C-L’s tips for the Isagenix 9, 14 & 30 Day Cleanse

First of all, please read page 4 and 5 of your green program guide. The directions are quite simple and thorough. I have found a few other tips may help you achieve your best results. These are:

Water is a KEY. Because you are getting the good stuff in you want to make sure you are flushing the bad stuff out and hydrating properly. If you can drink half your body weight in ounces per day (or more) you will have great results! Cold, purified water is best and you can also add fresh lemon as this is a natural detoxifier.

If you haven’t yet tried blending ice with your shake, this is delicious! You may also use hot (not boiling water) for a warm drink. Drinking your shake within the first 10 minutes is best as it contains active digestive enzymes.

The Isagenix Snacks are very important, especially on your cleanse days. These are a perfect balance of protein, carbohydrate and good fat and will keep you from feeling hungry, keep your blood sugar level (very important for releasing lbs and inches) and will curb cravings. I like to munch 2-4 unsalted almonds with each Snack.

This is NOT a diet. Please shift from thinking that you are starving your body to knowing that you are feeding your body an abundance of nutrition, so that it can start to function well again. There are 242 organic, plant source nutrients in your Isagenix program, which is one of the reasons so many people have wonderful results. Mealtime does not mean tiny little portions. Please eat until you are satisfied. Clean and lean is more important - lean protein with vegetables, whole grains Please stay away from Fast Food and fatty, processed food. There are some good suggestions at the end of your program guide and let me know if you would like me to email you some other great recipes.

Most people find that having the shakes at breakfast and dinner works best. However if it’s important for you to eat dinner with your family and it works better for you, go ahead. You may want to have an extra snack between your two shakes. Some good ideas are some raw veggies, an organic apple, a cup of berries. There are some other snack ideas on the last page of your Program Guide.

One good reason not to eat regular food (other than the Snacks and almonds) on your cleansing day is because your liver is in detoxification mode. When you eat a regular meal, the liver switches to digestion mode and this may slow down the process (especially if your main goal is weight loss). You are flooding your body with liquid nutrition and most people don’t find themselves hungry, that being said, please listen to your body. If you feel you absolutely need to eat something, half an organic apple or some celery are good options (chew slowly and thoroughly to aid in the digestion process).

There is a note in your guide about this next tip. I personally prefer to drink my Cleanse for Life drink straight, then a big glass of water after. Others like to mix the cleanse drink in purified water and drink it together. Feel free to try it both ways and see which is best for you. It also works very well to eat your Snack and almonds right before your Cleanse Drink.

Exercise is a great way to see even better results while cleansing. If you are already active, you can continue with your regular activities, but please take it easy on a cleanse day - a brisk walk or some light weight training is good. There is something called “the bounce and shake” which can help stimulate the lymphatic system and aid in the cleansing process. Simply stand, both feet planted, and gently shake all parts of your body. Move your arms around, over your head. You can do this 3-5 times a day for a couple of minutes at a time. Stretching is great too.

The Natural Accelerator Capsules will give you energy as well as being an all natural fat burner. Occasionally they will keep a person up at night if taken too late in the day. I take one with my morning shake and one with lunch - before 2:00 pm is best.

The Isaflush capsules are an all natural way to stay regular. Two at bedtime with water is good and you can adjust these down if necessary. If you do experience constipation, you may also take two at lunch. Ground flax in your shakes is another way to increase fibre.

An Infra-Red Sauna is another great way to sweat out more impurities. Just make sure to drink extra water and listen to your body – don’t stay in too long. Once again, I wouldn’t do this on a cleanse day, better on a shake/meal day.

Colon Hydrotherapy – is also an option I can talk with you about.

Epsom salts in a warm bath also helps draw out more impurities from your pores. It is also a relaxing, soothing way to end your day.

I have learned that a little bit of coaching goes a long way. If anything feels uncomfortable at any time during cleansing, it is always best to call. There are easy ways to improve anything. I have seen so many wonderful results for people since I have been sharing Isagenix – increased energy, deeper sleep, mental clarity, loss of unwanted fat, as well as many things I cannot mention because Isagenix products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The body is the miracle.

Happy cleansing!

Cari-Lee Stevens

Isagenix Independent Consultant & Cleanse Coach

World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing

604 608 0511