Standards for prescribing mapping

Standards for prescribers

These are the standards that individuals who complete prescribing programmes need to meet. Individuals exiting the programme with the SP annotation need to meet the standards for all prescribers (section 1). Individuals exiting the programme with both the SP and IP annotation need to meet section 1 and the standards for independent prescribers (section 2).

If you are completing this mapping document for a conversion course, you need only need to demonstrate the standards for independent prescribers (section 2). This is because you will have shown us how you recruit students that have their registration record annotated with SP for standard A.2 in your standards for education providers document. If this document is for a conversion course, please enter N/A for the standards for all prescribers.

Section 1 – Standards for all prescribers

Registrants must: / Where can evidence relating to the delivery and assessment of each standard be found in the accompanying documentation? (eg Module descriptor AB1234, Learning outcome XXXX)
1.1understand pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology and therapeutics relevant to prescribing practice
1.2understand the legal context relevant to supplementary and independent prescribing, including controlled drugs, mixing of medicines, off-label prescribing of medicines and the prescribing of unlicensed medicines
1.3understand the differences between prescribing mechanisms and supply / administration of medicines
1.4be able to distinguish between independent and supplementary prescribing mechanisms and how those different mechanisms affect prescribing decisions
1.5be able to make a prescribing decision based on a relevant physical examination, assessment and history taking
1.6be able to undertake a thorough, sensitive and detailed patient history, including an appropriate medication history
1.7be able to communicate information about medicines and prescriptions clearly with service users and others involved in their care
1.8be able to monitor response to medicines and modify or cease treatment as appropriate within professional scope of practice
1.9be able to undertake medicine calculations accurately
1.10be able to identify adverse medicine reactions, interactions with other medicines and diseases and take appropriate action
1.11be able to recognise different types of medication error and respond appropriately
1.12understand antimicrobial resistance and the roles of infection prevention and control
1.13be able to develop and document a Clinical Management Plan to support supplementary prescribing
1.14understand the process of clinical decision-making and prescribing decisions within a Clinical Management Plan
1.15understand the relationship between independent and supplementary prescribers when using a Clinical Management Plan
1.16be able to practise as a supplementary prescriber within an agreed Clinical Management Plan
1.17understand the legal framework that applies to the safe and effective use of Clinical Management Plans

Section 2 – Standards for independent prescribers only

Registrants must: / Where can evidence relating to the delivery and assessment of each standard be found in the accompanying documentation? (eg Module descriptor AB1234, Learning outcome XXXX)
2.1understand the process of clinical decision making as an independent prescriber
2.2be able to practise autonomously as an independent prescriber
2.3understand the legal framework of independent prescribing as it applies to their profession