

Boys Competition Information – 2016

Steve Birt Memorial Trophy

Presented by Teachers Mutual Bank

Refer to the General Knockout Rules and Softball Rules in Section 6.1 and 6.10 respectively, in the New South Wales Primary Schools Sports Association Handbook on the web site at
Your attention is drawn to the following:
**** Pitching distance is 35 feet (10.67 metres).
**** 6.10.2(e) Each team shall supply their own equipment and an 11 inch leather match ball. The home team will supply bases.
**** 6.10.2(c) TIED GAMES: In the event of a tied game when time is called, or reverts to a tied game, the innings in progress will be completed. If the game is still tied after even innings, tied breaker innings will be played until a result is obtained.
The last player to complete his/her time at bat in the innings of the tie will be placed on 2nd base in the tie break innings for each side. The game will then proceed in the usual way.
This rule to apply to all matches except the final.
In the event of the final being a tied game both teams will be declared joint winners.
Games rules as per the Australian Softball Federation Fast Pitch Rule Book with the following exception:
****Rule 4 Section 4(c): “The penalty for an illegal re-entry is the ejection of both the Manager/Coach (whose name appears on the line-up card), and the player in violation.”
To enable Knockout teams to participate fully, this rule will be relaxed slightly in that the ‘player in violation’ ONLY will be ejected (NOT the Coach as well).
Explanation: Under the NSW PSSA rules, a teacher must accompany the team and if this rule was enforced to the letter, the offending team would have to forfeit immediately the Coach was ejected.
****6.10.2(d) COACHING: by a team official, who must be a primary teacher currently employed permanent or temporary by the New South Wales Department of Education and Training at that school, or a team member my take place from the particular area known as the coach’s box.
  • A team may declare its innings.
  • The ‘Run Ahead’ rule does not apply.
  • The ‘intentional Walk’ rule does not apply.
****6.10.2(e) SAFETY EQUIPMENT: Catches are to wear helmets, face masks with throat
protectors, body protectors and shin guards. A catcher or other member of the team MUST have on all the above equipment when receiving warm up pitches.
Batters must wear helmets whilst batting and base running.
****6.10.2(b) DURATION OF PLAY: A game consists of 7 completed innings or 1 ¼ hours (75
minutes), whichever elapses first. However, the game will be extended by a time equivalent to any “Time Off” requested by the Coach in the last five (5) minutes of the game.
All timekeeping is the responsibility of the Plate Umpire.
****6.10.2(a) NUMBER OF PLAYERS: The maximum number of players in a team is 12.
Please forward results of each game to your Area Contact Person within three (3) school days of the match.


Cathie Elsworth Cathie Elsworth
Northlakes PS Northlakes PS
Phone: 4399 2071 Phone: 4399 2071


Cathie ElsworthCathie ElsworthCathie Elsworth
Northlakes PSNorthlakes PSNorthlakes PS
Phone: 4399 2071Phone: 4399 2071Phone: 4399 2071

Roslyn RowlandCathie Elsworth
Panania PSNorthlakes PS
Phone: 9773 9017Phone:4399 2071


Melanie CurrieRoslyn Rowland
Brunswick Heads PSPanania PS
Phone: 6685 1204Phone: 9773 9017

Round 1: 26 February, 2016 (Week 5, Term 1)
Round 2: 18 March, 2016 (Week 8, Term 1)
Round 3: 6 May, 2016 (Week 2, Term 2)
Round 4: 3 June, 2016 (Week 6, Term 2)
Round 5: 1 July, 2016 (Week 10, Term 2)
Round 6: 23 September, 2016(Week 10, Term 3)
Round 7: 11 November, 2016(Week 5, Term 4)
FINALS: Thursday 8th December, 2016(Week 9, Term 4)
Round 6:(First named team to be Home Team)
NorthCoast1vsNorth Coast 2
North West vsWestern
Hunter 1vsHunter 2
ALL QUARTER FINALISTS are to post, fax or email to the convener, immediately following Round 6, all particulars of their team: players’ names, coach’s name, Principal’s name, school colours, a copy of the school crest and all your results to date in the Knockout.
Round 7:(First named team to be Home Team)
Game 1.NorthCoast (rd 6) vs CentralCoast
Game 2.SouthCoast vs Riverina
Game 3.Hunter (rd 6) vs Sydney North/Sydney East
Game 4. Western/North West (rd 6) vs Sydney West/Sydney South West
Semi – Finals and Finals will be held on Thursday 8th December, 2016 at the Manly Warringah Softball Association grounds, JohnFisherPark, Abbott Road, North Curl Curl. The Finals Day Draw can be found under ‘Final Series draw’.
Any correspondence for the Softball Convener can be directed to NorthlakesPublic School Cathie ELSWORTH– NSW PSSA Softball Convener
Northlakes PS ph: 4399 2071