The Study Session of the Board of Trustees of Shoreline Community College District Number Seven was called to order by Chair Shoubee Liaw at 3:00 PM in the Board Room of the AdministrationBuilding at ShorelineCommunity College.

Chair Liaw stated that the focus of the Study Session was for the Board to continue its work on the Board of Trustees Policy Manual.

The Board reviewed and made additional revisions to theSection 3: Governance Processdraft which included the revisions made by the Board at its April 22, 2009 Study Session – Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Motion 09:13:A motion was made by Mr. Dick Stucky to approve Section 3: Governance Process.

Mr. Roger Olstad seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.

The Board reviewed, discussed and revised the draft of Section 4: Board – President Relationship. Chair Liaw will put together the revised draft of Section 4 and will distribute it to the Board prior to the Board’s Regular Meeting on June 24, 2009.


At 4:00 PM, the Board reconvened into Regular Session and the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Shoreline Community College District Number Seven was called to order by Chair Shoubee Liawin the Board Room of the AdministrationBuilding at ShorelineCommunity College.


Ms. Shoubee Liaw, Mr. Roger Olstad,Mr. Jerry Smith, Mr. Dick Stucky and Ms. Gidget Terpstra were present.

Ms. Kristen Byrd represented the Office of the Attorney General.


Chair Liaw asked the Board to consider approval of the Consent Agenda.

On the agenda for approval: One set of minutes from the Regular Meeting of April 22, 2009 and a recommendation that the Board “authorizes provision of refreshments purchased with student services and activities fees at future Dental Hygiene graduation ceremonies.” (TAB 1 —Refreshments at Dental Hygiene Graduation Ceremonies)

Motion 09:14:A motion was made by Mr. Dick Stuckyto approve the consent agenda.

Mr. Roger Olstadseconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.


Students from the Global Development Project Club shared with the Board the history of the club and the success of one of its recent club sponsored events, aHunger Banquet held on April 28. The purpose of the banquet was to provide awareness of the inequalities surrounding global hunger.


Athletic Programs

Mr. Doug Palmer, Director – Athletics and Intramurals introduced coaches Mr. Lance Swehla (Softball), Mr. Steve Seki (Baseball) and Mr. Ray Bachman (Tennis) who in turn, introduced the student-athletesfrom the softball, baseball and tennis teams. In addition to providing each team’s record for the season, Mr. Palmer and Coaches Swehla, Seki and Bachman spoke about the academic success of the student – athletes with Mr. Palmer noting that forty-seven student-athletes received academic awards from the Athletic Program.

DECA National Competition Finalists:

Ms. Laura Portolese-Dias provided an overview of DECA (Delta Epsilon Chi), an international association of high school and college students studying marketing, management and entrepreneurship. She introduced DECA members, made up of teams of two (Alex and David; Crystal and Yasuhiro) who competed at the DECA International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California in April. Each student spoke about the event(s) her/his team competed in and where the team placed in the competition. (The team of Alex and David received first place honors in the International Marketing competition.) Ms. Portolese-Dias noted, “ShorelineCommunity College students always compete very well.”

All Washington Academic Team:

Mr. Robert Hayden provided an overview of Phi Theta Kappa, an International Honor Society of the two-year college. As the Phi Theta Kappa advisor, Mr. Hayden shared with the Board that the organization honors high scholastic achievement and community service and thatShorelineCommunity College students Ms. Fitri Ardani and Mr. David Lim received the All-State Academic Team honor. In addition to receiving a certificate and medal, both Ms. Ardani and Mr. Lim received $750.00 scholarships contributed by the Northwest Education Loan Association (NELA) and Key Bank.

Student Testimonies (Dropout Reengagement Bill):

Mr. Jim Hills, Interim Special Assistant to the President – Communications and Marketing, Ms. Mariko Kakiuchi, Director – Career Education Options (CEO Program) and Ms. Pat Martinez Johnson from the King County Work Training Program and Learning Center Northintroduced the students who provided testimony to the state’s House and Senate regarding bills HB1418 and SB5618. Thebills were “dropped” in order to establish a statewide dropout reengagement system for high school dropouts ranging in age from 16 – 21.

