Standard 1: Vision and Purpose- The school establishes and communicates a shared purpose and direction for improving the performance of students and the effectiveness of the school.


1.1 Mission statement posted on website, hallways, and in classrooms; Vision statement posted on website, hallways, and in classrooms

1.2 Mission and Vision statements posted; Communications guidelines for all stakeholders; Soar above…go beyond posters; Automated calling system; RSS feed on website; Communication logs

1.3 LLLT, committee notes; sub-committees; SIP; Training sessions that are a direct result of committee work

1.4 Parent liaison work; Review of policies by Principal; Web site when updated; school newsletter; 9th grade team letters; Eagles Beak; Freedom Broadcast Network; Yearbook

1.5 School Improvement Plan; Stakeholder surveys; evaluation process; PD 360 staff development tool

1.6 LLLT notes; Accreditation; completed getting to know the standards activity; yearly review of practices; revision of school’s vision statement

Standard 1: Practices

1.1 Vision and mission statements reviewed during LLLT sessions; Parent and student involvement in creation of vision statement

1.2 Communication committee; SIT; 9th grade orientation and expo activities; BTSN; Principal’s review on first day for staff (Aug 20); Mission statement is posted

1.3 Meetings to discuss aspects of it; SIT and SIP meetings; Dept meetings to discuss AYP, SOL, SIP, CTAG, and NCLB;

1.4 Mission statement should be revisited for advancement and flexibility; parent liaison; Principal’s forum; Freedom River Fest; Distribution of newsletter; Web site; Multicultural events

1.5 LLLT; Equity team; other professional development groups; evaluations; committees; surveys; semester review;

1.6 LLLT reviews and discussions; SACS preparation; monthly faculty meetings

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership- The school provides governance and leadership that promote student performance and school effectiveness.


2.1 Faculty and student handbooks; drills for safety and security;

2.2 Advisory team notes; job descriptors; eagle’s beak;

2.3 Posting of local, state, and federal guidelines; school board policies and annual presentations;

2.4 Grade analysis report; report cards; interims; BMA; honor roll

2.5 LLLT reports; student/teacher created class rules

2.6 Minutes from faculty, SCA, SACS, clubs, committee meetings; bylaws of student organizations

2.7 Minutes from PTSA, SIP; FABA constitution and bylaws; web site; newsletter;

2.8 Coaches handbook; VHSL handbook for students; website calendar; master schedule; administration duty roster

2.9 surveys from stakeholders; communication brochure; new policies created from stakeholders

2.10 Evaluation forms; walk through slips; annual report

Standard 2: Practices

2.1 Discipline review committee; semester review of student handbook; safety drills;

2.2 Advisory team; monthly faculty meetings

2.3 Review policies with Principal; compliance spreadsheet

2.4 Process of meeting with departments and individual teachers; parent conferences

2.5 LLLT; SSR; sharing instructional strategies

2.6 SCA, Faculty meeting presentations; SACS; student newspaper, yearbook;

2.7 PTSA; Committees; student clubs; level system discipline; lunch with Principal

2.8 Coaches and AD control; publications from band, drama, and choir; Sponsor/Administrative coverage and involvement at curricular and extra-curricular events

2.9 Return calls and emails within 24 hours; communication logs; Evening with the Principal; Principal’s Forums; Student forums

2.10 On-site evaluations; LLLT; professional development; walk throughs

Standard 3: Teaching and Learning- The school provides research-based curriculum and instructional methods that facilitate achievement for all students.


3.1 Syllabus; scope and sequence charts; SOL

3.2 TSIP; student course selections; science fair projects; enrollment at AOS, Monroe Tech; club rosters; DECA projects

3.3 SOL results; AP results; BMA results; data warehouse

3.4 Teacher lesson plans; improved test scores

3.5 International night; equity team minutes and activities; mission statement

3.6 Attendance records; truancy policies, ISR; schedules; lesson plans

3.7 Cluster meetings-implementation and review; curriculum guides; programs of study

3.8 SOL remediation; writing labs; NHS and MHS tutoring; behavior intervention plan; child study; suggestion box for students

3.9 School climate reports and surveys; student assistance referrals

3.10 FBN; literacy skills curriculum; distance learning lab; library website and databases; blackboard tool; talk backs; video cameras

3.11 Promethean boards; safari montage database; web-quest; web access for all students and staff; online texts

Standard 3: Practices

3.1 Work with scope and sequence charts;

3.2 Work with science fair process and social science fair; interest questionnaire; Mathletes; VA Math league; student academic competitions

