Seeding Project Design

Species Selection and Planting Worksheet

The following factors are important to identify and evaluate in order to select the best species and varieties and achieve a successful project that meets the desired project goals.

Customer Name & AddressContact Person




______Fax: ______

______Email: ______

Project Name or Number ______

Project location (State, County) ______

Need For or Purpose of Seeding Project:(Brief Description) ______


Site Environmental Factors


Texture: ______

Depth (Topsoil & Total): ______

Fertility: ______

Salinity, Alkali, PH: ______

Other Important Factors:______



Annual Precip: ______

What time of year precip. comes: ______

Form of Precip: (Rain, Snow) ______

Temperatures: (Max Heat, Min. Cold Etc.) ______

Winds: ______

Length of growing season: (Frost Free Days) ______

Other Important Factors:______





Topography: (Slopes, Flats, Gullies, Exposure, etc.) (Describe)______



Wetlands or Riparian Area (Describe)______



Existing Vegetation (Describe)______



Weed Problems (Describe)______


Project Goals or Desired Use After Seeding

Describe the desired goals or desired use of the project area after the new vegetation has established.

  1. Wildlife Habitat: (Major Species - Deer, Elk, Sage Grouse, etc.)______


  1. Watershed/Erosion Control: ______

3. Requirements of Governing Regulations: (BLM, USFS, NRCS, etc.): (Details)



  1. Beatification:______



  1. Natural Area Restoration: ______



  1. Livestock Grazing: (Sheep, Cattle, others)______



  1. Time of year livestock will be on area? ______



  1. Other:______


Other Evaluation Factors

Budget/Cost Constraints

Some species cost more than others. Is using the most desirable species even if they cost more of greater importance than doing the project for the least amount of money or is somewhere in between the best? Explain:______


Native or Non Native (Introduced) or Mix

Both native and nonnative (introduced) species are available. Some customers want only natives, some only introduced species and some a mix of both is acceptable or desirable? Describe project’s preferences:______


Best Time to Plant (Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter)

Water requirement, seed dormancy, frost, soil temperature and other factors are all important in determining the best time to plant. Evaluation of these factors: ______

Best Method to Plant (Drill, broadcast, hydro seed, other)

Evaluate which method(s) will work best on this project:______


Seeding Rate Seed sizes vary greatly; desired plant composition, costs and other factors all determine the best seeding rate to use. Evaluate: ______




Seeding Depth (Needs to be correct)


Soil Seed Bed/Site Preparation The necessary or desirable soil seedbed or site preparation work should be evaluated and identified. ______



Possible Need for Erosion Control Products

(Steep slopes, winds, need to help retain soil moisture, need to limit soil movement.) Evaluate:______

Possible Need for Supplemental Water/Irrigation (not always feasible.)


Management After Seeding (Very Important)

  1. Young seedling plants must be protected from as much use as possible until they are established which could be 2 or more years. Livestock can pull up seedlings or trample them. Limited wildlife use although not the best, usually must be tolerated.
  2. Fences may be needed in some cases.
  3. If undesirable weeds come from past seed in the soil some herbicide use to control them may be desirable.
  4. If the project is going to be grazed by livestock a good grazing system must be implement to maintain the health of the desirable vegetation species.

5. Other Considerations to Evaluate:




