INQ 300Fall 2013

Intellectual Inquiry

Powerful Medicine: How Do Drugs Affect Our Life?

Major Group Project

How do drugs affect our lives? This course is exploring the pharmaceutical industry and its impact on individuals and on society. From drug discovery to clinical trials to marketing and economic implications, we have spent six weekslearning some basics about this industry. Groups will now choose a contemporary problem related to the pharmaceutical industry, carry out research on the problem, analyze possible approaches to the problem, and propose a solution in a final paper and oral defense.


This major group project is 55% of your course grade. Both process and product will be evaluated. In process, you need to demonstrate a professional approach to working with your group. This includes doing the work necessary to advance the work of the group, arriving on time and prepared to all meetings of the group, and providing other group members with help and constructive input. Ultimately, the group’s work will be judged on its final products, the oral and written presentations of the group’s solution to the problem they were investigating. These products should demonstrate that the group can apply critical thinking and quantitative reasoning skills in a meaningful way. They should also demonstrate explicit and meaningful connections to your past course work (both in the INQ curriculum and in your majors).

Assessment of Group Work15%

Final Oral Defense20%

Written Report20%

Groups and Topics

Group 1:“The Drug Approval Process …”

Ashley, Ryan, Chandler, Kennan, and Dan

Group 2:“The Problem of Overprescription…”

Lauren, Kelly, Hannah, and Jamie

Group 3:“The Prevention of Addicition …”

Pati, Mark, Jake, and Alex

Group 4:“Using Drugs to HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa …”

David, Katelyn, Johnzelle, and Kathy

Remaining Timeline

Nov. 20Groups meet in Miller 113 during

class time to work on oral defense

Nov. 22Groups meet in Miller 113 during

class time to work on oral defense

Nov. 25Preliminary oral defense: Group assessment due

Groups 1 & 2

Dec. 2Preliminary oral defense: Group assessment due

Groups 3 & 4

Dec. 4Final oral defense:

Groups 1 and 2

Dec. 6Final oral defense:

Groups 3 and 4

Dec. 11Final project reflection and group assessment due by noon

INQ 300 Major Project Oral PresentationTime







Background on the Problem

Current Solutions to the Problem

Group’s Proposed Solution


Displayed Knowledge of Subject Matter

Conveyed Material in a Clear, Comprehensible Fashion

Quantitative Reasoning

Organized Material Well

Articles are from Reliable and Authoritative Sources

Appropriate Sources and Citations

Free of Errors

Suited to Level of Audience


Audio Quality [volume, speed, enunciation, modulation, etc]

Poise [eye contact, movement, dress, attitude, connection, etc]

Confidence: Evidence of Practice

Interacted with Audience

Avoiding Um, Uh, etc.

No Reading!!!!!!

PowerPoint: Text [size color, legibility, etc.]

Graphics [size, resolution, appropriateness, etc.]

Background [appropriate style and color]

Balance of Text and Graphics



transitions; group practice) AND ON DRESS REHEARSAL______