(Kenmare Pastoral Area includes the Parishes of Kenmare, Kilgarvan, Glengarriff (Bonane), Sneem & Tuosist)

Fr. Tom Crean, P.P., 087-2482090 Tel. 064 66 41352 …. Fax 064 66 41925

Fr. Liam Lovell, C.C., 087-1640967 E-mail:

Monday, 15th August 2011 ~ The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We welcome all among us who are visiting our town these days for the

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Recent Death: We pray for Margaret Noonan, Cappanacush, Greenane who has died. Removal of her remains from Finnegan’s Funeral Home this Monday (15th Aug) at 9pm to Templenoe Church. Requiem Mass on Tuesday (16th) at 11am. Burial afterwards in New Templenoe Cemetery. May she Rest in Peace.

Mass Intentions this Week
Holy Cross / Mon / 9.30am / Nora & Peter O’Sullivan, Lissaniska / Anniversary
Mon / 12noon / Denis ‘Square’ Riney / ”
Mon / 8.00pm / Mass for the feast of the Assumption
Tues / 10.00am / Una Hayes / ”
Wed / 10.00am / Michael, Annie & Ted O’Connor / ”
Thurs / 10.00am / Christy O’Sullivan (Roger) / ”
Fri / 10.00am / Owen O’Sullivan, Dromneavane / ”
Sat / 10.00am / Michael Lynch, Railway Rd. / ”
Direendaragh / Mon / 9.30am / Mary Crowley (nee Coffey) late of Dromlusk / R.I.P.
Templenoe / Mon / 10.45am / George & Helen Rice / ”
Holy Cross Church - Holy Hour ……………...... Every Sunday Evening at 7.00pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament …………….. Mon & Tues: 8am– 9pm Fri 8-10am
Christ Our King Prayer Group…………………… Thursday nights at 8.30pm ~ The Church Lodge
Confessions …………………………………………. Every Saturday 12 noon - 1.00pm or by request

Church Notices:

Diocesan Collection: Collection for Pastoral & Retreat Centres will be taken up next

week-end, 21st & 22nd August in all churches.

Introduction of the New Roman Missal:

The series of leaflets entitled “Praying the Mass” are available on successive Sundays from 31st July: You’ll find the 3rd one (plus a child’s version) “Praying the Mass 3” in the church today: it is blue coloured.

It focuses on the Eucharistic Prayer and our participation in the offering of the Sacrifice of Christ. Take a leaflet away and reflect on it.

(A Polish version is available in the sacristy).

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A thought for today

Mary answered ‘Yes’ to God when she was asked by Gabriel to bring his Son into the world. Mary is thankful to God for the choice that he has made. Her thanks, the Magnificat, as given to us today in Luke’s gospel, draws from the Old Testament and the relationship between God and his chosen people. The invitation from God, communicated to her by Gabriel, to which she answered ‘Yes, will bring the first light of the New Covenant into the world. That covenant will give new hope to the human race. / Mary’s assumption gives us a sign today that her ‘yes’ leads to resurrection. To see her son die a cruel death on Calvary was part of her ‘Yes’. The Resurrection was part of it too. Her act of faith is part of what we celebrate today. Mary’s example shines like a beacon light. We can often be centred on our own lives, not looking beyond that position. Mary’s example is one that looks beyond herself to her God.
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Prayer for Grace to Our Lady

It becomes to be mindful of use, as you stand near Him who granted all your graces,

for you are the Mother of God and our Queen.

Help us for the sake of the King, the Lord God and Master who was born of you.

For this reason you are called full of grace.

Remember us, most holy Virgin, and bestow on us gifts from the riches of your graces,

Virgin full of grace.

Leaving Cert Students: We pray for our Leaving Cert students as they receive their exam results this week.

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Encouraging words . . .

‘You made me for such love as you can give.’ This thought inspires me as I try to express the precious love of God in my life. The more I belong to God, the more I am truly me. Our hearts are restless until they rest in God. ‘Glory be to him, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine…’

§  Summer Dues 2011 - Thank you if you have already sent in your ‘summer dues’ envelope.

We continue to be dependent on and grateful for your generosity.

Holiday-makers - - - we pray for all who are on holidays at this time. May you return home safely and refreshed.

Ø  Children’s Holiday Bible Club: Wed-Fri (17th-19th Aug) 2.30-4.30pm each day. This event is for children aged 5-11. Venue: The Gatheway Centre at Gortamullen. More details ( Carol 087-7627011

Ø  Sth Kerry Retired Garda Members Assoc. 2-hr cruise outing at 2.30pm, Thurs (18th Aug) from Star Outdoor Pier, Dauros, followed by a meal. Local & visiting members welcome. Ph. 087-9009717 before 15th August.

Ø  Carnegie Arts Centre: Workshop: Traditional Irish Arts Workshop – Mon-Fri 15th-19th of Aug. at 10-3pm daily. Music: Frankie Gavin & De Dannan – Thurs (18th) at 8pm. J. Black Sings Bob Dylan on Friday (19th) at 8pm. Trad Gig – Tim O’Shea & Ml Kelliher, Sat (20th) at 8pm.