St. John the Evangelist Parish

St. John the Evangelist Parish

St. John the Evangelist Parish

is a welcoming and responsive Faith Community,

nourished by the word of God,

and the Eucharistic Table.

We are open and trusting

in the love of Jesus Christ

to advance the power of the Holy Spirit,

within the parish and beyond

by living the Gospel.


October 1, 2012

Attendees, Council: Fr. Thomas Bland, Deacon Larry Niekamp, Jack Wilson, Chairperson, Sr. Hannah Mary O’Donoghue, Joe Rapier, Andy Strand, Renee Strand, John Turek, and Cathy Lomax

Excused Absent: Nancy Conroy, John Glasgow, Maria Kian, Jack Oliver and Gina Richardson

Spiritual Leader: Andy Strand read “Miraculous Invocation to St. Therese”

Guests: Jack McColligan and Keith Johnson, Financial Council and Ken Macdonald

Finance Council Update: Jack McColligan brought the Council up to date with the following information:

The fiscal year ended with a $15,000 deficit. He stated the income is flat but stable and our expenses are rising. A sizable bequest is being used now for the new air conditioner; this money could also be made available for roof repairs. The Stewardship Committee was formed but could take several years to develop. The Tralee Center debt is due in December and depending on the balance at year-end, the difference could be withdrawn from savings. The Finance Committee will look at this in December. Ideas were suggested for projects and ideas to increase the income for the Parish.

Keith Johnson stated the school year ended with a $120,000 deficit, this included a $30,000 in operation loss and $75,000 for the final payment of the Tralee debt. This year’s budget is $225,000.

Jack presented Ken Macdonald with a gift certificate for his many years of service with the Pastoral Council.

Minutes: The minutes from the September 10, 2012 Council Meeting were approved as corrected.

Old Business:

Committee Reports:

Ministry Recruitment for 2012/2013: A volunteer is needed for this position, Jack asked for ideas on how to recruit and stated Our Lady of Assumption mailed out cards to the parishioners with a list of ministries and asked if they would mark their interest and return the cards on Sunday. Jack will check with OLA for more details. Deacon Larry stated the website has a list of ministries and a form to complete if they’re interested.

Parish Directory Update: Andy stated the proofs were returned to Life Touch on time with 88 corrections noted. He stated many addresses and phone numbers were incorrect. With the amount of corrections involved, the directories should be here by mid November. The updated proof will be emailed to the Parish Office and will be reviewed by the proofreaders. Andy thanked John Turek, Sr. Hannah, and Nancy Conroy for their help. A suggestion was made to update the directory once a year.

Ministry Reports:

Youth Ministry: (Submitted via email since Maria was not feeling well):

Two of young adults and I participated at the Ministry Day annual celebration at St. Francis this last weekend. We talk with Bishop Soto and made many friends there. The teen group participated and helped with the celebration of St. Lawrence Ruiz at St. John.

The ongoing fundraiser from merchants at St. John's website is going well and we have 2 companies already signed up to participate and sponsor our program. We will start to display the businesses by October 9th or sooner.

Religious Education: Sr. Hannah stated First Holy Communion will be on October 15th. The Ministry Workshops were well attended and everyone came away very enriched.

Adult Enrichment: Deacon Larry stated approximately 160 free CDs were handed out to parishioners last Sunday and ran out before the Noon Mass. He asked everyone to listen to them and pass them on. Additional 320 CDs were ordered along with a display rack. In the future, parishioners can register on line through Lighthouse Catholic Media for additional products.

St John’s School: Keith Johnson stated John Hamlonwould be giving a presentation on Monday, Oct. 22nd. The school is looking into a faith formation program for parents to bring home for their children.

John Turek stated he is helping Maria with the Youth Ministry - working with the group, finding ways to energize the members. A suggestion was made to insert the date and time of the meetings in the Bulletin.

Jack said the Year of Faith begins on Oct. 11th. At the parish level, emphasis on initiatives should be centered on the community liturgy and especially the Eucharist. He asked for suggestions on what activities the parish can do.

Pastor’s Comments:

  • Fr. Tom stated Saturday, Sept. 29th the Filipino Apostolate celebrated their 1st Annual San Lorenzo Ruiz Festival. The event was well attended.
  • Knights of Columbus will have their Cioppino Dinner-Dance on October 13th.
  • The Stewardship Committee is developing quite well.
  • October is the month of the Rosary and also the 40 Days for Life.
  • Fr. Tom and Fr. Brian will be attending Study Days for Priests next Monday thru Thursday. This is held annually.
  • Fr. discussed a conference that will be for all ministries to be held in the Church, date to be determined.

Next Meeting:November 12, 2012 St. Catherine’s Room

Minutes submitted by Cathy Lomax, Recording Secretary, October 6, 2012