3.3 SOL test; AP exams; BMA; use of data warehouse by dept chairs, testing coordinator and administration

3.4 Utilizing technology;

3.5 Equity team and training; FL honors society; AP classes; monitoring writing lab; study hall/advisory events; Campus course

3.6 Extended school year (ESY); credit recovery; Saving 9; 9th grade teams common planning period; teach bell-bell;

3.7Curriculum planning within dept by content and grade level; cluster meetings; vertical planning

3.8 AM/PM learning and assistance opportunities; 9th grade teams intervention for at-risk; 9th grade transition team set-up; 504s; IEPs

3.9 School climate committee; SCA; PEER; student forums; lunch with Principal

3.10Alerts for students re: classes and clubs; library; TRT; safari montage; literacy skills assessment; webcam interaction; technology committee;

3.11 Technology Tuesdays; library standards exceed state requirements for collection development; CMS

Standard 4: Documenting and Using Results- The school enacts a comprehensive assessment system that monitors and documents performance and uses these results to improve student performance and school effectiveness.


4.1 Scores, etc., SOL reporting categories, NCCB, established grading policies

4.2 Semester Exams, Final Exams, Benchmark scores, data from benchmarks and SOL tests

4.3 GradeQuick, Gradebook, Interims, Benchmarks, SOL scores, Portfolio, adjusting teaching/instructional strategies for following year, student placement

4.4 Benckmark scores, teacher evaluations, grade distribution report

4.5 Report cards/interim reports/blackboard, 600 club, honor roll, academic letters, award ceremonies

4.6 Standardized Test results, benchmarks, PALs, data warehouse

4.7 Tools to use rubric/portfolios; departmental awards, SOL scores, benchmark testing

4.8 StarBase, GradeQuick, Data Warehouse, secured records, communication records, shredder

Standard 4: Practices

4.1 Rubrics, SOL standards, AP standards, Improving Student Learning Committee, Equity Team activities during staff meetings

4.2 County/State Standards of Learning, benchmark testing

4.3 Uniform grade percentages, testing in general, collaborating and distributing SOL results

4.4 Benchmark testing, Improving School Learning Committee meetings, teacher observations, grade distribution analysis

4.5 Communication Log – respond to parents within 24 hours, publish AYP results

4.6 Standardized test, applying data, data warehouse analysis of multi-school data

4.7 Assessment & evaluation in class, Performance Assessments – formal & informal, SOL review sessions

4.8 Maintain GradeQuick, StarBase and Data Warehouse, privacy regulations, release of information guidelines, memos deleted each quarter

Standard 5: Resource and Support Systems- The school has the resources and services necessary to support its vision and purpose and to ensure achievement for all students.


5.1 Time log/appointments, TLC Binder

5.2 Trained faculty memo, ERP written plan, Licensure, Certifications, Class request/course preference

5.3 LLLT notes/annual report, My Learning Plan, Degrees conferred, Licensure renewal, committee involvement in evaluation

5.4 Class sizes, how many new teachers we have/student to teacher ratio

5.5 Budgets, Dept. Chairs

5.6 Forms for accounting, folder, receipt books, log, deposit ticket, Blue Bear Program

5.7 Form for reporting building deficiencies to be given to bookkeeper, camera system, security officer, motion protection system, online reporting for building repair

5.8 ERP, fire drill plan, tornado drill plan, evacuation folder

5.9 PEER, guidance services, guidance referral forms, CAMPUS, DECA, Teacher Cadet

5.10 IEPs, 504 plans, Child Study reports

Standard 5: Practices

5.1 TLC Mentor Program (instructional coaches, mentor training, meetings with mentors, new teacher meetings)

5.2 First Aid Training, Defib. Training, ERP, Epi-Pen, LLLT, committee requirement, Mentor Program, Job Fair (county)

5.3 Workshops, Conferences, Classes, LLLT, Participation in committees, 18 hours professional development required

5.4 County/Principal/Chair/Guidance, hiring process adding new teachers to each dept.

5.5 BOS/School Board/Principal/Bookkeeper/Department Chairs/Advisory Team, budget forms, county financial procedures

5.6 Credit/debit audit procedures, LCPS accounting policies & external audits

5.7 Reporting system to report building deficiencies, inspections (fire, etc)

5.8 Security specialist, ERP training, monthly drills (tornado, fire, ERP, bomb, lockdown)

5.9 Guidance department, transition office and career center, Freshmen/student orientation

5.10 IEPs, 504 Plans, Passport Program, Child Studies, PEER, Differentiated instruction, SOL Prep., Early Back Program, NHS tutoring, Peer to Peer tutoring, Freshmen teaming

Standard 6: Stakeholder Communications and Relationships- The school fosters effective communications and relationships with and among its stakeholders.


