Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson

Minutes of the JulyMeeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 8th July 2015 at 7.00 pm. in South Hykeham Village Hall.

PRESENT: Councillors: Mrs P Whittaker (Chairman), D Rowson, Mrs L Graham, Mrs D Locker, P Driffill. IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr Phillips LCC, Cllr Mrs Howe NKDC& Carolyn Wilkinson Clerk.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Apologies had been given by the Community Beat Team. Apologies were given by Cllr Mrs Woodman.

2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. There were no declarations of interest at this point.

3. Police Report. Apologies had been given by the Community Police Beat Team. A police report from Sgt Whyte had already been circulated to all members of council. Noted

4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10thJune 2015 to be approved as the minutes of the last meeting.

CllrMrs Lockerproposed, seconded by Cllr Rowson that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on 10th June 2015. Unanimously approved by members who were present at that meeting. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes.

5. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Phillips gave his report. A meeting has taken place with Alan Brown LCC Highways and his assistant. There are budget challenges to be met within the Highways Department and the staff are in the process of moving offices into Witham Park at Waterside South so there may be problems with communications in the short term.

Cllr Phillips to be advised if there is a problem with payments to contractors etc as there is a fast track emergency payments system to remedy this problem.

LCC Pension Fund is now being administered by West Yorks Pension Fund.

Leader of LCC Cllr Hill is pushing for unitary authorities.

Cllr Phillips advised that he still had funds to award from his portion of the Big Society Fund. Council enquired if they could submit an application for 2 replacement noticeboards. Cllr Phillips advised that quotes should be obtained and sent to him by email. Clerk to obtain quotes/apply

Cllr Mrs Howe gave her report.10th September Community Champions Awards at the Venue Navenby. South Hykeham PC has made a nomination.

Memorial Spire is now in situ on Canwick Hill. Chadwick Centre will have a Memorial garden and there will be an archive at the visitor centre.

Cllr Mrs Gill Ogden is the new chairman of NKDC.

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Infolinks N Hykeham is temporarily housed in Fen Lane Town Council Offices whilst the NK Sports Centre is being refurbished.

Major improvements have been made to the Castle Line between Lincoln and Nottingham with a revised and more frequent timetable of the train service.

15/0653/OUTLand rear of 12 Thorpe LaneCllr Mrs Howe advised that the recommendation by officers for this proposal is refusal. Noted

6. Planning

a) To consider Planning Applications received.

15/0637/HOUS2 Wood Lane, South HykehamErection of single storey side & rear extension (Amendment for information purposes only) Noted

b) To note NKDC Planning decisions. None received since the last meeting

7. Neighbourhood Plan update.Cllrs Mrs Whittaker, Driffill and the Clerk had attended a Neighbourhood Plan meeting at North Hykeham Town Council offices on 24th June 2015. Cllr Mrs Whittaker reported that she and Cllr Driffill had attended a meeting on Saturday morning of this week with regard to forming working parties as part of the next stage.

The Clerk is circulating the minutes of the previous meeting and supporting paperwork that was made available at the meeting of 24th June 2015/Paperwork to be returned to the Clerk once it has been circulated to all members

Cllr Phillips and Cllr Mrs Howe left at this point.

8. To consider expressions of interest for Parish Council vacancies Closing date for expressions of interest in vacancies is 15th July 2015. An extraordinary meeting has been called by the Chairman for Thursday 30th July 2015 at South Hykeham Village Hall 7.15pm in order to consider the expressions of interest following the closing date. Agenda for meeting circulated to members this evening.

9. Finance a) To approve the payment of accounts for July 2015.

Proposed Cllr Mrs Locker, seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.

i) Clerk’s salary Contract of employment and job description has been produced by Chairman. The contract is for 6 months and subject to review at that time. The NALC & SLCC recommended hours for a council of this size is suggested to be 24 hours per month minimum. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Graham, seconded by Cllr Rowson and resolved that the clerk’s hours should be set at 6 hours per week with effect from 13th May 2015. The working hours will be reviewed when the contract becomes due for review.

ii) Reimbursement of petty cash to Clerk.Cheque no. 100419 £30.63

It was noted that cheque no. 100410 for £18.49 had been cancelled and replaced by cheque no. 100417 as the payee on the original cheque was incorrect and should have read C S Thomas (Copyshop & Craft Emporium)

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10. Grasscutting of amenity area at Beech Croft Drive, South Hykeham.