President Lambert and Chair Liaw also joined the students in Olympia and provided testimony on the CEO and LCN programs and noted that members of the House and Senate were struck by the students’ stories with one representative sharing with President Lambert that, “This was the best panel I have ever seen.” Although the bills did not pass, Ms. Martinez Johnson noted that, “The bills went very far and the students made a difference in making them go as far as they did.”

Student Testimony (Green Skills Training for Workers):

President Lambert introduced Mr. Phil Lou, graduate of the College's Solar Design and Installation Program. President Lambert and Mr. Lou testified at the April 21 hearing of theU.S. Senate Committeeon Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (H.E.L.P) entitled"Empowering Workers to Rebuild America's Economy and Longer-Term Competitiveness: Green Skills Training for Workers." President Lambert noted that Mr. Lou put together a fabulous presentation and “wowed the Senators.”


On behalf of Vice President for Academic Affairs John Backes, Deans Kenneth Lawson and Gillian Lewis, provided an overview for the action item and referenced TAB 2 (Tenure Considerations). Prior to the May 27, 2009 meeting, each Trustee received a copy of TAB 2 and copies of reports and recommendations for each candidate from her/his ARC (Appointment Review Committee). In addition, the Trustees, joined by President Lee Lambert and Vice President Backes, met with each ARC Chair during a Special Meeting on May 22, 2009.

The faculty members, her/his discipline/area and ARC Chairs:

Faculty MemberDiscipline/AreaCommittee Chair

MaryRose BellertDental HygieneMarianne Baker

Milford MuskettAmerican Indian Studies/Ernest Johnson

Multicultural Studies

Mr. Lawson and Ms. Lewis read the names of the faculty members submitted for tenure consideration and read the recommendation as denoted on TAB 2 (Tenure Considerations):

At this time, the Board has three options: 1) to grant tenure, 2) to deny tenure, or 3) to take no action, which results in a passive granting of tenure.

Motion 09:15:After noting that substantial consideration is given to the tenure process and candidates, a motion was made by Mr. Jerry Smith to renew the faculty appointments for the 2009 – 2010 academic year and to approve tenure for all faculty members identified by Deans Lawson and Lewis.

Mr. Dick Stucky seconded the motion.

The motion was approved unanimously by the Board.

A round of applause followed approval of the motion. The Trustees, joined by President Lambert and Federation President Karen Toreson, formed a reception line, presenting each tenure recipient with a letter and certificate, each denoting the awarding of tenure, and a plant to commemorate the honor.


Ms. Kira Wennstrom,Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, provided an overview of the committee’s timeline draft encompassing Fall 2007 – Spring 2012. Ms. Wennstrom noted that one of the primary goals of the committee, was to have Strategic Planning Online (SPOL)© in place during the 2008 – 2009 academic year and stated that “SPOL© would promote transparency.” However, progress was slowed due to the College needing to concentrate on the budget situation.

Ms. Wennstrom shared snapshots of the College’s progress(successes, challenges and support needed) toward the goals of the Strategic Plan.


On behalf of Vice President for Academic Affairs John Backes, Dean Kenneth Lawson provided an overview for the action item and referenced TAB 3: Approve Board Resolution No. 106 (AA – DTA Implementation Exception). At its April 22, 2009 Regular Meeting, the Board approved a new 90 credit Associate in Arts – Direct Transfer (AA – DTA) degree to replace the 95 credit Option A transfer degree beginning Fall Quarter 2009. Approval of Resolution No. 106 would authorize the President to “allow students who have successfully completed 90 credits of general education and distribution requirements in accordance with the guidelines of the AA – DTA during Spring Quarter 2009 or Summer Quarter 2009 be approved for graduation under the 90 credit AA – DTA and is directed to instruct the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Success to implement this action effective June 1, 2009.”

The Board stated that as it would be nearly impossible to identify the students to whom the exception may apply, the College should make every effort to disseminate information on the exception to the campus—possibly via the Ebbtideand/or other communication modes to students.