6.1 Website, South Riding Magazine, Student/Parent Memberships on SIP committees/SIT, Parent involvement in Equity Team, Julie Moore – position at the school, parent contact lists divided by grade, E-Alerts, Student representatives on committees, Monthly meeting, communication log

6.2 Communication Log: automated calling system, school newsletter, school website, email, parent conferences, School Calendar, Pre-usable lunch trays, Communication guidelines brochure, call from Administrator, Notes & website info on CMS/Blackboard, Info. for and about Freedom events

6.3 (Classroom) newsletter info, program (brochures) listing speakers/activities, S & P committee minutes, SIP, Lunch w/ Mrs. Forester/Student Forum/Town Hall w/ parents, Golf Tournament, Fundraisers, Purchase student equipment, Photocopying, documentation of concession sales, donations, scholarships, academic materials

6.4 Communication guideline brochure (also section 6.2), Back to School Nights, Course Guidelines, Parent Conferences, Teacher Websites, Teacher course outlines w/ rules and expectations

6.5 Freedom Gazette, Progress Reports, South Riding Magazine, Yearbook, Freedom Flyer, Website, Grade Cards, Interims, 600 Club, Published Honor Rolls

Standard 6: Practices

6.1 Communication Committee – ALL committees (parents/students), Blackboard, PTSA, CMS, Parent Liaison, Equity Team, International Dinner, Youth Night at Football games, Guidance sponsors, Parent nights, Parent Liaison, committees that include teachers, parents, students, Community businesses, Blackboard/CMS postings by teachers

6.2 Evening w/ the Principal, lunch with the Principal, PTSA, Principal Forums, committees, Phone messaging system (school wide), CMS, Blackboard, Freedom Gazette, Evaluation meetings

6.3 Athletic/Fine Arts Boosters, Parent volunteers, Guest Speakers (Authors), Job-shadowing – Juniors, Parent Liaisons, SIP committee, PTSA meetings, Boosters Clubs, Parent Volunteers, Drama Parent meetings

6.4 Back to School Night, suggestion box, Principal Forum, Parent conferences, Syllabus Prep., Student Orientation

6.5 AP Nights, Orientations, Financial Aid Night, College Night, Athletic Info. Night, Back to School Night, Interim Reports, Benchmark & SOL results (school & district) wide

Standard 7: Commitment to Continuous Improvement- The school establishes, implements, and monitors a continuous process of improvement that focuses on student performance.


7.1 Mission and Vision Statements, Professional Integrity Model, SIP Report, Display School Vision & Purpose (Posters), School Improvement Plan, Eagle Way (posters), School Profile

7.2 Monthly Newsletter, Faculty meeting minutes, LLT minutes, Communication Logs, Professional Integrity, Model document, Communications Brochure, Webpage, Student Calendar, Community Members serve on committees, School Improvement Team minutes

7.3 Compilation of survey data, School Improvement Plan, December List, Professional Integrity Model

7.4 Technology Tuesdays, My Learning Plan, Continuing Education. Life Long Learning Teams & Topics, Professional Library, My Learning Plan, Re-Cert. Document

7.5 CMS Webpages, SOL 600 Banner, Banners & Plaques for Sports, Music, other extracurricular activities, Report Cards, Newsletter, Interims, Eagles Beak

7.6 SIP Report, Advisory Team constantly monitors, Testing Coordinator, School Improvement Team, Staff Survey

Standard 7: Practices

7.1 Life Long Learning Teams, Committees, SIP (group of committees)

7.2 Evening w/ Principal, Lunch w/ Principal organized through student gov’t, Annual School Improvement Plan Update, Open door policy for stakeholders, School Improvement Team, Student Forums, School Improvement team, Life Long Learning Team meetings, Professional Integrity Model meetings, Booster Clubs, LLLT, Teacher Orientation Activities

7.3 Advisory Team, School Improvement, Administration of student surveys & parent surveys

7.4 Professional Development, Capturing Kids Hearts, Recertification Classes, My Learning Plan, Faculty Visitations, Tuition Reimbursement, In-services conducted by staff members, LLLT, Technology training, Professional Development days, Staff Development to make Professional Development Rubric

7.5 Progress Reports, 600 Club Chart/Banner, Parent/Teacher conferences, Improving School Learning, Newsletter, Local Newspaper, South Riding Magazine & Website

7.6 SACS, Faculty Forum, Creating/Revising SIP