

December 7, 2007

Members present:

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007

Ron Hovis

Dee Erway-Sherwood

LaMonte Rothrock

Laura Eells

Eric Sader

Shane Netherton

Christi Paulsen

Shane Kirchner

Michael Schneider

Joe Dickhudt

Deb Wagoner

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007

Members absent:

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007

Chris Wiens

Bruce Clary

Dan Hoffman

Jonathan Frye

Travis Walker

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007

President Ron Hovis called the meeting to order.

Agenda for the meeting was reviewed by President Ron Hovis. He told the committee that the Strategic Plan section of the intranet will soon be updated. Committee members were urged to check the site periodically for the updates.

Feedback from November 2007 BOT meeting:

  • Trustees liked having goals to compare to
  • Overall we continue to make good progress; need to keep working on several areas
  • Encouraged about progress made: were at the bottom in most categories; now in position of being equal or ahead of some institutions

Ron pointed out the KICA Fall 2007 Enrollment chart that was distributed.

  • Potential scope of construction was shared with the board. We asked the board to authorize a campaign to raise funds to complete the construction.
  • Campus planning committee spent much time in initial stages of what was presented to board
  • Following feasibility study, we determined that the scope needed to be cut

Members of the Campus Plan Committee are:

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007

Shane Netherton, Chair

Dee Erway-Sherwood

Travis Walker

Amy Hoffman

Brian Ward

Jenni Richardson

Karen Caylor

Marty Sigwing

LaMonte Rothrock

Laura Eells

Michael Schneider

Kiara Steffens

Ashley Andrews

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007

No construction has been approved. If successful between now and July 08 ($4-5M) Ron would go back to the board and they would likely say in 08-09 to go ahead and build. One exception is that we are approved to remove some of the properties owned by the College around the perimeter of the campus (as funds may come in).

Shane Kirchner stated he does not like the design of the new building. He asked for an opportunity to meet with the committee to share ideas. Ron stated that perhaps the committee could open a meeting to anyone interested in sharing ideas.

Strategic Planning Input

Last summer the Board spent a day of their retreat looking at statistics and brainstorming for the future. Those brainstorming ideas were compiled and returned to the board to ask them to prioritize the list of ideas.

Joe Dickhudt joined the meeting at 11:50AM

Faculty members present spoke about the brainstorming that was done at faculty meetings:

  • Three meetings
  • Same questions as BOT answered
  • Discussed
  • List passed on to BOT (faculty meeting minutes)
  • List will be refined

Christi Paulsen said the Staff Assoc is going to do something similar to the faculty on December 17. They refined the list of questions so they would be more relative to the staff. They will break out into small groups and hope to provide a voice to more individuals that way.

Where is this going? Board regularly reviews Strategic Plan; board gets to see what faculty and staff are thinking.

Next meeting: February 1, 2007, 11:30AM. This meeting will be the annual update of the plan. Documents will be distributed to committee mid to late January.

Shane Kirchner asked what will be addressed at the February meeting. He further stated that the perception on campus is that the football team is leaving in droves. Will we discuss retention? Yes.

LaMonte Rothrock expressed concern that perceptions can also create reality.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 Noon.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra A. Wagoner

Executive Assistant to the President

SPC Minutes1

December 7, 2007