Physician and Patient CourseFacilitator Notes 2006-2007



Student Syllabus:
Session 8A: / SP Practice Interview with 4th Year Feedback
Date: / Tuesday 12/5 & Thursday 12/7
Time: / 2:00 – 6:00 PM
Check the P&P website and bulletin board outside of CEAC for your specific appointment time.
Location: / Queen Lane, CEAC
Standardized Patient Exercise:
(15minute appointment per student) /
  • 10 minute interview with 5 minutes feedback from your 4th year co-facilitator.
  • Employ all BIC skills and content items acquired thus far. Your 4th year co-facilitator will provide feedback.
  • While you may not have time to get through all the content on the BIC in 10 minutes, your 4th year co-facilitator will give you an opportunity to list everything you would have covered had you had sufficient time.

Note: /
  • Your appointment time is posted on the Physician and Patient Course website and on the Course Bulletin Board outside CEAC one week prior to this session.
  • Arrive 10 minutes before your appointment.
  • You are NOT required to bring a videotape to this session, if you do please label it with your name and CEAC exam room number written on the spine of the tape.
  • If the videotape is one you have used previously, make sure your tape is cued to the end of the previously recorded material.

Please arrive at CEAC no later than 1:45 PM, we will start promptly at 2:00 PM

Students will conduct a 10 minute interview with the standardized patient. A warning bell will sound after 8 minutes to indicate there are 2 minutes remaining of the interview. Students may not bring in notes or copies of the BIC to their interviews.

While observing the student interviews, please fill out the BIC’s (abbreviated version) that we will provide in your folders.

Following the interview, you will have 5 minutes to give feedback based upon the abbreviated BIC. To optimize this time, please remain in the exam room during the interview (out of the students’ line of vision – we’ll place your chairs in a convenient spot so you won’t be on the student’s videotape). At the start of feedback, please first ask your student what s/he thinks s/he omitted from the interview. If they respond with sections of the BIC that they did not address during the interview, check off these items on your checklist, giving them credit for the items they mention (including HPI items). Please give the completed BIC’s to the student to use as a study tool for the Session 9 midterm exam.


Genetics: Personality, Beh; & Psych dx.

Lecture(Bryce Templeton, M.D., M.Ed.)

The goal of the session is to expand the student’s knowledge and understanding of genetics as the latter applies to mood, behavior, and psychiatric disorders including the research approaches used to elucidate these connections.

Psychosomatic Concepts

Lecture(Bryce Templeton, M.D., M.Ed.)

Reviews approaches in assessing the role of psychosocial factors in the course of somatic illness including the following : anecdotes and case reports; twin studies; longitudinal studies involving naturally occurring and artificially occurring stress; and response to psychotropic agents and/or psychosocial forms of therapy.

Psychoneuroimmunology Concepts 1

Lecture(Barbara Schindler, M.D.)

Immunologic and other mediators of mind-body interactions are presented with a focus on the biopsychosocial model of illness, the role of stress and depression in thepathogenesis of illness and resulting treatment implications.

Differential Diagnosis of Somaticizing Patient

Lecture(Barbara Schindler, M.D.)

Define somatization and know the prevalence of somatization in the general and patient population. Identify the physiologic, psychological and interpersonal mechanisms of somatization. Understand the role of somatization in the major psychiatric disorders and the interplay of psychosocial stressors in the Somatization process.

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