“Resource Math, Science, & Geography”


Instructor: Mr. Turley

v  Room: 139

v  Email Address:

v  School Phone: (801) 476- 5320

Classroom Rules:

Be in your seat with materials and quiet when the bell rings.

Follow teachers instruction the first time given.

Keep your hands, feet, and all objects to yourself. (i.e. respect your neighbor’s space)

Raise your hand and wait to for permission to speak.

Be positive, optimistic, and ready to learn when entering the classroom.

Hall Pass:

You will get Three pass tickets per term. If you don’t have a ticket, don’t ask, so use tickets conservatively.

Any unused hall pass is worth 5 extra credit points at the end of the term.

Dress Code:

The Weber School District dress code will be enforced in the classroom.

Grading Criteria:

A 93- 100 % / B- 77- 80 % / D+ 59- 62 %
A- 89- 92 % / C+ 71- 76 % / D 55- 58 %
B+ 86- 88 % / C 67- 70 % / D- 51- 54 %
B 81- 85 % / C- 63- 66 % / F 50 % and below

It is my goal to promptly grade and post all scores and grades within 48 hours after assignments have been completed.

Academic Criteria

v  Students are responsible for work assigned and having it completed by the deadline given.

v  Late work will be accepted, but points will be deducted ( contact teacher for verification of procedure).

It is your responsibility to find out what you missed if you are absent.

v  Grading will be based on attendance, observation, participation, bell work, assignments, quizzes, tests, performance of tasks, and academic prompts.

Cheating will not be tolerated and if discovered a zero will be assigned for that particular assignment or test.

Student Responsibilities:

v  Have required material daily (i.e. paper, pen/ pencil, homework, calculator, etc.)

v  Be on time and in your seat when the tardy bell rings.

v  Be respectful of primary instructor, paraeducators, substitute teachers, and fellow classmates.

v  No electronic gadgets in class including cell phones, games, and personal music devices. If seen they will be taken and given to the office.

v  Follow classroom rules as listed above.

What ifs?

What if you do
Earn a privilege
Open teacher time
Academic relief
Mystery Motivator / What if you don’t
Reflection time
Loss of privilege
Time after class
Parent contact


I will be teaching math, geography and science this year. The math content is from the textbook “Saxon Math”. The text covers many concepts including: whole numbers, fractions algebra, decimals, percentages, geometry, and other general math concepts. The geography textbook is “World Geography”, and the content is just that, a look at geography concepts in countries throughout the world. Science students will work out of two different textbooks during the year and each term you will receive a “Science Packet”, which will contain the materials needed in class. All textbooks will remain in the class, and assignments will be done on worksheets, time will be given in class to complete the work assigned.

v  I look forward to meeting and working throughout this year with all of the parents and students in my class. Working together we will have a fun, educational, and successful year. Occasionally for content or rewards we may view G or PG movies. Please let me know if there is a concern regarding this policy. Otherwise parents please sign the attached form and have it returned to me acknowledging that you have read, and understand this disclosure statement.

Thank You


John Turley

Student’s Name______Grade______

Parent Signature ______


I have read the rules, expectations and requirements for this class. I understand and support the items listed in this disclosure statement and agree to my child in following the rules.

Parent or Guardian email______

Daytime Phone #______

Please return to Mr. Turley Room 139.