Rediscovering Sound

Rediscovering Sound

9th Grade

Physical Science

Catie Hawkins

Mattson Junior High – 9th Grade

KentSchool District Student Composition –

  • 68.8% Caucasian
  • 9.5% African American
  • 13.7% Asian
  • 1.2% American Indian
  • 6.8% Hispanic

Class Size – Approx. 29

Number of Classes – Five per day

Class time – Fifty minutes

Grading Period – One Quarter, 8 Weeks

Emphasis – Physics, Unit XV: Sound

Course Description – Earth & Physical Science

1st Quarter – Earth Science

Unit I: Nature of Science

Scientific Methods


Unit II: Time

Measurement of time

Rotation of Earth

Revolution of Earth


Origin of universe and solar system

Unit III: Solar System



Minor solar system bodies

Unit IV: Stellar Astronomy




2nd Quarter – Earth Science

Unit V: Atmosphere

Origin of Earth’s atmosphere



Circulation patterns

Air Pressure

Unit VI: Meteorology and Climate

Factors that produce weather

Cloud formation

Cloud types

Forms of precipitation


Hydrologic cycles


Major climate zones

Unit VII: Oceanography




Components of seawater



Unit VIII: Geology


Geologic time

Radioactive dating

3rd Quarter – Chemistry

Unit IX: Matter

Unit X: Atoms

Unit XI: Chemical Formulas

Unit XII: Atomic Structure

Unit XIII: Chemical Properties

4th Quarter– Physics

Unit XIV: Force and Work (2 Weeks)

The Nature of Forces


Forces in Fluids

Work, Power, and Simple Machines

Energy: Forms and Changes

Unit XV: Sound (3 Weeks)

Characteristics of Waves

Sounds and Its Uses

Unit XVI: Light (2 Weeks)

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Light and Its Uses

Unit XVII: Electricity and Magnetism (1 Weeks)

Electric Charges and Currents



Electronics and Computers

Critical Attributes

  1. All waves, including sound waves, exhibit characteristics of wavelength, frequency and amplitude.
  2. Frequency or pitch of the sound produced by an object/medium is influenced by how often that object/medium vibrates, which is, in turn, related to the physical properties of that object/medium (i.e. length of vibrating object, or tension of vibrating string).
  3. Sound energy is transferred between molecules when they collide creating a longitudinal or compression wave, which may be detectable by a receiver (i.e. an ear, or ultrasound machine).
  4. The arrangement of molecules and the properties of those molecules in a medium determine the speed of sound waves (and the speed of other waves) through that medium.
  5. Sound energy traveling through a medium initiates a periodic change in density of localized volumes of molecules in that medium, causing sound to travel with little or no net movement of the medium.
  6. All movement produces sound waves but not all sounds can be heard with the human ear.

Essential Questions

1. Why is my voice different than yours? In order to answer this questions students need to understand that pitch is dependent on the properties of its medium. Because everyone has different vocal chords, everyone’s voice will sound different. However, people with similar vocal chords (like identical twins) will have similar voices.

2. Do deaf individuals experience sound? Students will need to understand that sound is initiated by a vibration and that deaf individuals can experience sound through vibrations.

3. How does a phone conversation work? Students will need to know that sound need a medium to travel. That medium can be air, or a wire. Sounds are transferred through compression waves. Our voice creates a compressional wave which is carried through wire by causing molecules in the wire to collide with one another in a regular pattern. This vibrational pattern is picked up by a magnet in the receiver and transferred into vibrations that can be picked up by our eardrum.

5. Can all animals hear what I hear?Students will need to understand that sounds come in a huge range of frequencies. Because the structure and conformation of different animal’s hearing organs are different, they will be sensitive to different frequency ranges.


