Preschool Partnership Tier II, III Round 2 FAQ

Preschool Partnership Tier II, III Round 2 FAQ

Preschool Partnership Tier II, III round 2 FAQ

Q.We received information about the Tier III and were surprised that the maximum funding was $75,000. Did I miss something, or did they change their original plan? We were wondering if fewer districts applied and there was any left over money, could that possibly be increased?Any insight you can share would be awesome! I don’t want to complain, but we had such a great year, and had hoped to continue our existing plan.

A.There are two reasons for the reduction. First, the2017-2018 funding is insufficient to bring new partnerships into the process as well as support all current Tier 1 and 2 grants at $150,000. With limited funding, KDE chooses to incentivize new and developing partnerships to serve as many additional at-risk preschool students with full-day, high-quality programs as possible. Second, applicants and grantees are expected to identify resources and supports necessary to sustain high quality partnerships beyond the grant period. Future funding levels of this grant opportunity are unknown at this time, so it is essential that local partnerships develop plans to sustain collaborative services into the future.

Q. We applied for a Tier 2 grant and received it- which we very much appreciated. As a part of that grant we added two public preschool teachers to one of our childcare provider locations-one with high numbers of CCAP children. Due to the timing of grant awards which was well into the school year, we were not able to post and hire these two teachers and have them start until January. This means that those teachers will only really have been in those classrooms for about 3 to 4 months before the end of the school year. This would be fine if we could continue with the Tier 3 and keep them in place. However, the Tier 3 grant reduces the funding from $150,000 to $75,000. There is no way we could have had the impact needed in those few months and no way we can just pick up the cost. In most grant application processes, the same amount of funding is typically in place for at least a year and then is not reduced by half when recipients are looking to sustain the programs. I am not sure if anything can be done, but most districts are not going to have had enough time to get started and now will not have enough time or resources to continue what was started with the Tier 3 being reduced by this amount. Even if we were receiving the same amount of funding, we are going to have to non-renew the teachers because the deadline to let people know if we are having them back for a second year is by May 15th. I respectfully wanted to bring this to your attention and was hoping something might be able to be done-or perhaps some or the RTT funding which seems to need to be spent could be used to help with this. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration. I know that you did not create this and you are doing all you can to provide support to school districts.

A.Tier 3 continuation applicants may apply for funding up to $75,000. We regret this amount cannot be changed during the current preschool partnership grant application process. The grant is intended to incentivize cooperation between school districts and child care providers to provide full-day, high-quality services to at-risk children. Grant expectations include sustaining services beyond the grant period with other resources and non-grant funding.We believe RTT funds may be used to support and supplement early childhood collaboration, such as the quality improvement grants released during the Mid-Year School Readiness Summit. Amanda Riley with the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood is the best person to contact for more information. She can be reached at 502-782-9473 (office), 502-229-8154 (cell) and by email at .

Q.We had a meeting yesterday to discuss closing out this grant year. We had some questions arise. First, we would like to know if purchasing ChromeBooks is an allowable purchase. We have purchased a new curriculum for our partner and public preschool.The curriculum contains an online portal of resources. We wanted to give all stakeholders a way to access the portal and the children access to any computer based resources that may be available for them.

A.ChromeBooks are not an allowable purchase with PPG funds.

Q.We also discussed possibilities for spending the rest of the personnel money we have in this year’s grant. We had originally allotted money for paying a third preschool teacher and assistant. The classroom furnishing money has been spent but the teacher was not hired. So, we have that money still available. We have found out that XXXXX district received approval for encumbering funds to pay the ECEC salary and fringe until the tier 3 grant money would be released. Is it possible to encumber funds for this salary for July- September to ease the transition to the next year’s funds? Additionally we discussed that, as you know, the public preschool teacher salaries are paid with state preschool money but the district pays for speech, PT and OT out of general funds. Would it be allowable to use the remaining personnel funds to pay the day’s wages for these services as it relates to when they were serving preschool children?

A. Yes, it’s possible to encumber funding, please send us details along with justification

Q.Naturally, while discussing closing out this current grant, we began to discuss the possibilities for reapplication. We would be considered a Tier 3 for next year. As we begin to explore the district match funds, can we consider the third public preschool teacher and assistant salary and fringe as our match on a tier 3 grant?

A. Applicants are required to identify sufficient resources necessary to implement grant activities and sustain services beyond the grant period, including identification of non-grant funds. It is expected that non-grant funds include amounts (in-kind or dollars) other than state-funded preschool funding; however, state preschool will be considered allowable for matching purposes. This includes preschool funding for teacher and assistant teacher salaries and benefits.

Q. As we begin to explore the district match funds, can we consider the third public preschool teacher and assistant salary and fringe as our match on a tier 3 grant?

A. See above.

Q. I would appreciate your help in understanding the reduction in the amount of funds being allocated for the Preschool Partnership- Tier 3 Continuation grants.

We have created an outstanding community partnership supported by the tier 2 funds that was much needed in the targeted area of XXXXX County. Our community is responding and we believe we will have nearly 40 seats filled by August plus head Start will be in the facility.

A. There are two reasons for the reduction. First, the 2017-2018 funding is insufficient to bring new partnerships into the process as well as support all current Tier 1 and 2 grants at $150,000. With limited funding, KDE chooses to incentivize new and developing partnerships to serve as many additional at-risk preschool students with full-day, high-quality programs as possible. Second, applicants and grantees are expected to identify resources and supports necessary to sustain high quality partnerships beyond the grant period. Future funding levels of this grant opportunity are unknown at this time, so it is essential that local partnerships develop plans to sustain collaborative services into the future.

Q. Does the department anticipate funding will be available for partnerships for the 2018-2019 school year?

A. Future funding levels are unknown at this time. 2018-2019 partnership grant opportunities will be contingent upon the availability of additional state funding.

Q. I understand that we must apply for Tier III with the partner we had this year for a continuation grant. We have two additional partners that we could partner with in our district and have been advised that we are able to submit more than one grant. Wouldn’t the new partners be a Tier II since this is a new opportunity for them? Basically my question is; Do we submit a Tier III application for the partner we have this year and Tier II grants for any new partners we would like to include? I feel like since we applied for Tier II last year not knowing we could write for more than one grant that we eliminated our opportunity to partner with more than one partner.

A. Since the application defines the fiscal agent as a school district, a school district receiving Tier 2 funds in 2016-2017 cannot be considered a new grantee in 2017-2018. KDE provided guidance to applicants during the first round (page 23 of the FAQ) that districts could apply for more than one grant within the same cycle as long as applicants did not apply for Tier 1 and Tier 2 grants in the same year. The same holds true this year. In addition, 2016-2017 Tier 2 grantees may apply for more than one Tier 3 grant if new partnerships are identified.

Q. When do funds from this year’s Tier II have to be spent or encumbered? For the Tier 3 grant, does the restriction for food also include snack purchased through the grant?

A.Funds must be spent or encumbered by September 30, 2018.

Q. Our district received a Preschool Partnership Tier 2 Implementation grant for this year. I’m sure we will be applying for the Tier 3 Continuation grant.

However, if we want to ALSO form a NEW partnership with a different partner, are we also eligible to apply for a Tier 2 implementation grant this year? XXXXX County is large enough that we could establish several partnerships.

A. No, a school district receiving Tier 2 funds in 2016-2017 is not a new applicant and will not be eligible to receive additional Tier 2 funding in 2017-2018. However, such a district may apply for more than one Tier 3 grant with new child care partnerships.

Q. I own XXX Learning Centers, and we have three locations one in XXXX, one in XXXXXX and one in XXXXX. Our XXXXXX center is ranked four stars out of five, and XXXXXX and XXXXX are ranked five out of five in the All-Stars program. I received an email today about the partnership grant for the Kentucky Department of education with preschool programs. How can we participate in this?

A. Only school districts are eligible to apply for the grant in partnership with child care providers.Child care providers are encouraged to contact school districts in your area about partnership opportunities. Resources include the following:

School District Contact Information

Competitive Grant Information

Preschool Partnership Grant Information

Q. Are daycare's available to receive this grant as well or, is this for schools only. If so, where do I receive the form to apply for this? I live in Washington County and only operate a childcare center type II. I keep receiving this email and was just wondering.

A. See above.

Q.The center I am working at has never received grant/ applied for grants. I have read through what was required for Tier 2 and I believe we meet the requirements. We have a four star rating through KY All Stars. We are a licensed type 1 center. We have a high rate of CCAP children and could really benefit from a grant like this. This is something that I have no experience with and could definitely benefit from some guidance on this application.

A. See above.

Q. Last year we were awarded a Tier 2 Implementation grant. Our partner has multiple facilities across our school district.

