine to help treat it but in the case of changes in your cervix we don’t feel anything. Most of the time there is no pain or bleeding, that’s why it is very important for us to go to our doctor or nurse for a smear test. If we find changes in the cervix early we can easily treat it. If you don’t have a smear test and you have changes in your cervix, the changes can develop into cervical cancer without you knowing.

All married women (or “all women who have been sexually active” - only say this if you are not sure of their marital status or they are unmarried)need to have a smear test every 3 years or earlier if your doctor asks you to. Smear tests are the only way we can find out if everything is ok down there,in your cervix.

The smear test shouldn’t be painful. You may feel shy or uncomfortableabout showing your personal body parts to someone, but it’s important to have a smear test to keep you healthy. This is your best protection against cervical cancer. It only takes 5 minutes. Look after yourself and have a smear so you can stay healthy for yourself and your family.

Women who have had regular cervical smears can reduce their chances of getting cervical cancer by 90%.

We have a smear clinic with all female nurses and doctors on……………….. at…………….would you like to come?” If they say no or not sure you could say“you canalso see your regular doctor or nurse to have a smear.”