  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of wave characteristics including wave type (compressional/transverse), wavelength (ultrasound/audible sound), amplitude (volume), resonance and frequency (pitch). – CONTENT
  2. Students will be able to define sound as a transfer of energy focusing on the behavior of molecules in a medium. – CONTENT

Physical Science EALR 1.2, BM 3 – understand many forms of energy (such

as sound energy) as they are found in common situations on earth and in the


3.Students will be familiarized with scientific inquiry. Emphasis: Students will demonstrate the ability to create models of scientific phenomena and thoughtfully reconsider those models throughout the unit. – INQUIRY

4.Students will present an original scientific model with clarity and poise. – COMMUNICATION

5.Students will continue to build an appreciation for their teammates and teamwork – VALUE

Phases of Inquiry

I.Building a knowledge base to prepare for inquiry

II.Crating questions, hypotheses, predictions

III.Designing and conducting the investigation

IV.Analyzing data and representing it as evidence

V.Reconsidering the model, coordinating evidence and theory & presenting findings to peers

The following activities have been created in concert with the following website:

DAY ONE – Introduction to Inquiry/Introduction to Sound

Objectives / 1.1Students will know that sound behaves as a wave.
3.1 Students will build a knowledge base to prepare for inquiry.
3.2 Students will create a preliminary model of a hearing organ.
4.1 Through discussion, students will become more comfortable sharing ideas with the class.
Unit Activity: What will students do to achieve a particular learning objective? / 1. (Phase I – start w/students’ prior knowledge) Students will work in their journals to create a KWL (Know, Wonder, Learn) chart. They will share their work to create a collective KWL chart. Using their prior knowledge and the chart, students will discuss whether all creatures hear alike and share evidence of their assertions(3, 4). Note: if students do not address that “sound behaves as a wave” in the KWL chart, I will briefly introduce this concept (4). 2. (Phase I – Link students’ knowledge to models)Introduce culminating project. Pairs of students will pick from a list of animals (provided here: Each pair will work to draft a unique model of that animal’s hearing organ (3). 3. (Phase I – Make processes explicit) Wrap-up: Discuss the benefits and possible limitations of models (3).
Rationale: Why this activity at this time? / I will be doing this unit with students this May. From my observations they have had little to no exposure to inquiry. The KWL chart is a good way orientate them with inquiry, and should feel accessible to all students, because it purely builds off curiosity and prior knowledge. I started this unit by building a knowledge base for inquiry because their final performance assessment and other activities in the unit will heavily involve inquiry, stressing the use of models. I think it is important to expose them to inquiry as soon as possible so that when they arrive at activities involving higher order inquiry skills they will feel comfortable implementing them. Also, I think it is important to start a unit in a way that is accessible to all students, so that every student has a common knowledge base and an initial understanding. Therefore, there is an increased likelihood that interest will be generated, which will sustain the motivation to learn throughout the unit.
Evidence/Assessment / 1. KWL chart (journal), and model. 2. If certain students are having exceptional struggles creating a model, I will assess them on their effort and participation – are they asking questions, are they on task?
Rationale: Why this assessment? / This assessment focuses on the inquiry objectives. Because the students will have had little prior exposure to inquiry, it is important to get a sense of their comfort level and openness to using inquiry in the science classroom. This activity will require more active participation than the students are accustomed to, so I believe it is important to focus on restructuring the dynamics of the classroom around active engagement of scientific inquiry without the added confusion of assessing a specific content objective. I have provided the option of a conditional secondary assessment of their participation and focus on the task-at-hand. I have allowed for this, because I am asking the students to embrace a new mode of thinking; this process may demand more time from certain students, and I do not want to penalize them while getting accustomed to a new learning style. I wanted to start the sound unit by asking students to draft hearing organs, because it is a tangible concept to students. They have hearing organs (ears), and so it allows the students to relate abstract concepts of sound to a common and concrete understanding of sound. Being able to draw this initial connection will promote understanding and the feeling of success among students.
Preparation / Can we provide the students with science journals? Create pairs of mixed-ability students. Provide list of animals, scrap paper, poster board and markers.
Homework / Due DAY SIX: (Phase 5 – Reconsidering the model, coordinating evidence and theory) In pairs, students will turn in their original draft of their hearing organ created on Day One and a revised model of that hearing organ (draft quality). Students will provide an explanation of why revisions were made. These explanations should be supported by outside research of the hearing organ (3). Students will report to the teacher what format they will utilize for the final model of the hearing organ (i.e. 3D, power point, and poster).

