Planning / The storyboard contains the placement and size of pictures, titles, text, color, and fonts. / The storyboard contains pictures, titles and information that is complete. / The storyboard contains pictures, titles and text, but it is incomplete or out of order. / A storyboard was not completed for this project.
Information / Information is creatively written and presented in an extraordinary way. / Information is clearly written, interesting and presented in small sections. / Information could be written more clearly or too much information is given on the page. / Information is poorly written, inaccurate, or incomplete.
Content / The question-What should this person do next?- was answered in a sensible and creative way. / The question-What should this person do next?- was answered in a sensible, but not creative way. / The question-What should this person do next?- was not answered in a sensible way. / The question-What should this person do next?- was not answered.
Text / Fonts, color, headings, bold or italics were used in an w extraordinary way to catch the reader’s interest. / Fonts, color, headings, bold or italics were used in a way to catch the reader’s interest. / Fonts, color, headings, bold or italics were used but not in a way to catch the reader’s interest. / Fonts, color, headings, bold or italics were not used to catch the reader’s interest.
Appearance and Organization / Material is well organized and attractive. The pictures are organized and the best type available. / Material is organized and eye-catching. The pictures are organized and useful, but not the best choice. / Material is organized, but not eye-catching. The pictures are unorganized or are not needed. / Material is confusing. There are no pictures or the pictures are not related to the topic.
Mechanics / The text is very understandable and written with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation or spelling. / The text is understandable and written with less than five errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation or spelling. / The text is hard to understand and has five-seven errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation or spelling. / The text is not understandable and has more than seven errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation or spelling.
Teamwork / Partners got along especially well together, showing respect and working together on all parts of the project. / Partners got along during most of the project and shared the work equally. / Partners argued or fought most of the time, but were able to share the work equally. / Partners argued or fought most of the time and one person did most of the work.

Rubrics for Publisher Project