Section Two: Intelligence Gathering

Section Two: Intelligence Gathering

StageTwo: Intelligence Gathering
Name of service, project, strategy or policy being assessed:
Homelessness Strategy 2008-11
Date: 10.2.09
Part A
1. Is there any indication that particular policies / services etc. create problems for specific groups? Please tick all that are affected. (These are known as equality strands).
Age / X / Disability / X
Gender / X / Race / X
Sexual orientation / X / Religion or belief / X
Low income / X / No indication
2. Summarise the likely negative impacts for each group affected (if any) and which policy / service etc. has this impact.
Council accommodation – often not adapted for disabled needs. Saunderton – low inc probs
Priv rented – poss discrimination by ldlds – need a protocol/accredtn scheme. Prob for low income households
Questionnaire/– needs to be regular. This and application form need to be monitored on 7 strands
Rent deposit scheme, DHP, priv sector placements, homelessness casework, allocations, prevention fund, mortgage rescue scheme, reason for appeals – figures need to be audited and monitored
Policy not to move person in TA if rent arrears – discriminatory on income grounds
3.a) What previous consultation on this policy / service area etc. has taken placewith individuals, groups or staff?
Consultation undertaken and negative impact found (if any).
Age / No specific consultation undertaken with particular groupsto prepare for Strategy. However 3 focus groups set up with homeless applicants; picked up a range of diverse needs. Feedback included in development of Strategy
Gender / DV aimed at men – no discussion of a refuge locally for men
Sexual orientation / See above
Race / See above
Disability / See above
Religionor belief / See above
3. b) Is there any further consultation planned? No
If yes, regarding which equality strand/s? (please circle all that apply)
Age Disability Gender Race Religion/Belief Sexual Orientation Low income
c) Please complete the associated comparison table.
Regarding the functions, policies and strategies relating to your service, is there…… / People of different ages?
61+ / People with a disability? / People of a particular gender? / People of a certain Race? / People of a particular religion? / People of a particular sexual orientation? / Evidence (eg when compared with service uptake levels overall, number of complaints, snap shot of service usage etc)
More engagement with . . . / Same / Same / Same / Same / Same / Same
Less engagement with . . . / Same / Same / Same / Same / Same / Same
More uptake of service by . . . / Adults and 17-18s / Same / Same / BME groups / Not known / Not known / Homelessness Review based on homelessness statistics
Less uptake of service by . . .
More provision of service to . . / Adults and 17-18s / Same / Females / BME groups / Not known / Not known / As more often female has custody of children which gives priority
Less provision of service to . .
More investigations of . . . . / Adults and 17-18s / Same / Females / BME groups / Not known / Not known / As above
Fewer investigations of. . .
Any other service specific measure

Comparisons Table

Regarding the functions, policies and strategies relating to your service, is there…… / People of different ages? (focus on the under 18s and over 60s) / People with a disability? / People of a particular gender? / People of a certain Race? / People of a particular religion? / People of a particular sexual orientation? / Evidence (eg when compared with service uptake levels overall, number of complaints, snap shot of service usage etc)
More engagement with / See above
Less engagement with
More uptake of service by
Less uptake of service by
Regarding the functions, policies and strategies relating to your service, is there…… / People of different ages? (focus on the under 18s and over 60s) / People with a disability? / People of a particular gender? / People of a certain Race? / People of a particular religion? / People of a particular sexual orientation? / Evidence (eg when compared with service uptake levels overall, number of complaints, snap shot of service usage etc)
More provision of service to
Less provision of service to
More investigations of
Fewer investigations of
Any other service specific measure
d) What research/studies/reports concerning demographic changes/ trends have been used in service/policy/project planning?
If none so far please indicate what research you intend to carry out.
Equality strands / Title/type/details of report/research including approximate date
Age / Census 2001
WDC Homelessness Review 2009
Gender / As above
Sexual orientation / None
Race / As above. Assocn of Councils of the Thames Valley Region – needs of travellers report
Disability / WDC Homelessness Review 2008
Religion or belief / None
Low income / WDC Homelessness Review 2008
4. How will engagement continue?
Research planned in 2009 into housing needs of BME communities
SHMA updates
5. If there are gaps in your knowledge are there any experts/relevant groups that can be contacted to get further views or evidence on these issues?
Yes No
If Yes, please list them and explain how you will obtain their views:
Groups representing minority groups in the district (Caribbean, Polish, Asian etc) – will engage with these through CRE
6. Is it important that further specific research is carried out?
Yes X No
If yes give details . . . .
Homeless clients from ethnic minorities are represented disproportionately in homelessness figures. Research needed into why and whether satisfaction affected.
Satisfaction surveys needed across the board to evidence any difference in service levels
StageThree: Judgement
What is the impact for each strand?
Equality promotedand no adverse impact / Equality not promoted, but no adverse impact / Adverse
Age / X
Gender / X
Sexual orientation / X
Race / X
Religion or belief / X
Disability / X
Low income / X
Reason and evidence
  • Age - allocations - CBL – possible problems for vulnerable clients, eg elderly, disabled
  • Gender – no shelter for men re domestic violence, but resources not available
  • Race - private rented properties - possible discrimination from landlords on a range of grounds – possible need for code of conduct for landlords and agents and better monitoring of Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme. Possible problems accessing CBL where clients do not speak English.
  • Disabilities - provision of temporary and permanent accommodation for clients with disabilities is sometimes difficult due to availability of properties and resources for adaptations. Problems in private rented sector also.
  • Low income - Saunderton Lodge –for people having to travel. Also policy barring people with arrears moving out of temporary accommodation. Private rented sector – problems with affordability especially initially.
General – scope for discrimination on homeless casework, homelessness prevention fund administration and allocations – monitoring and consideration of monitoring needed regularly along with customer satisfaction. Need to monitor complaints on equality and diversity issue.
Section Four: Publication and Review
1. Is the Adverse impact:
(ie not discriminatory under current anti-discriminatory legislation – links to legislation available on the Equality and Young People page of WySpace) / Yes
X / No
If it is legal is it avoidable? / Yes / No
2.Considering you reasons and evidence in Stage 3 what changes / adjustments will you make?
Changes / adjustments / When & how you will monitor progress / Officer responsible
Ensure assistance available re CBL, for vulnerable clients, including clients who do not speak English
Explore code of conduct around discrimination for landlords and agents – link to accreditation scheme
Monitor, through 7 strands, the rent deposit guarantee scheme
Reconsider policy barring people with rent arrears moving out of temporary accommodation
Introduce common form for collection of diversity information across the 7strands for applications to Housing – link with corporate approach
Monitor complaints against 7 strands
Customer satisfaction surveys – Homelessness and Allocations teams / Six monthly reviews
Deadline for acc scheme - 30 Sept 09
Quarterly reports, SLA
Included in Homelessness Strategy 2008-11 – review to be carried out by 1 March 09
By 1 April 09 – draft to HMT
By 1 Sept – agree common format with corporate equalities group
HMT monitors complaints already
Surveys to be introduced by 1 May 09. Quarterly monitoring through Housing Eqs and Div Group / Kath Hobman
Angela Walker, Keith Coldham
Nick Lamport
Mick Furnival Adams
Belinda Ford
Sue Fryer
Nick Lamport, Kath Hobman
Actions agreed and EIA approved for publication
Head of Service signature……………………………………………………………………….
Date received by Equality Officer……………………………………………………………….