DAY TWO – Vibration Initiates Sound Waves

Objectives / 2.1 Students will understand that a vibration initiates a sound wave.
3.2 Students will build a knowledge base to prepare for inquiry.
3.3 Students will explore models of the human ear.
Unit Activity: what will students do to achieve a particular learning objective? / 1. (Phase I – link students’ knowledge to models) Show students models of human ear( 2. (Phase III – Designing and conducting an investigation) Give students shallow containers with water and small objects. Ask them, “Can you demonstrate a wave?” When objects are dropped into water a wave will form (3). Demo: place vibrating tuning fork in water. Students will observe waves rippling through the water. Make the connection that sound waves travel through air similarly, only we cannot see them (2). 3. (Phase I – link students’ knowledge to models) Discuss models of sound waves ( (3). 4. Wrap-up: Ask students, “What initiated the sound wave?” Answer: Movement/vibration. Ask students, “Are there other ways to experience sound?” Discuss famous percussionist Evelyn Glennie (2).
Rationale: Why this activity at this time? / After asking the students to come up with their own models on Day One, I wanted the students to get acquainted with other model interpretations. The intent is for them to use these examples in order to build on their own models and to get them thinking about aspects of hearing organs that they may have overlooked initially. After exploring hearing organs the students are equipped to start thinking about more abstract concepts of sound. It is logical to start an exploration of sound by identifying its origin – vibration. Vibration is the guiding principle that defines sound waves. This knowledge is essential in order to discuss and understand more detailed aspects of wave energy. Also, I am heavily scaffolding scientific investigations for the students because they have had little experience with inquiry. I began with simple investigations to establish an increasing comfort level with inquiry skills and exploration.
Assessment / 1. In journal, illustrate the demo and describe the corresponding phenomenon. 2. See Homework.
Rationale: Why this assessment? / 1. This assessment will not be graded for accuracy, but credit will be given for completion. The purpose of this assessment is for the teacher to get a sense of the students’ understandings – what are the misconceptions? Is learning evident? It is especially important as a new teacher to continually assess student understanding, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the lessons. It is necessary to build off a sound foundation, so it is ideal to address or be aware of misconceptions as soon as possible. 2. This homework assignment does not target a particular learning objective, but it is important in that it allows students to develop a better understanding for individuals with disabilities and offers a perspective they likely have not been exposed to. Also, it is an opportunity for individuals to express themselves through expressive writing allowing students to achieve success in the science classroom that may not when traditionally assessed.
Preparation / Web access. Containers with water. Small objects (i.e. coins, and marbles). Tuning fork. Distribute Evelyn’s Hearing.
Homework / 1. Students will describe in their journals their reaction to Evelyn’sHearing (
2. Students will record any questions they have generated pertaining to sound.

