The CARES Group


Foster Cares Ltd

7 Fern Court

Bracken Hill Business Park



Reviewed and Updated

January 2014

We can provide this guide if a foster carer, child or birth parent has particular communication requirements. Alternative formats include pictures, recording and translation into another language including makaton.



2)Status and Constitution

3)Responsibility and Staff Team

4)Aims, Objectives & Outcomes

5)Philosophy and Care principles

6)Placements and Referrals

7)Care Arrangements

8)Recruitment, Approval, Support and Training of Foster


9)Development, Training and Support Policy

10)Complaints Procedure

11) Ofsted


TheNationalMinimumStandardsforFosteringServicesandthe FosteringServicesRegulations2011governtheworkoffostering providers throughout England.

AccordingtoStandard16oftheNationalMinimumStandardsfor FosteringServicesandRegulation3oftheFosteringServices regulations,aFosteringAgencyisrequiredtoproduceaStatementof Purpose.

AspartoftheregulatoryrequirementacopyoftheStatementof PurposewillbeprovidedtoOfstedandwillbeplacedontheFoster Cares Ltd website.Thedocumentisalsoavailableonto:staff,Placing Authorities, foster parents, prospectivefosterparents, children and their birth family.

ThisStatementofPurposehasbeenpreparedinaccordancewiththese requirementsandwillbeausefulsourceofinformationtoFoster Cares Ltd staff,fostercarersandprospectivefostercarers,childrenandyoung peoplewhoareplacedwithFoster Cares Ltd and their birth family,and also to colleaguesfrom other agencies.

ThisStatementofPurposeisreviewedandupdatedonaregularbasis, at intervals of no more than 1 year.


Foster Cares Ltd is the trading name of Foster CARES Ltd. which is registered as a Limited Company Registration No 5038789. A list of the Directors is available on the main Company document – Company Details at May 1st 2005.

The CARES Group and Foster Cares Ltd.

The CARES Group was set up in March 1989 initially concentrating on a high quality social work escort service, CAR-ES (UK) Ltd, to adolescents and young people displaying a range of aggressive and challenging behaviours. In 1997 due to the success and expansion of this service and the professional approach of our staff, crisis intervention work within a residential setting was undertaken and Cares (Human Services) Ltd set up, caring for individual young people in a community setting with high staffing ratios. The Group offered a range of residential services in differing social and economic settings.

In line with the Groups continued expansion, a separate company, Foster CARES NFP (now Foster Cares Ltd), was established in June 2000, to provide a range of high quality foster placements in the North of England. The company now has 48sets of foster carers, currently providing placements for 56 children and young people, with a total capacity of 96 places. Foster Cares Ltd is providing services for allChildren’s Services Departments across the whole of North East of England and North Yorkshire.

In February 2005, Foster Cares Ltdopened an office on Rochdale Road in Manchester, with the aim of developing new fostering services in the North West of England. Subsequently, the office moved from Rochdale Road to the Lancastrian Office Centre, Duckworth House, Talbot Road, Old Trafford Manchester in August 2012

This service provides high quality foster placements in line with the philosophy, values, aims and purpose of the North East Head office. The Manchester office now has 25 sets of foster carers, currently providing 31 placements for children and young people, with a total capacity of 49 places.

The current combined total of our approved foster carers across our service provision is 73 households, providing 87 placements for young people and have a total capacity of 145 places

Foster Cares Ltd reviewed the Manchester fostering service in 2011 and decided to implement a new structure, which implemented “one service” across our Fostering provision. The aim of the new structure was to provide a clear structure, improve common practice, standardise Agency requirements and be beneficial to the overall improvement of the service we provide as a whole.

Following the review of service it was decided to appoint a Registered Manager across both offices and be responsible for their service delivery and development. To support this a Team manager would be appointed in the North West to provide day to day management of the service in Manchester to simulate what already existed in the North East.

After consultation with OFSTED, a decision was taken to voluntarily deregister the Manchester office and operate both branches under a single registration. This was implemented as of 27th October 2012

The service aim is to work closely with foster carers/families, children and their families and all other professionals and significant people involved in the care of children and young people to ensure that the highest quality service is being offered which enables all children to reach their full potential and achieve the best outcomes possible.

3. Responsibility and Staff Team.

The owner and Chief Executive of Foster Cares Ltd is David Cassie, who is based at the Old Hall, Byers Green, Co Durham. David is a qualified social worker with over 36 years’ experience.

The Managing Director responsible for fostering services is Colin Rice. Colin is based at ourPeterlee, County Durham, Head Office, however has responsibility across the Fostering Service. Colin is a qualified Social Worker with a Dip.SW. He has also has completed his NVQ 4 in management. Colin has 26 years’ experience in social care including direct work with young people in residential care, management experience and experience of working in fostering services for both Local Authority and Independent sector’s.