Motion 09:16:A motion was made by Mr. Dick Stucky to approve Resolution No. 106 (AA – DTA Implementation Exception).

Mr. Roger Olstadseconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.


Mr. Daryl Campbell, Vice President for Administrative Servicesprovided an overview of the document entitled Shoreline Community College 2009 – 2010 Budget Planning as of May 22,2009. The document reflected dollar amounts in relation to revenue and expenditures and denoted $419,195.00 as the “remaining adjustment needed” and $2,716,150.00 as the “state budget reduction.”

Mr. Campbell showed a series of slides with one related to resourcing and how the College compares with its peer institutions insofar as Faculty, Classified Staff and Administrative/ Exempt staffing.


Mr. Daryl Campbell, Vice President for Administrative Servicesshared with the Board that the architects working on the master plan have developed two long-range master plan scenarios and that the architectural firm of Schacht Aslani recently received input from College personnel on the plans.

Mr. Campbell reported that he has learned that several major growth projects were not funded at other colleges, that funding for minor projects had been reduced or eliminated and, that fivemajor capital projects have been deferred from the 2009 – 2011 biennium to the 2011 – 2013 biennium. Mr. Campbell noted that while the College will continue to receive funds for repair and minor projects, he spoke about the impact the non-funding of capital projects will have on the College’s ability to plan for new projects.


Ms. Karen Toreson shared that the election process for officers for the Faculty Senate and the Federation is taking place. Many classes are already filled for Summer Quarter 2009 and many faculty are taking overloads in their classes. Ms. Toreson expressed her concern for those whose workloads are continually increasing.

Based on the recent dialogue surrounding Angel versus BlackBoard, Ms. Toreson noted that if the College is going to remain third in the Community – Technical College System for its online learning, “We’re going to have to improve the infrastructure and have the staffing to support the technology.”


Ms. Bonnie Madison stated that based on the information at the May 22 All Campus Meeting, many Classified Staff have expressed concern about student access to an education and being able to provide services to students.

Rather than holding an all-day Classified Staff Retreat, a Pre-Opening Week Workshop (on campus) is being considered.


Mr. Yasuhiro Sumino shared that the outgoing and incoming Student Parliament will be holding a joint meeting.

Mr. Sumino informed the Board that the Student Parliament is finalizing its Student Services and Activities (SS&A) Budget. The budget will be presented to the Board during the month of June.


President Lambert expressed his appreciation to the faculty and staff for continuing to focus on students during such difficult times.

ShorelineCommunity College has been named one of four pilot colleges to receive funding through a grant from the Gates Foundation to implement the National Association for Manufacturing (NAM) endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System.

The Automotive Program received tools valued at $5,000.00 from Chicago Pneumatic, as the program was one of four finalists in a “2009 School of the Year” contest co-sponsored by the company.

Funding (approximately $400,000.00) was restored to the LCN Program after several members from the College attended a Youth Council Meeting at the Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County and spoke about the value of the CEO and LCN Programs during the meeting’s public comment period.

President Lambert shared that he is a member of the Washington Campus Compact’s Executive Committee and noted, “This committee is a place to share the contributions of transfer programs.”

A Special Meeting of the Board will be called approximately one to two weeks prior to the June 24 Regular Meeting in order for the Board to be presented with the FY 2009 – 2010 General Fund Operating Budget and the SS&A Budget.


Chair Liaw stated that the ACCT (Association of Community College Trustees) Annual Leadership Congress is scheduled to take place in San Francisco in October.

Motion 09:17:A motion was made by Ms. Shoubee Liaw to send one Trustee to the Annual Leadership Congress in San Francisco.

Mr. Dick Stucky seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.

Chair Liaw closed the meeting by thanking the campus community for continuing to do the best they can under such challenging times.


Chair Liaw adjourned the meeting at 7:20 PM.

Signed ______

Shoubee Liaw, Chair

Attest: ______, 2009


Lori Y.Yonemitsu, Secretary