Stage 1 Impact Screening Tool

Stage 1 Impact Screening Tool

Stage 1 Impact Screening Tool


This screening tool has been designed to identify proposals/ projects or changes that require completion of Equality and Quality ImpactAssessment (EQIA) or Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and/or development of an engagement plan. Proposals that, through this screening, are identified as not having a tangible impact on patients or quality do not require an EQIAor engagement.The screening tool also captures information that tells us about the scale of the proposal and the risk of controversy i.e. reputational impact.

Where an impact on individuals or patients is identified through the screening a full Equality and Quality Impact Assessment should be completed.Your QualityTeam Link will support you to complete the assessment.

Name of the Project Lead / Name of the Quality Lead (person completing this form)
Scheme title: / Senior Responsible Owner:
Date screening completed: / Projected savings 2017/18
Projected savings 2018/19

CCG’s affected – tock all that apply

☐NHS Mansfield and Ashfield CCG

☐NHS Newark and Sherwood CCG

☐NHS Nottingham North and East CCG

☐NHS Nottingham City CCG

☐NHS Nottingham West

☐NHS Rushcliffe CCG


Will the proposal have an impact on who is eligible to access the service e.g. by changing referral criteria and /or affect how people access the service e.g. where or when it will be delivered? / ☐Positive impact
☐Negative impact
☐No impact
☐Not applicable *please explain why below
Comments / rationale:
Please explain briefly your response
Will the proposal have an impact on patient safety, adult or child safeguarding, patient experience or clinical effectiveness? / ☐Positive impact
☐Negative impact
☐No impact
☐Not applicable *please explain why below
Comments / rationale:
Please explain briefly your response
Will the proposal have any other impact that will be noticeable to patients or carers? / ☐Positive impact
☐Negative impact
☐No impact
☐Not applicable *please explain why below
Comments / rationale:
Please explain briefly your response


Is the proposal likely to result in controversy due to:
  • The nature of the service
  • The nature of the patients or carers affected
/ ☐Yes
☐Not applicable *please explain why below
Comments / rationale:
Please explain briefly your response
Has there been previous controversy around the service resulting in:
  • Complaints
  • Media coverage
/ ☐Yes
☐Not applicable *please explain why below
Comments / rationale:
Please explain briefly your response


The ICO encourages organisations to ensure that privacy and data protection is a key consideration in the early stages of any project, and then throughout its lifecycle. For example when:

  • building new IT systems for storing or accessing personal data;
  • developing legislation, policy or strategies that have privacy implications;
  • embarking on a data sharing initiative; or
  • using data for new purposes.
  • Please review the 10 questions below and tick all that apply:.
  • Will the project involve the collection of new information about individuals? ☐
  • Will the project compel individuals to provide information about themselves? ☐
  • Will information about individuals be disclosed to organisations or people who have not previously had routine access to the information? ☐
  • Are you using information about individuals for a purpose it is not currently used for, or in a way it is not currently used? ☐
  • Does the project involve you using new technology that might be perceived as being privacy intrusive? For example, the use of biometrics or facial recognition. ☐
  • Will the project result in you making decisions or taking action against individuals in ways that can have a significant impact on them? ☐
  • Is the information about individuals of a kind particularly likely to raise privacy concerns or expectations? For example, health records, or other information that people would consider to be private. ☐
  • Will the project require you to contact individuals in ways that they may find intrusive? ☐
  • Is the project or activity CCG led (e.g. commissioning of new services, transfer of services or decommissioning of a service). ☐
  • Is the project or activity GP/provider led and may affect the way they process information about individuals (commissioning a new information sharing portal/solution, providing guidance to GPs about sharing patient information). ☐

If you have ticked any of the questions above please complete a Data Protection Impact Assessment[1] and provide to Corporate Governance as soon as possible for review


☐ EQIA required

☐ EQIA not required

☐Data Protection Impact Assessment required

☐Data Protection Impact Assessment not required

☐Communication and engagement plan required

☐Communication and engagement plan not required

For support completing an EQIA please contact your Quality Team Link

For support completing a Data Protection Impact Assessment please contact the CCG Corporate Governance Team

For communication and engagement plans please contact the CCG communication Team

Date of screening / Click here to enter a date. / Date of submission / Click here to enter a date. /
Date logged / Click here to enter a date. /