The Clerk had contacted Planning at NKDC in an effort to try and find out who the owner of the land is that is currently in a poor state of maintenance as the grass has not been cut this season. She has been given contact details for the builder and will attempt to find out what their intentions are for this land. Currently there is a public right of way and a sewage easement applying to the land.

In the short term the Clerk has made enquiries with North Hykeham Town Council to see how much it would cost for a one off cut of the grass in order to tidy up the overgrown area. Hill Holt Wood have also been asked to carry out a litter pick of the area as there have been complaints about an accumulation of rubbish at this location.

11. Correspondence.

a) Letter from NKDC re: Parish Funding Litter picking & dog warden grants. Deferred from the last meeting. The Clerk has been contacted by Jenny Bailey at NKDC who has had a complaint about an accumulation of litter in the area of Ascot Way. Jenny Bailey has been advised that the Parish Council has been unable to fill the post of litter picker and so a litter pick of the area by Hill Holt Wood rangers has been arranged by NKDC to carry out remedial action as a one off arrangement.

Clerk to contact North Hykeham Town Council regarding buying in house services for litterpicking once a month from Pennell’s roundabout to The Drove, both sides of the road. Areas also to be covered are Thorpe Lane,Boundary Lane and Long Lane which don’t have footpaths but have grass verges. Clerk to enquire as to whether or not the litterpicker would be able to pick at these locations if there are no footpaths. Clerk to investigate/agenda item for September meeting

b) Local Government Boundary Commission Electoral Review of Lincolnshire. The paperwork relating to this has been circulated to members with this matter having been deferred to this meeting for a response. No response to be submitted/proposals noted

12. To consider the purchase of 30mph stickers for attachment to parishioners wheelie bins.

Cllr Rowson advised that the cost is £70 per 100 stickers and the producer will mix and match the different types of stickers as required. After some discussion it was agreed that initially Thorpe Lane, Beck Lane and The Drove will be asked to put them on their wheelie bins with one on each of the black bin and the recycling bin. Clerk to include in this month’s submission to Witham Herald advising that anyone receiving the stickers is politely requested to display them on their general waste and recycling bins.

Investigations as to the best locations and sites for installing the signs have been carried out and it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Locker seconded by Cllr Driffill and resolved that 50 0f 30mph and 50 of polite notice stickers should be purchased. Cheque 100419 £70.00

Clerk to contact police to request speed checks at Boundary and Mill Lane. Clerk to contact police

13. Chairman’s report.

Name badgesfor Councillors deferred to the next meeting.Agenda item for next meeting

14. Clerk’s report. A request has been received from City of Lincoln Council for the Mayor to be permitted to wear his Chain of Office whilst attending an official function at the Bentley Hotel. Permission granted/clerk to contact Executive Officer to advise

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15. Parish Councillor’s reports. Cllr Mrs Locker reported that the village hall community centre has applied for some grant funding for replacement of the lighting in the community centre and is required to provide some policies to support the grant application.

Clerk to send copies of Environmental , Equal Opportunities and Safeguarding policies to Cllr Mrs Locker

Cllr Mrs Whittaker reported on the balances that were currently in the bank accounts. Noted

Cllr Mrs Whittaker to go into bank to see if the Albert Medley account can be reinvested for a better rate of interest. Agenda item for next meeting

16. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.It was not necessary to moveinto closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960.

17. To consider the Clerk’s terms and conditions of employment.

Already dealt with under section 9 (i)

18. To consider the merits of a combined North Hykeham and South Hykeham Council.

The Clerk has made some enquiries with NKDC as to the feasibility, procedure and legalities of combining with North Hykeham Town Council and is currently awaiting a response. Enquiries have also been made with LALC who have provided the council with a copy of the Electoral Commissions Guidance on Community Governance Reviews document which has been circulated to all members of council. Date for a meeting with North Hykeham Town Council in September to be investigated by Cllr Mrs Whittaker and a possible invitation to member of NKDC who is learned on this matter to be invited to attend. Agenda item for September meeting

19. Date and Time of Next meeting – Extraordinary meeting on Thursday 30th July 2015 7.15pm at South Hykeham Village Hall.

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.58pm.

Chairman...... Date......