Staff Team - Durham

Foster Cares provide Supervising Social Workers on a different basis to many agencies. As foster carers vary in the number of children they are approved to look after, we prefer to measure support needs as a reflection of this. Supervising Social Workers are therefore allocated to families based on the potential number of children placed. This figure is currently 10 places and is intended to indicate that the welfare of the child in placement is of paramount importance.

Foster Cares Ltd presently has two Team Managers one in the North East and one in the North West. We currently have fourSupervising social workers based in the North East and three in the North West.

Dawn Paton – RegisteredManager -Dawn took up her post in March 2013. Dawn is a qualified Social Worker who has worked in both local Authority and independent sectors. Dawn has experience in child protection, fostering and as a Team manager and a Fostering service manager. Dawn successfully applied to become Registered Manager in July 2014

Claire Robson –Quality & practice development co-ordinator -has been in post since February 2002 and completed her MA/Dip SW in June 1998. Claire also has experience of working in Residential Care with children with Learning Difficulties and Physical disabilities, Local Authority Emergency Family Placement Team, Local Authority Children and Families/Child Protection Team, Project Management of a Residential Service for High Risk Young People, Young Carer’s Scheme and Education Day Programme. She has also completed her Practice Teachers Award, is a qualified mediator and is the certified Instructor for MAPA..Claire took up her current post in March 2013 with the emphasis of “joining up” the service ensuring practice is shared and implemented

Nichola Mulholland –Supervising Social Worker - joined the team in June 2003, having just completed her MA/Diploma in Social Work.Prior to completing her Dip.SW she gained experience working as a Residential Social Worker for children and young people with a range of needs including those with Learning Difficulties and Physical Disabilities and as an Assistant Social Worker within a Local Authority Social Work office. Nichola has recently completed her NVQ assessor’s award at a local college and is Practice teacher for social work students.

Andrew Peacock –Supervising Social Worker - joined the team in September 2004. Andrew completed his MA. / Dip. SW at Durham University in June 2002 and prior to this worked in Care for the Elderly and for MIND. Since qualifying he has worked for in a Youth Offending team,a Long Term Placement area team and a Local Authority Fostering team prior to joining Foster Cares Ltd. k.

Hazel Ross – Supervising Social Worker - joined the team in November 2004 after working for the Looked After Children team in Derbyshire. Hazel completed her BA/ Dip. SW at Sheffield Hallam University in June 2002 and prior to this worked for NCH Young Carers Service. Hazel has completed her Post Qualifying Award in Social Work (level 1).

Louise Cook – Recruitment coordinator – Louise joined the team in May 2012, is a qualified social worker who has experience as a child protection worker in Local Authorities and more recently in Fostering services in the Independent sector

Debbie Strong – Supervising Social Worker – Debbie joined the team in July 2013, is a qualified social worker. Debbie is an experienced Supervising social worker and has a background in residential child care and supporting people with disabilities

Joanne Green –Administrator – Joined the team in 2007 and has since become an integral part of the team ensuring the efficient running of the service.

Claire Eltringham – Administrator – Joined the in 2011 and has established herself as an integral part of efficient running of the service.

Staff Team – Manchester

Caroline Larkin – Team Manager NW

Caroline qualified as a social worker in 2001 after completing her Diploma in Social Work and has many years of previous experience working within social care settings including Young People’s Residential Services. She has undertaken social work and Team Manager roles within statutory and voluntary settings. Caroline is a skilled assessor and has specialised in undertaking fostering and Special Guardianship Assessments.

Ann Young –Supervising Social Worker

Ann was appointed in September 2012, Ann qualified as Social Worker in 1998. She has over 30 years’ experience in Social Care. She has been a residential Manager in children’s services for a number of years. She has more recently worked as a child protection social worker.

Sara Nugent – Supervising Social Worker

Sara joined the Agency in June 2013 having completed a very successful final year placement as part of her BA social work degree. Sara has a background in education and support work with young people.

Sara Jayne Baldam – Supervising Social Worker

Sara joined the Agency in July 2013 having completed a very successful final year placement with the Agency as part of completing her BA social work degree. Sara has a background of working in residential child care.

Rachel Cash - Administrator - Rachel is an experienced administerwho joined the Manchester team in April 2014

Staff Team Structure.

Managing Director
Registered Manager. / CAROLINE LARKIN
Team Manager N.W. /
Quality / Practice / Development / TREVOR MCADOO
Finance Administrator
Supervising Social Worker / ANN YOUNG
Supervising Social Worker
Supervising Social Worker / Sara Nugent
Supervising social worker
/ NICHOLA Mulholland
Supervising Social Worker / SarajayneBaldam
Supervising social worker
Supervising Social Worker / Rachel Cash
Recruitment Co-ordinator

All Supervising Social Workers at Foster Cares Ltd hold a recognised professionalqualification in social work and have a sound base of knowledge and practice experience in the child care field. They practice in line with regulation, visiting foster carers at home on a regular basis.

