Quick Guide: Complete Galileos System Install:

Sidexis XG: 2.3.05 & 2.4; Galileos Server & Workstation: 1.6; SUI: V03_06_02; Implant: 1.6

·  (IT Tech) Create PData folder

·  Uncheck “simple file sharing” (tools>folder options>view)

·  Share with full rights for “everyone” or “Domain users” in both sharing & security tab.

·  (IT Tech) Add users to each new workstation if Workgroup; If in Domain, add “cbadmin” w/pwd: “galileos838” to Domain Admins. *Allows Sirona Support admin access to install & repair.

·  Insure there are no firewalls, Anti-virus, and/or Window Defender blocking access.

1. SQL Server: One time at “server” or “capture all-in-one workstation”

·  Install SQL Express from Sidexis XG disk; Accept defaults

See “Installing SQL” and “ADDING SQL TO EXISTING SERVER” quick-guides if needed.

2. Install Sidexis XG on master station: Usually at capture station.

·  Select Multi-station & Central Install

·  Select appropriate SQL Server

·  Select proper PData location (see above)

·  Complete Practice Name Page & Select to register “Later”

·  Test adding a patient and opening an image.

* Version: 2.3

·  Unzipped NGPIMAN Fix (2.3.05) to PData\Setup folder

·  Copy 2 enclosed files to each workstation into C:\Sidexis folder & overwrite file.

3. Install Galaxis 1.6 on RCU “server”: Always on computer supplied with Galileos 3D System.

·  (IT Tech) Network conductivity to RCU (IP/Add to Domain or Workgroup/Permissions/Firewall)

·  Install Sidexis XG on RCU from PData\Setup folder

·  Install Galileos Server 1.6 from Galileos Plug-In Disk. Install RCU Patch 1.6.1

·  Insure the created Data Container folder has full rights for “everyone” or “Domain users” in sharing & security tab.

·  Put Dongle in RCU

·  Uncheck power mgmt in USB properties

·  Create “Dongle” folder in PData & paste appropriate file (.xml file from Support Team)

·  Install license in Sidexis Manager>Sirona Admin Control License

4. Install Galaxis Workstation on master station

·  Install Galaxis workstation from PData\Setup\Galileos folder & Accept defaults

·  Add Galileos Unit in Sidexis Manager>SiXABCon

·  Check SUI at Software Updates: V03_06_02 (PData\Setup\Galileos\Galileos Devices)

·  Check the date on Extended details (if wrong, change by re-entering IP)

·  Calibrate Galileos in Service Exposure & Do 2D & 3D Acceptance test

·  Take test acquisition

At any time after Sidexis XG & Galaxis Server is installed:

·  Create “Implant SW1.6” folder in PDATA\Setup folder & copy Implant 1.6 disk (latest releases of Galileos Implant database can be downloaded from sicat.com)

·  Install Sidexis XG & Galileos 1.6 Workstation on workstations (Do not use disks!)

·  Install Implant 1.6 where needed from PData\Setup\Implant SW1.6 folder

·  Set up buttons and features in Sidexis & Galaxis

·  Copy NGSQLBackup folder (PData\Setup\Tools folder) into PData & run on SQL Server to initiate the “SilentBackup.bat” script.

·  (IT Tech) add Scheduled Task to SQL Server to run SilentBackup.bat daily.

*Sometimes this will not work on NAS; * Set script to run on SQL host to mapped drive.

·  (IT Tech) add PData to Office’s Daily Backup.

·  Complete Galileos Passport, calibration and backup forms and send to Galileos Support.

If needed with approval of Sirona Technical Support: DATALINK

·  Download Datalink for 3rd party software into a created folder in PData.


·  Install and configure Datalink (delete entries for additional software)

·  Do Datalink Update & Sniffer Definitions for appropriate practice software.

·  Register the software with all correct client information.

·  Install at workstations by creating a shortcut for Datalink.exe from PData\Datalink folder.

* Check “Partners” in Sidexis>Utilities>Configure System>Service

Rev 7/09 RB

Sirona Dental Systems, LLC 4835 Sirona Drive Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28273

Tel: 1-800-659-5977 Select option 2 & 2 Fax: 1-888-297-8631