/ EVS apply
“Imagine for Imagina”

If you want to apply for an EVS project in Alcobendas - Spain, please complete this application form and send it to us by emailto ,with your CV and Motivation Letterbefore January 22nd 2017.

Gender: / Male / Female
Date of birth / Place of birth
Address: Street, Post Code, City, Country
Nationality / Passport or ID number
Phone number / E-mail
Official Name
Phone number / E-mail
Contact Person
PIC number
IMAGINA projects (write order of preference 1-6, 1 will be the favourite)
Movilidad Europea(youth European mobility office)
Ciber (participative leisure project with youngsters and technology)
Imagina tunoche(night healthy and alternative leisure activities for youth)
Centro de Acogida al Refugiado(activities at RefugeeReception Centre)
AnimaciónInfantil y Juvenil (activities with children, Youth and their families)
Formación y Animación(training school and Youth associations)
Please, in few words, describe your motivation for doing this EVS project.
What are your expectations, why do you apply for it?
Why are you interested in our project?
Are you ready to take a fully commitment for 9 months?
Do you have any other plans in mind from November 2017 to the end of July 2018?
What could you add to this project?
Briefly describe your personality, strengths, weaknesses:
Hobbies & Experiences
Whatareyourhobbies? What do you like to do in your leisure time?
Do you haveexperiencesinvoluntaryworkorthroughinternships? Ifyes, please, give us some details (place, kind of work, for howlong, etc.) / Yes / No
Language skills:
Language: / Fluent: / Good: / Basic:
Other 1
Other 2
Mother tongue
More Info
Doyousmoke? / Yes / No / Are you vegetarian? / Yes / No
Doyouhave any special need, allergies…? Do you mind to live with people who have pets like dogs or cats?
Please givedetails:
Do you have any health related limitations which could influence your work as a volunteer?
Ifyes, please givedetails:
Would you like to add something else?


C/ Ruperto Chapi,18 28100 Alcobendas Spain

The personal data are incorporated and treated in the file "IMAGINA", whose purpose is the information and the dissemination of activities and participatory programs for young people. This file is registered in the General Register of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection with the number 2123270752. The body responsible for the file is the Management of Patronato de Bienestar Social and the address before which the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition can be exercised is the Servicio de Juventud, Infancia y Adolescencia, c/ RupertoChapí nº 18, 28100-ALCOBENDAS (MADRID).

All that is reported in compliance with Article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Personal Protection Data.