Foster Cares Ltd operates a 24/7 Duty System staffed by our own team of social workers which allows foster carers direct access to known staff outside normal working hours.

Foster carers, their own children and children placed with them have access to support and recreational groups and activities, reflecting the family model of Foster Cares Ltd and recognition that there are issues for all parties which can be explored in groups as well as one-to-one settings. This network is also designed to facilitate opportunities for relatively seamless respite arrangements, which are agreed with the Agency and the placing Local Authority.


Foster Cares Ltd aim to provide services which complement those provided by Local Authorities; through cooperation rather than competition.

Foster Cares Ltd will provide an emergency, short, medium and long-term needs led service for Looked After Children and young people where they can reflect and plan for the future with their families, social workers and other significant people.

The placing Authority should approve the placement and arrange for statutory visits by the child’s social worker. Each child will have an Individual Placement Agreement.


  • To provide a range of high quality family/foster placements which are able to meet and promote the needs of the individual child.
  • To ensure that every child/young person is able to reach their full potential and achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • To ensure children are safe and feel safe and are able to keep themselves safe.
  • To ensure that children and young people are prepared for adulthood and independence to enable them to be positive and contributing citizens.
  • That every child has opportunities akin to their peers and feels valued and self-confident in who they areand .


  • To recruit, assess, train and support highly skilled foster carers who are able to meet the needs of children and young people and enable them to make progress in all areas of their development.
  • To ensure recruitment strategies are targeted so that children have the opportunity of living in a family which values, recognises and supports their ethnic and cultural heritage.
  • To provide high quality training to staff and foster carers
  • To provide high levels of support and guidance including 24 hour contact/duty service.
  • To work in partnership with professionals: contribute to planning and share appropriate information
  • To ensure the way in which the service develops takes account of the views of children/young people, staff, birth families and other professionals and focuses on how to maximise the progress and outcomes for children/young people.
  • Adhere to legislation, regulation, statutory and good practice guidance.
  • To attend all meeting in relation to the child/young person
  • To ensure children and young people have all the necessary plans in place
  • To undertake regular monitoring and reviewing of children’s progress and take action if required.
  • A placement agreement, which reflects the child’s needs as identified in his/her care plan, to ensure that the key development areas of health, education, social, emotional and behavioural needs are met.
  • Ensure every child has access to at least 25 hours education in a registered setting where they can make progress and achieve to the best of their potential.
  • To promote a child centred service which listens to children, values them and challenges discrimination.
  • To ensure the fostering service including the fostering panel operates according to legislation, regulation and procedure.
  • To ensure a flexible service by developing co-operative planning and discussion forums with relevant agencies across the area covered by the service and monitoring and recruiting according to need.
  • Commitment to a review schedule, which will reflect general and specific outcome targets for each child.
  • Ensure access to appropriate services including health care, physical/psychological/emotional & sexual health, speech & language .
  • An open, honest approach to achieve a shared understanding of the outcomes expected from placement with the child, foster carers, family and social workers.
  • Records which are kept on a daily basis in such a way as to facilitate the participation of the child in their progress and key life events while respecting the need for confidentiality and security of such information.
  • Facilitate the child’s network of family and friends to promote contact where it is in the child’s interests and the building and sustaining of positive and supportive, secure relationships.
  • Stability and consistency in the child’s attachments and networks.
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence through support and encouragement in personal achievement and positive feedback.
  • After-care planning and support and a commitment to Staying Put.


  1. Each and Every child is enabled to meet their maximum potential as set out in the ‘Every Child Matters’ 5 Outcomes: Stay Safe, Be Healthy, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution, and Achieve Economic Well-Being.
  2. The service provided is tailored to meet the needs of each individual child and is flexible and responsive to changes over time.
  3. Foster carers feel valued, supported, encouraged and rewarded in their role.
  4. Foster carers feel prepared and receive development, training and support opportunities to enable them to meet the needs and achieve the outcomes of the children placed with them.
  5. The work of foster carers is recognised and rewarded.
  6. The development of the service takes full account of the views and wishes of its foster carers, children and young people in placement, birth children, the staff and colleagues from other agencies and birth families.
  7. The work of the service complies with and is in the spirit of the Foster Care Charter to maximise potential and achieve the best outcomes possible.

5. Philosophy and Care Principles

The values, which inform our approach to foster care, are:

Children are children first and are entitled to a safe living environment in which they feel secure and their unique circumstances, rights and opinions are respected and listened to. While looked after they should have a positive experience of family life, relationships and attachments, which validate the child’s, own family and recognise the loss and separation, which they have experienced.