If our partner and the district decide that it would be a better fit to move the added teacher/classroom to a different site:

1)Is that allowable?

2)Would we write a Tier 3 proposal since we will have the same partner?

A. Yes, you may write for a Tier 3 grant with new partners and new sites.

Q. For the budget match, can these be funds that are generallyincurred as a part of the preschool program, such as preschool teachers' salaries, or do these have to be funds that are only specific to grant use?

A. Applicants are expected to match PPG funds with non-state-funded preschool funds.

Q.Would it be appropriate that a Tier 3 application be very similar to a previously approved Tier 2 application considering that Tier 3 is a continuation grant?

A. Tier 3 applicants may identify the same or similar strategies for implementing full-day, high-quality services stated in their Tier 2 application in 2016-2017; however, this is not a guarantee of funding. Tier 3 is a competitive application process and funding amounts may vary depending on the number and quality of applications received.

Q.When will TIER 3 awarded districts be notified?

A. Every effort will be made to announce preliminary notice of awards as early as possible. As of now we are hoping to announce on or around July 15, 2017.

Q. It is my understanding that because we are a faith based center, we would be unable to receive any grant money. Is this true?

A. Only districts may serve as fiscal agents of preschool partnership grant funds. However, districts may partner with licensed child care providers sponsored by churches as long as no part of the program’s curriculum is religious in nature. All religious symbols or materials should be removed from the area used by the preschool program.

Q. I am a director of a licensed child care in XXXXX County. How do I find out if any of the districts here in XXXXXCounty are participating the preschool partnership?

A. Child care providers are encouraged to contact school districts in your area about partnership opportunities. District contact information is available at the following site:

Q.August 15 is very late to put programs in place for the 2017-18 school year. Our district has a start date of August 1. The position that we would be hiring will require a teacher with experience. I fear that if I post this position in August, I will only receive applicants who are notalready in a contract for the school year -- more than likely inexperienced applicants. Many of us [preschool directors/principals]expressed the timeline concern during the December webinar. Honestly, June is cutting it short when you consider 30 day vacancy postings. Is there any chance that the August 15 announcement could be made earlier? I feel that we are setting ourselves up for a weaker program if it's implemented this late. Thank you for your consideration.

A. Every effort will be made to announce preliminary notice of awards as early as possible. As of now we are hoping to announce on or around July 15, 2017.

Q. I have a few Certified family Child care providers interesting in Appling for thisgrant. What exactly is a tier 2 and tier 3? Any help in clarification would be great, thanks so much

A. The term “tier” refers to three different funding opportunities available to increase the number of full-day, high-quality early childhood programs serving CCAP eligible children. There are Tier 1 planning grants; Tier 2 implementation grants; and Tier 3 continuation grants. Only school districts are eligible to apply for these grants in partnership with child care providers, so please encourage providers to contact school districts in your area about partnership opportunities.

Q. Who can the co-applicants be?

A.Co-applicants are defined as one or more child care partners responsible for working collaboratively with the applicant to implement or enhance full-day, high-quality early childhood services. Co-applicants must include licensed Type I provider(s) or Type II child care provider(s) or certified home child care providers. Applicants not identifying co-applicants on the cover sheet will be deemed non-responsive and will not move forward in the application process.

Q. Do you have examples like Read to Achieve had?

A. Example or model proposals for Tier 2 are not available at this time.

Q. Do you have to have a co-applicant?

A. Yes. Applicants not identifying co-applicants on the cover sheet will be deemed non-responsive and will not move forward in the application process.

Q. In our district, we have a school-based/Head Start blended program and three faith based programs. One of the faith-based programs is licensed but they do not want to partner. Can the district apply for two grants? One with Head Start to expand our existing programs to full-day day and one with the district to create a new classroom since there is not child care? If so would the district have to have this classroom licensed?

A. Nothing in the RFA limits the number of Tier 2 implementation grant applications a district may submit to KDE by the deadline identified in the application (May 12, 2017, 4:00 p.m. EDT). As long as the applications identify different co-applicants, meaning different and distinct partnerships serving different areas of a district, county or community, multiple applications are acceptable from one applicant. Concerning child care licensure, at partnership sites, if there are any areas where regulations are in question, the partnership must adhere to the higher standard.

Q. We operate a daycare that does not include preschool children, based on our Tier 1 needs assessment we have the need to open a preschool classroom with our licensed school day care, so we would be partnering with our self only. Is that ok?