Newsletter July 2017

Callahan Enterprizes, Inc

Personal Security and Safety, Survival and Security Technology Newsletter

Summer is finally here. People are filling up the bicycle paths,hiking trails and parks,spending more time outdoors enjoying the sunshine and warmth. Unfortunately, while everyone is enjoying the summer activities… so are the criminals.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), “Preliminary figures from 2016 indicated that law enforcement agencies throughout the nation had an overall increase of 5.3 percent in the number of violent crimes brought to their attention for the first 6 months of 2016 when compared with figures reported for the same time in 2015.” There is no further information from their website past those first 6 months.

Do you have what it takes to prevent being a statistic? Does your family? Do your friends?

We have several devices to help protect you, your family and friends. Your Safety and Security are our upmost importance. There are over 500 items available.

On the lower end of the spectrum we have many personal protective devices and learning tools to include:

Personal alarms which will raise the level of attention to you and an assailant which will cause them to change their mind and to obtain more witnesses and assistance before the police arrive. Also yelling “Fire” helps. It always seems to gain everyone’s attention when they hear the word “Fire.”

Many of the devices which fit in the palm of your hand, purse or even wallet.

Several types of chemical sprays and foams which will allow you to get away to a safe place leaving the perpetrator blinded and burning. Some have dyes to enable law enforcement to find and identify the person(s). If you train people or want to make sure you can use your device properly without spraying yourself we also have a training sprayer. (Page 25 of our digital catalog)

Monkey Fist key chains.

Various instructional DVD’s

For the Kids, we have Child Guard Panda devices

Wireless Child leash wristband.

If you want to step it up a bit we have:

Several types and brands of stun guns, up to 20 million volts.

  • Some alsoautomatically collect DNA samples for law enforcement.
  • They come in many forms
  • Flashlights
  • Cellphones
  • Canes
  • Lipstick
  • Batons

Tasers® Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) and supplies to include; practice materials.

  • You will need to check your state and local municipal laws and codes to see if you can buy, carry or use stun guns.
  • To our knowledge they are “Restricted from consumer use in; MA, RI, NY, NJ, HI and the District of Columbia. Another example is where we live you can buy and carry a TASER® BOLT, but not the TASER®PULSE and X26P because the BOLT® does not look like a pistol.
  • The buyer is responsible for researching and knowingthe applicable state and local laws prior to purchasing, possessing, transporting or using a TASER CEW.

Expandable steel batons.


Brutus self-defense key chains

For the home:

We have a full array of professional video system pieces from the power plug to the camera housing

  • Full system packages
  • Power supply
  • Cables Fittings
  • Camera mounts
  • Cameras
  • System testers

Standalone Cameras with or without DVR


Door alarms

Diversion safes

Pool Alarms

Motion sensors

Glass break sensors



Various Parachute cord items from gun sling belts

Multi-Function tools

Solar pack

Solar oven

Water purifiers

Jump on-line and look. You do not have to leave an email, sign into anything, become a member of our organization, or prove you are human to visit our site and download and/or view Our digitalcatalog. We no longer offer a printed catalog.

If you intend on using these items for a non-profit or other special circumstances please e-mail us with the details and we will see what we can do. /callahanssecurity

Visit our website by CLICKING HERE or visit:

If you want to go directly to our catalog CLICK HERE or visit:

Current ways to order products

We currently have several ways you can order products which will change when I find a system within budget range which will allow us to place all items in a store type model:

  • PayPal invoice
  • PayPal e-mail
  • Toll Free Fax 1-844-270-8849
  • E-mail form with all info and get SH total and form back for approval and ordering.
  • By Phone
  • By mail (USPS) mail form with all info and get SH total and form back for approval and ordering. If you would like me to call you with new total and payment info please indicate so on form. Best time and day to call.

If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter with information about Callahan Enterprizes, Inc., notices of new or discontinued products e-mail us at: ut “Remove Me from Correspondence” in the subject section.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome, good or bad.

Well, that’s it for now. Enjoy the Summer, be safe and don’t forget the holidays are just around the corner!! Do you have a family member or friend who is hard to buy for?

Chuck Callahan, DD


Callahan Enterprizes, Inc.

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