Sir Henry BODRUGAN (d.1489)

of Cornwall.

Son of Sir William Bodrugan(q.v.). (C.P.R.1446-52 p.126)

= 2 Jane, widow of William Beaumont. (C.P.R.1461-67 pp.539-40)

Villain; involved in piracy and other misdeeds; strongly committed to

Richard. (Ross pp.410-11)

10 Feb. 1448 Licensed to enter his father's lands. (C.P.R.1446-52 p.126)

1450 He made a plaint of debt against Stephen Sonder of Bodmin(q.v.) and

Walter Brode of Lossulayn(q.v.).


1450 Thomas Courtenay, Earl of Devon(q.v.), brought a plaint of debt against him.

10 Feb. 1454 On a commission to investigate an attack on a ship from (ibid)

Normandy. (C.P.R.1452-61 p.168)

3 Jun. On a commission to array for Cornwall for the defence

of the county. (ibid.p.171)

12 May 1456 On a commission to investigate an attack on a ship from

Boulogne. (ibid.302)

4 May On a commission to array and try all men-at-arms and

other fencible men in Cornwall, cause them to be taken

to the coast, muster them from time to time and cause

watches and beacons to be set. (ibid. p.309)

12 May On a commission to investigate an attack on a ship from Rouen. (ibid.p.309)

17 Dec. 1457 On a commission to assign how many archers each part of

Cornwall should supply. (ibid.p.407)

22 Feb. 1458 On a commission to investigate an attack on a ship from

Epusco, Spain. (ibid.p.435)

1459 Denounced in Parliament as a notorious villain. (W.R.p.165)

5 Jun. 1460 A commission appointed for his arrest. (ibid.p.609)

28 Mar. 1461 On a commission to arrest insurrectionists in Cornwall and elsewhere. (C.P.R.1461-67 p.28)

Jun. Orders were issued for his arrest, but he was saved by the rebellion. (Ross p.410)

15 Jul. On a commission to enquire into an act of piracy on a

Gascon ship in the Channel. (C.P.R.1461-67 p.36)

24 Mar. 1462 On a commission to arrest certain men in the West Country. (ibid.p.201)

3 May On a commission to arrest certain men in Cornwall. (ibid.p.202)

20 Jan.1463 Settlement of the action taken by him by John Kenkyth(q.v.) and

his wife, deforciants of 2 messuages, a dove-cot and various lands etc. in Gwarder, Gweal West.


5 Jun. 1465 A commission of oyer and terminer was appointed to

enquire into a complaint of assault by himself and

others against Richard Tomgov. (C.P.R.1461-67 .p.488)

8 Oct. 1466 Pardoned. (ibid.p.526)

5 Jul. 1467 On a commission to enquire into an act of piracy off Fowey in April. (C.P.R.1467-77 pp.53-4)

5 Aug. On a commission to investigate a breaking of the truce

with Brittany three years previously. (ibid.54)

1 Jan. 1468 On a commission to arrest Joceus Ammell and Thomas Kylegrew in Cornwall. (ibid.p.57)

20 Mar. He and John Arundell of Talffern commissioned to enquire into a breaking of the truce with Brittany three years ago. (ibid.p.101)

8 Jul. Quitclaim of all lands, rents, etc. in Bossent and

Penquyte, Cornwall, by him and James Boneythan, to John Glyn. (C.C.R.1468-76 p.24)

20 Jul. Further to their commission of 20 March, he and John Arundell were commissioned to arrest certain men and cause restitution of the wine they stole. (C.P.R.1467-77 p.104)

19 Jun. 1469 Bound in £60 to John Glyn. (C.C.R.1468-76 p.93)

27 Jul. One of those commissioned to enquire into a complaint of piracy off the Cornish coast. (C.P.R.1467-77 pp.197-8)

14 Aug . One of those commissioned to arrest the men who had broken into St.Mary's Abbey, Bokeland Monachorum, Devon. (ibid.p.171)

26 Mar. 1470 On a commission of array for Cornwall to raise men against Clarence and Warwick. (ibid.p.219)

2 Jun. On a commission of array for Cornwall to raise men against Clarence and Warwick. (ibid.p.220)

7 Mar. 1472 On a commission of array for Cornwall. (ibid.p.351)

20 May On a commission to investigate piracy off the Cornish coast. (ibid.p.354)

5 Jun. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall.(ibid.p.610)

28 Nov. Pardoned outlawry for not appearing to settle a debt. (ibid.p.362)

30 Nov. He and Geoffrey Warton commissioned to enquire into a

complaint of piracy off Fowey. (ibid.p.377)

13 Dec. One of those commissioned to investigate an act of piracy against a Spanish ship by men from Fowey. (ibid.p.378)

1473 A large number of complaints were made against him by

the Cornish gentry. (Ross p.410)

29 Mar. He and John Davy bound in œ60 to deliver merchandise to

the value of œ35 on 27 May to Roderigo de Gotines and

John Sebol, merchants of Spain. (C.C.R.1468-76 p.303)

13 Jul. On a commission to remove all of those who had forcibly

entered St.Mary's Abbey, Bokeland, Devon. (C.P.R.1467-77 p.403)

27 Oct. On the commission of array for the West Country to

raise men to attack St.Michael's Mount, recently

captured by Oxford and his forces. (ibid.pp.399-400)

3 Dec. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.610)

7 Dec. One of those given full power and authority to reduce

St.Michael's Mount to the King's authority and promise

pardon to the rebels. (ibid.p.418)

1474 He commanded the siege of St. Michael's Mount, which

had been taken by Oxford(q.v.). He was discharged for letting in food, and replaced by Richard Fortescue(q.v.). (C.p.193)

29 Nov. 1475 On a commission to arrest certain men and take them

before the King and Council, and to release Joan Glyn.

(C.P.R.1467-77 p.552)

1476 Knighted by Edward at the creation of the Prince of Wales.

(Ross p.411)

1 May Pardoned for not appearing to answer Nicholas Mille,

tailor, of London, touching a debt of œ150 18s 7d.

(C.P.R.1467-77 p.576)

21 May He and Ralph Cavell bound in œ200 to pay Sir William Tayllour

of London 100 marks and the £100 which they and others owed him. (C.C.R.1476-85 p.14)

14 Jul. 1477 On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (C.P.R.1476-85 p.556)

25 Feb. 1478 On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

27 Apr. Pardoned for not appearing to answer Sir Philip Courtenay touching

a debt of £200. (ibid.p.81)

11 May Bound in œ100 to repay John Fortescue the sum of £80 in

instalments. (C.C.R.1476-85 p.111)

12 Jun. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall.

(C.P.R.1476-85 p.556)

14 Jul. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

5 Jun. 1479 Granted a general pardon. (ibid. p.180)

13 Nov. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

23 Mar. 1480 On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

27 Feb. 1481 On a commission to investigate piracy off the Cornish

coast (ibid.p.245)

2 Mar. 1483 On a commission to investigate the spoiling of a ship

in Devon. (C.P.R.1476-85 p.345)

26 Apr. On a commission to restore two ships stolen by pirates

to two Spanish merchants. (ibid.p.355)

27 May On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (p.556)

28 May On a commission to enquire into the theft of a boat in

Cornwall. (ibid.p.355)

24 Jul. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

26 Jul. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

1 Aug. On a commission to assess subsidies and appoint collectors in

Cornwall. (ibid.p.396)

Oct. Helped to put down Buckingham's rebellion.(Bennett p68)

6 Dec. The Commissioners, Mayors, Sheriffs, Escheators, Bailiffs,

Constables, etc. of Cornwall were notified of his being granted the manors and lordships of Trewelawne and Trewardmeth.

(Harl.433 II p.58)

30 Dec. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (C.P.R.1476-85 p.556)

7 Apr. 1484 The farmers, bailiffs and tenants of the manors of

Brendon, West Ashford, Colridge, Woodbury, Clyst,

Champernowe, Christaintare la Lened and Pyle the moat

of Ilfracombe warned of his having been granted them.

(Harl.433 I p.124)

1 May On a commission of array for Cornwall. (C.P.R.1476-85 p.398)

22 Nov. On a commission of the peace for Cornwall. (ibid.p.556)

8 Dec. On a commission of array for Cornwall. (ibid.p.490)

14 Apr. 1485 On a commission to investigate piracy off the Hampshire

coast. (ibid.p.545)

22 Aug. Probably at Bosworth for Richard. (Bennett p.11)

26 Feb. 1486 On a commission to enquire into an attack on ships from

the Hanse off the Cornish coast. (C.P.R.1485-94 p.105)

8 Feb. 1487 Sir Richard Edgecombe ordered to arrest him. (ibid.p.179)

26 Apr. 1488 His forfeited lands were granted to Thomas Lovell. (ibid.p.224)

21 January 2014

© I.S.Rogers 21 January 2014