DAY THREE – Sound Waves are Compression Waves that Carry Energy through a Medium

Objectives / 2.2 Students will understand that sound waves carry energy through a medium.
(Physical Science EALR 1.2, BM 2 – Energy comes in many forms.)
2.3 Students will understand that sound energy is transferred when molecules collide.
2.4 Students will understand that sound waves produce little net movement of the medium.
4.1 Through discussion, students will become more comfortable sharing ideas with the class.
Unit Activity: What will students do to achieve a particular learning objective? / 1. Drum demo. This demonstrates that sound waves from our vocal chords can cause objects (seeds) to move. Ask students, “What caused the seeds to move?” (Sound waves carry energy, which has the ability to do work and move the seeds.) (2, 4) 2. Slinky activity. Students will model sound (compression) waves using a slinky. They will define compression and rarefaction (2). 3. “The Wave” Activity. Each student will be given the role of a molecule. The class will perform “The Wave.” Students will draw a connection between “The Wave” and energy transfer in a medium (2). 4. Domino activity. Students will observe falling dominoes. They will connect this action with sound energy traveling through a medium – there is a significant transfer of energy, but little net movement of the medium (no one domino moved very much) (2). 5. Look at wave animations ( and ask students, “What can you infer about the movement of molecules in a sound wave based on “The Wave” and Domino activities?”
Rationale: Why this activity at this time? / The concept of sound as a patterned collection of molecular collisions is central to understanding how sound energy is transferred. Students will need this fundamental understanding to build on in subsequent activities, such as the speed of sound through different mediums. These activities are very interactive and provide students with a concrete relationship to abstract phenomena. I believe that such activities make learning accessible to all students. Also, I think these activities make learning fun and engage the attention and participation of the students. For the majority of students, all of these components are necessary to achieve significant learning.
Assessment / 1. In journal, students will illustrate and discuss the demos. 2. See Homework.
Rationale: Why this assessment? / Studies have shown that it is important for students to write in order to aid the process of learning and solidify understanding of the material. Also, I want the students to have record of the phenomena they have encountered throughout the unit, so they can refer to it when necessary. Journal entries are an effective way for me to follow the student’s thinking and identify where misconceptions have occurred. It also allows me to interact with all my students by providing individualized attention through my feedback. It is an opportunity for me to encourage and compliment my students. I will read and comment on all journal entries, but will assess them only on effort – Did they include drawings? Did they make a sufficient attempt to address the questions? I want the students to feel comfortable to explore these phenomena and make hypotheses without concern of being penalized for accuracy. I think it is most important to develop curious minds and interest in science.
Preparation / Make a drum using a coffee can and a balloon. Seeds. Slinkys. Dominoes.
Homework / 1. If necessary, finish journal entries. 2. Add to the KWL charts and list what you have learned about sound so far.

DAY FOUR – Defining Amplitude, Wavelength and Frequency

Objectives / 1.2 Students will be able to define amplitude, wavelength, and frequency (pitch).
1.3 Students will understand that amplitude (volume) is directly affected by the wave energy.
(Physical Science EALR 1.1, BM 3 – describe sound relating the ideas of frequency, wavelength, and by relating energy to amplitude)
3.4 Students will conduct a scaffolded investigation and analyze data to come to a supported conclusion.
Unit Activity: What will students do to achieve a particular learning objective? / 1. Rope Activity (p. 81). Students will shake rope in order to see wave phenomena – wavelength and amplitude. Students will try and create waves of different lengths. Students will explore what happens to amplitude when they add energy to the system by shaking more vigorously (1). 2. Show BrainPop video and wave parts ( Have students complete a worksheet which identifies the different parts of waves. Emphasize that higher frequency corresponds to higher pitch (1). 3. (Phase 3 – students will conduct an investigation) Ruler Activity. Students will examine changes in pitch by snapping a plastic ruler against a surface and varying its tension (length). Explain to students that one vibration (one oscillation of the ruler, down-and-up) corresponds with one wavelength. Students will work in pairs to answer this question: “What is the relationship between pitch and the vibrating objects?” Have students observe the vibrations of the ruler as they adjust its orientation on the table. And determine the cause of the change in pitch based on their observations (3).
Safety Precautions / Wear goggles for Ruler Activity.
Rationale: Why this activity at this time? / It is essential to have an understanding of wave energy through analysis of wave components such as wavelength, amplitude and frequency. This activity comes near the beginning of the unit because this scientific terminology needs to be defined and memorized in order to engage in successful discussions and explorations regarding wave energy.
Assessment / 1. Accurate completion of worksheet. 2. (Phase 4 – students will analyze their data and represent it as evidence) Students will record all observations from Ruler Activity and determine a relationship between pitch and the vibrating object.
Rationale: Why this assessment? / I will assess for accurate completion of the worksheet, because it is necessary for students to memorize the definitions of wavelength, amplitude and frequency so that they can engage in clear and understandable discussions about wave energy. Again, I would like them to record observations in their journal in order to enforce the concepts learned. It allows me to identify their misconceptions and provide individualized feedback. It also allows me to assess their progress using scaffolded inquiry investigations.
Preparation / Web access. Rope (jump rope). Rulers.
Homework / 1. If necessary, student will finish journal entries. 2. Students will record any questions they have generated pertaining to sound. 3. Be prepared to turn in journals on Day Five.

DAY FIVE - Pitch