SB 684 Data Detail

SB 684 Data Detail

Allegheny Power’s

Response to Bill Stephens Letter of July 22, 2002

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SB 684 Data Detail

/ Data Currently Being Reported /

Data Report to


Public Availability


Continuance of Availability

B. (i) Individual line transfer capabilities at control area interfaces / AP does not calculate individual line transfer capabilities, however thermal ratings are available by individual lines. / No data is reported. / Data is not available to the general public. / Current thermal ratings are available. Historical data is not maintained.
B. (ii) aggregate transfer capabilities, including the degree to which the capabilities were reserved and the actual use of such capabilities / ATC calculations (daily, weekly, monthly and annual) are available electronically from January 1997 to March 31, 2002. Volume of data is substantial.
OASIS reservations and actual use are available through March 31, 2002. Transactions occurring prior to OASIS would be in paper format.
As of April 1, 2002, PJM is responsible for ATC calculations and OASIS reservations, but actual use is still available. / No data is reported. / ATC postings and reservations are available on the OASIS. OASIS data is available on-line for 90 days and archived for three years.
Annual actual use is available publicly in the FERC Form Number One and 714 Reports. / FERC Order 889 and the “OASIS Standards and Communication Protocols Document” outlines OASIS procedures that Transmission Providers must follow.
The topology of the Interconnection relative to ATCs has changed. There are no longer any Control Area interfaces involving AP. These have been replaced with new or revised PJM interfaces. As more Control Areas join RTOs there will be fewer and fewer interfaces. There is no common denominator for data comparison with the Interconnection units undergoing continual boundary modifications.
Actual hourly use will continue to be available as long as AP continues to track inadvertent energy between itself and the PJM Control Area.
B. (iii) hours during which bulk transmission facilities were offline and the reason thereof / Records are available for prearranged and unarranged outages from 1999 to present. / No data is reported. / Records are not available to the general public. / Outage data will continue to be available.
B. (iv) actions taken to relieve transmission overload / Actions to relieve each overload are available in some form for a few of the most recent years.
As if April 1, 2002, AP is no longer responsible to relieve transmission overload. / NERC per TLR Procedures. / Some records are posted on the PJM website and available to the public. / Effective April 1, 2002 PJM assumed responsibility for transmission overload monitoring, action, and record keeping.
B. (v) hourly flows into and out of the control areas / Actual hourly flows into and out of AP are available. Volume of data is substantial. / FERC / Annual actual flows into and out of Allegheny Power is available publicly in the FERC Form Number One and 714 Reports. / Actual hourly flows into and out of AP will continue to be available as long as AP continues to track inadvertent energy between itself and the PJM Control Area.

August 2, 2002