Over the course of this year we have learned a variety of topics pertaining to basic psychology. It is now time to take that information and apply it to real-life situations.

The Individual Assignment:

You will be given a specific serial killer and background information on this individual and his crimes. You will also be given some information on serial killers (the different types of killers, psychological stages of serial killing, etc). Using both of these information sheets along with your book and web resources you will complete Parts I, II and III.


  1. Read the case study and information sheet
  2. Identify and explain the type of serial killer and provide examples to support your choice
  3. Visionary-Orientated
  4. Missionary-Orientated
  5. Lust Killer
  6. Thrill-Orientated
  7. Gain Motive
  8. Power-Seeking
  9. Determine which category of the Holmes typology the killer fits in and give examples to support your choice
  10. Organized
  11. Disorganized
  12. Mixture of the two
  13. Did the killer take souvenirs and/or leave a signature? If so, give examples. If not, surmise why they did not.
  14. Take the 7 psychological states of serial killers and provide examples of your killer’s work to each stage. Be sure to explain how the example relates to the stage.


  1. Provide examples of how nature AND nurture affected this individual’s behavior and actions.
  2. Discuss how an altered stage of consciousness played into the crime(s) for either the killer and/or the victims. This altered state may be naturally or chemically induced.
  3. Based on Maslow’s pyramid on the hierarchy of needs, identify the level you think correlates with the killer’s motive(s) for his crimes. Provide evidence to back up your opinion.
  4. Based on your research what parts of the brain do you think are most affected and/or active for a serial killer? Why do you think these specific parts are the ones affected?


  1. Compile a list of psychological symptoms you believe this killer possesses/exhibits.
  2. Using the internet (especially resources from the DSM-IV) and your textbook diagnose your individual based on their symptoms with a psychological disorder or disorders and tell why you think they have this disorder or disorders
  3. Based on what psychological disorder or disorders you think this individual possesses, how would you treat them?

The Mechanics: All work must be typed in 12 pt Times New Romans with 1 inch page margins. You will need a title page (title (Case Study # and Killer’s Name), your name, date, period, teacher’s name) as well as a works cited page for all web resources (in MLA format). Work should be stapled in the following order to be turned in: Title Page, Part I, Part II, Part III, Works Cited, Points Sheet. Please adhere to the specifics regarding spacing and length as outlined below for each part.

PART I You need to number your responses. Your work should be single spaced and double spaced between questions. For questions 2-4 your work should be 2-3 sentences in length. For question 5 you should have 7 sentences total (1 sentence per stage that gives an example and the relation)

PART II  You need to number your responses. Your work should be single spaced and double spaced between questions. For all the questions your work should be 4-7 sentences in length.

PART III  You need to number your responses. Your work should be single spaced and double spaced between questions. For question 1 a bulleted list of symptoms will suffice. For questions 2-3 your work should be 6-9 sentences in length.

The Group Assignment:

You will form a group with all the people in class who have the same serial killer as you. With the group, you will be creating a powerpoint presentation that includes the following information:

-Slide 1: title slide (names, date, period, teacher’s name and name of serial killer)

-Slide 2: brief biographical background

-Slide 3: brief background on their crimes

-Slide 4: psychological symptoms exhibited and what disorder(s) you think the killer has

-Slide 5: information about the current status of this person (where are they now?)

-Slide 6: 10 interesting facts about your killer and his work

All slides must be in bullet form and include graphics/pictures to enhance your work. The presentation must be saved to either a flash-drive or burned to a cd. No work saved to any other format (email, etc) will be accepted.

You will have time in class to complete theindividual assignment and group powerpoint so use it wisely. This assignment will count as a test grade for spring semester.

All work is due at the beginning of class on ______




PART I:/32

-#2-5 completed (8 pts each)

-Mechanics followed (spacing, length)


-#1-4 completed (8 pts each)

-Mechanics followed (spacing, length)


-#1-3 completed (10 pts each)

-Mechanics followed (spacing, length)


-Typed in 12 pt Times New Romans

-1 inch margins

-Title Page completed

-Works Cited page completed (in MLA format)

-Stapled in order


-all 6 slides are included (8 points per slide)

-directions followed (2 pts)