Revision Questions – Exercise Physiology

What are the major factors that determine the relative utilisation of carbs, fats and protein during physical activity.

Explain what actually happens to cause an endurance athlete to ‘hit the wall’

Explain how the diet of a power athlete should differ to that of an endurance athlete

What happens to an athlete if they do not replenish their glycogen stores and how can they avoid glycogen depletion.

Why is it important for athletes to consume a balanced diet.

Complete the following table explaining the contribution towards a balanced diet

Compound / Major role / function in the body

Explain the glycaemic index (GI).

Give 3 examples of foods that are:

High GI / Medium GI / Low GI

Give some general guidelines about how athletes should be using GI

Before exercise / During exercise / After exercise

Complete the following table, outlining the nutritional considerations that an endurance athlete needs to be aware of. Give specific meal ideas as well

Considerations / Guidelines / Meal ideas
During competition
Post competition

Explain the process of ‘Carbohydrate Loading’ and explain how a cyclist would carbo load leading up to a road race.

List 3 general rules to do with fluid replacement (ie drinking guidelines)

Explain the benefits of sports drinks and describe the 3 types of sports drinks

Environmental Conditions and Performance


Explain the 4 ways in which heat is lost (or transferred into the environment)

Explain the process of sweating and how it helps in keeping our temperature down

Explain humidity and how it adversely affects athletes

List some of the changes that occur as a result of exercising in the heat and humidity

Give suggestions of how athletes can reduce the effect of heat and humidity during




Explain how exercising in the cold can affect an athlete

Explain the difference between hyperthermia and hypothermia

How does exercising at altitude affect performance

Explain how altitude training works and the benefits that can be gained


An ergogenic aid is a substance or technique that improves performance by increasing work capacity or delaying fatigue

Category / Explanation / Examples
Physiological Aids
Pharmacological Aids
Psychological Aids

There are many dietary supplements legally used by athletes in order to improve their results. Choose three to focus on and explain the supplement and how it actually helps to improve performance.

Supplement 1 ______

Supplement 2 ______

Supplement 3 ______

Complete the table below to discuss the legal and illegal performance enhancers that can and have been used by endurance athletes to improve their performance

Legal Performance Enhancers / Illegal Performance Enhancers
Creatine / Benefits –
Used by – / Anabolic Steroids / Benefits –
Used by –
Side effects -
Caffeine / Benefits –
Used by – / EPO / Benefits –
Used by –
Side effects -
Sports Drinks / Benefits –
Used by – / Stimulants / Benefits –
Used by –
Side effects -
Carbo - Loading / Benefits –
Used by – / Beta-Blockers / Benefits –
Used by –
Side effects -
Benefits –
Used by – / Blood Doping / Benefits –
Used by –
Side effects -