St Martha Parent Council 2016-2017

February 28, 2017

2. / Welcome
Meeting called to order at 1839hrs.
Introductory prayer was recited
3. / Acceptance of Minutes from November
Motion- Moved by D. McCarron and seconded by M. Valenteto accept the minutes fromNovember meeting as circulated. The motion was unanimously accepted.
Acceptance of Agenda for September 20, 2016
Motion- Moved by S. Van Der Pryt and seconded by D. McCarron to accept the agenda for the February 28, 2017meeting. The motion was unanimously accepted.
4. / Resignation – Unanimous support of Tricia Anderson’s resignation. No one stepped forward to be secretary so it was decided that the secretary position would rotate for the remainder of the council year. February – M. Valente; April – M Vieira; May and June TBA
5. / Correspondence and Misc. Notes
a)Patti would like to remind anyone who is photocopying a note to be sent home to give her a copy for the master binder
b)Karen would like to remind everyone that any correspondence with our school body should be approved by her or Dianne before going home
c)Picnic Shelters – 2 of the shelters have been deemed unsafe and will be removed – the expense to fix them is approx $13 000
- members discussed that these sitting areas are used extensively by junior and intermediate students and replacement could be considered as a council fundraising project
d)Julia and Jocelyn report good response from the Volunteer survey – council should be using it when looking for help to run events.
6. / OldBusiness
a)November and December Movies went over well
b)Advent Mass went well – Thanks from Mrs Overvelde for the ornaments were used for a Church Christmas Meal
8. / Treasurer’s Report
a)All accounts are healthy
b)Historic Spending - $250 Food Sharring; $250 Priest Retirement; $250 Catholic Edcation Fund
Motion Moved by D. McCarron and seconded by S. Van Der Pryt that donations be made in the amount of $250 to the Priest Retirement Fund and the Catholic Education Fund. Also that the school be reimbursed up to $250 for their previous donation to the Food Sharing Project. The motion was carried unanimously.
Principal’s report
a)Ministry’s Mental Health Strategy – looking for parental input – when kids feel well in all areas – they do better in all areas of life. Council members present took 15 minutes and split into small groups to answer the survey questions. Answers were given Danielle who volunteered to correlate them and input them into the online suvey
b)Andy Paquin has been helping teachers with Math to use different strategies and technology
c)As a school a new initiative to have a school wide question – where each class tries to come up with an answer; interesting to see how different classes and grades solve the same problem many different ways. Hoping to do this as a school 3 times a year
d)January 24 – Grades 1-3/4 are attending a French Play
e)Sacrament Dates this year are – May 4 – Grade 2 Reconciliation
May 7 – Grade 2 First Communion
June 16 – Grade 8 Confirmation
f)I Care Week was a success with Kingston Police doing presentatios on Bullying/Cyber Bullying
g)Grades 2-6 took part in Rocks and Rings – Introduction to Curling Program
h)Ms. Ranieri, Ms. Burns and Mrs. Couture classes each won money as party of a Mercy initiative to donate to a local charity in their classes name
i)Lent – all classes will be attending Mass at the church after March Break
j)Alice in Wonderland Jr Producation will be April 4-6 – with morning and evening performances
k)Grade 1 and 2 students are taking mark in intermurals during morning recesses
l)2017/2018 Draft School Year Calendar was shared – has not been approved
m)March 3 PA Day – Focus is on School Improvements and Math
n)Ottawa – Parent Involvement Conference - Karen to find out more information and details – Interested council members were Stephanie, Tina, Julia, Danielle and Michelle – more information at a later time.
9. / New Business
a)Fundraising Initiative - ideas were talked about to hold off on any decisions
-Karen to talk to the staff again during PA Day to see what they want/need the most
-Grant was put in by Dianne to the Pittsburgh Benefit Fund for outdoor games to be painted on the ashphalt and new furniture for the learning commons area. Also thinking of putting in an application for new Curtains for the Stage due to the high cost (approx $15000)
-We want to make sure to invite members of the Pittsburgh Benefit Fund to our school events and include them in our school community
b) Upcoming Dates
-March 9 – Family Movie Night – Trolls
-April 7 – Last Day for Little Ceasar Pizza Kits
-Meeting Dates changed now April 11, 2017 and June 13, 2017
-will evaluate if a May meeting is required at the April meeting
-June 8 – Spring Carnival
c)Valentine;s Day Dance was very well received – Business support for prizes was also wonderful
d)Hot Lunches – Nancy and Serra were away with regrets – but everything seems to be going well.
-a further update at the next meeting
-Lunch Subsidy – Motion Moved by D. McCarron and seconded by S. VanDerPryt that council would subsidize 1 lunch a week for 6 students identified by administration up to $500.00 till the end of the year. Thmotion was unanimously accepted.
e)Movie Committee – nothing more to add
f)Subcommittee to discuss Voting Members – Tabled till next meeting as Rosalyn was away
g)Little Caesars Fundraising – Nancy was away however we do know that April 7th will be the deadline for orders and delivery to the school will take place on April 25th. More information from Nancy at next meeting
7. / Adjournment
Motion: Moved by D. McCarron and seconded by S. VanDerPryt at 830 to adjorn the meeting – all members were in favour
Next meetingApril 11, 2017 at 1830


Sept 20 / October 25
Tricia Anderson / 
Sue Birnie Wortley / 
Anja Cahill / 
Andrew Chesnysh / 
Joanne Cronk / 
Jocelyn Isaacs Erb / 
Tina Evans / 
Chantal Gaudreau / 
Vaso Hitchcock / 
Stephanie Kovac / 
Diane LaFortune, Vice Prinicpal / 
Danielle McCarron / R
Lori McGriskin * / 
Leigh Maier / 
Karen Moran, Principal / 
Laura Raycraft / 
Tracy Ringrose / R
Serra Russell / R
Rosalynn St Germain / 
Julia Towes / 
Stephanie Van Der Pryt / 
Marsha Valente / 
Michelle Vieira / 
Nancy Watters / R

St Martha Parent Council September 20, 2016