Olympic College

President's Council Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2013

Committee Members in attendance: David Mitchell, Mary Garguile, Gina Huston, Mark Harrison, Joan Hanten, Lynnette De Shaw, Elaine Williams, Teresa Jones, Geri Babbo, Dianna Larsen, Amanda Gebhardt-Fuentes, David Emmons, Chris Schmechel, Norma Whitacre, Candace Alvarez, Allison Smith, Chris Stokke, Jim Mohr, Teresa McDermott, Sharon Kline, Bruce Riveland, Michelle Chandrasekhar, Ruth Saucier

Regrets: Ed Call, Amy Hatfield, Jennifer Fyllingness, Jim Funaro, Damon Bell
Guests: Kelly Woodward

Washington State Population & Employment Data

President Mitchell shared information gathered from the WACTC Accountability and Allocation Task Force meeting on the 2010-2030 Washington State population and employment data.

Legislative Agenda

President Mitchell explained that the planned CIC Building at Olympic College is the only major capital project going before the legislature this year. He talked about other higher education issues going before the legislature for this coming session.

Diversity Advisory Council Report

Teresa Jones reported that the Diversity Advisory Council will meet this afternoon and will finalize details about some projects they are planning. She also encouraged President’s Council members to submit a proposal to present at the “Are Your Roots Showing?” conference scheduled for this spring.

Employee Evaluations

President Mitchell will be collecting a list of incomplete evaluations for follow-up. The year three accreditation report had only one recommendation and it was around timely employee evaluation completions.

President’s Advisory Council Agenda

The annual President’s Advisory Council meeting will be held on December 2nd. This council is made up of community leaders who provide feedback on College issues. At this year’s meeting we will gather input on the role that OC should play in regional economic development through its programs and services. President Mitchell solicited feedback from members of President’s Council on this subject.

Rule Making

There have been many changes around compliance regulations that have an impact on demands on higher education. Joan Hanten and Kelly Woodward explained the compliance rules that the Office of Civil Rights has determined that colleges need to follow around bullying, disability, race/ethnicity, pregnancy, sexual harassment & violence and retaliation. The major change that colleges face originates from the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which requires reporting on domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and hate crimes based on national origin and gender identity.

They spoke about the steps that Olympic College will be taking in order to follow these regulations and ensure compliance.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.

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