June2014 –NewsletterName: ______

‘Showcase’ Details - 2014

Dear Parents & Students,

Here is some information you’ll need in regards to our Demonstration / Showcase.

Saturday 16th August

Lake Macquarie Performing Arts Centre,

Lake St, Warners Bay

Commencing at 1pm

This will be a wonderful day of dance for all to enjoy. Students are being encouraged to get up on stage to dance and give of their best, to gain stage experience by showing work that has been covered in the classroom and to be acknowledged and encouraged for their achievements. All participating students will receive an award on stage. This year it will take the form of a Showcase, no competition will be involved.

All Ballet (only) students are required at the theatre in the morning for a rehearsal.From 10am to 12:00pm for Majors and 11 – 12:30pm for Primary to Grade 5.They can then stay for the full day if there is a parent accompanying them or a responsible brother or sister.

PROGRAMME:Section 1:1:00pmBallet & Pre-School

Section 2:3:00pmJazz1, Tap, Modern

Section 3:4:30pmJazz2 & upwards

All students need to arrive 30 minutes before their section start time, be backstage dressed in class uniform (see following details in “What to Wear”).

TICKETS: Tickets are being sold for audience members. General admission tickets will be sold at the studios and at the Arts Centre on the day:

Warners Bay: Tuesdays & Saturdays

Toronto: Mondays

Adults: $15, Students & Pensioners: $10, children under 12: free.


All the major trophy winners from last year’s Demonstration are requested to now return their trophies to the studio.


The LakeMacquarie performing arts centre is located in Lake St, near the corner of The Esplanade, WarnersBay. This is a very convenient location at the western end of the lakefront WarnersBay shopping precinct. There is parking available around the Arts Centre and also in the large car park behind the lakefront shops.


Hair in bun and ensure all shoes are clean and repainted if necessary. Seniors only to wear makeup.


Pre-School: See separate note

Pre Primary & Primary: To wear class pink leotard and pink skirt with white or flesh underpants that do no come lower than leg line of leotard, pink ballet tights, pink ballet shoes with elastic over the insteps, hair in a very firm, well pinned and well sprayed bun with own pink trim.

Grade 1 & 2: Pink leotard, pink tights, pink balletshoes with elastic over the instep, hair in a very firm, well pinned and well sprayed bun with own pink trim – no fringe. Character shoes and skirt.

Grade 3: Burgundy leotard then the same as Grade 1 & 2 except burgundy trim for hair.

Grade 5: Black leotard and then the same as Grade 1 & 2.

Majors: Black leotard, pink flats with elastic, pointe shoes (if applicable), hair in bun with coloured trim: Inter. F – pink, Inter. – royal, Adv F – red, Adv 1 – maroon, Adv 2 – black.

Advanced: Hire black tutu skirt from studio (cost included in levy)


To wear RHSD modern uniform – any combination, no shoes, hair in a very firm , well pinned and well sprayed bun with own trim to match.

Level 5/6: Black studioloose singlet top with shorts/pants. Crop Top under, any colour.


To wear RHSD tap uniform – any combination, white ankle socks, black tap shoes, hair in a very firm, well pinned and well sprayed bun with own trim to match.

JAZZ & Combo Classes

To wear RHSD uniform – any combination, black jazz shoes, hair in very firm, well pinned and well sprayed bun with own trim to match.

Level 5/6: as for Modern

Boys: Black studio T-shirt, black shorts and black shoes.

Performance Groups

The following groups will be performing and will need costumes: Oceania, Senior Classical, Harry Potter, 2 Steps.

Ballet tights for Pre-School and Grades are to be purchased from the studio so they are all the same colour. These can then be used for exams.

Pink skirts, hair nets, shoes, cross overs and more are also available

