On January 16th 2014, the pupils and staff met in small groups to discuss ways to improve our playtimes. We asked ‘what should we keep doing, stop doing and start doing to improve playtimes?’The tables below show the group results. We have already started work on some of the suggestions below.

SUGGESTIONS / Total number of times suggested by all groups
Climbing frame / 19
KS2 on climbing frame whilst waiting for lunch / 1
Football / 14
Ks1 /Ks2 football / 5
netball / 1
basketball / 1
Huff and Puff / 6
Playground games ( It , Mosjhi ,aeroplanes / 2
hopscotch / 3
Number square / 1
Quiet area / 7
field / 7
woods / 7
pavillion / 1
Running around +getting exercise / 3
Fresh air / 1
Playing with friends and people in other classes / 12
Talking to friends / 1
Toilet rules / 1
Lining up / 1
lunchtime / 1
Playing rough games / 13
pushing / 3
Fighting / 3
Shooting games / 3
Getting hurt / 3
Spying on people / 1
Bullying / 3
pushing / 3
Choosing to do the wrong thing on purpose / 1
Name calling ( time waster, biscuit taster) / 1
Falling out /arguing / 4
shouting / 1
Crossing the yellow line / 1
Just having one turn a week on the climbing frame / 2
Standing on the slide / 1
Letting reception use the climbing frame in free choice / 1
Going behind climbing wall and pergola / 2
Stop football ( causes arguments and injuries)/less football / 2
Having two football games at the same time / 3
No football day / 1
Huff and puff free week / 1
Missing playtime if do something naughty / 1
Stop making Y4 go last for everything / 1
Having two whistles to line up- (one is enough) / 1
Messing around in the line/ talking in the line/ taking a long time to line up/pushing to the front / 4
Lining up- being told to stand still all the time / 1
Going on grass if muddy / 1
When were not allowed on the grass / 2
Climbing trees / 3
Picking leaves / branches off trees / 4
Making long daisy chains / 1
Being noisy in the quiet area / 1
Not enough room in winter- squashed / 1
Too many skipping ropes out at the same time / 1
More Climbing equipment frame- bigger- a new one- adding things to it( ropes/ slides/swings/cover) / 15
Easier climbing wall / 1
Balancing ropes/obstacle course / 1
Zip wire / 2
More football / 4
Football goals / 5
Football referee/rules / 1
Boys football and girls football days
Ks1/ks2 football on diff days / 1
Fence round the football pitch / 5
New footballs / 1
Huff and puff to start again / 13
Playground signs- children to make / 1
Rules for the climbing frame/ playground / 3
Diff areas in playground/ zones / 1
All use reception outdoor area / 2
Older version of reception area / 1
sandpit / 3
A stage for acting / 1
Toys for playtables (draughts/ cars) / 2
Numbers in playground to play with / 1
Ramps and cars / 1
Junk for building sticks logs boxes / 2
Dressing up things / 4
Scooters/trikes for everyone / 3
Water play / stream / 1
Art / craft equipment / 5
Playdough t the tables / 1
Buckets of chalk / 3
More play on the grass / 3
Have something on the back field / 2
Benches on the grass in the summer / 1
New tables for the field / 1
Running track / 1
Games in the pergoda / 1
deckchairs / 1
Going to the pond/ Lost Garden once a week / 5
Tree house / 1
Improve the woods – treasure trail, hiding places, seats, ladders to go up trees safely / 1
Cut off all the pointy bits on the trees / 1
dens / 1
Shaded area for sunny weather / 1
Bigger quiet area / 1
Relaxing music in the quiet area / 1
Stories red by teacher or another child / 1
Books in the quiet area/outdoor library / 8
Play things in the quiet area / 1
dancing / 1
Musical instruments/ area / 3
Music to dance to / 1
Dance are on astro turf outside the hall with music / 1
Outdoor piano / 1
Play in FS /Y1 shelters / 1
Lockers to store toys / 1
Cushions to sit on in playground/quiet area / 3
Another friendship stop / 3
Longer playtimes / 4
Walk to lines one class at a time / 1
Walk in from standing still ( no lines) one class at time / 1
Lunchtime clubs- gardening/languages/ / 1
Special play days- in hall/ special games / 1
More playground markings- floor/walls / 4
Letting Y4 go first sometimes / 1
More space to run around / 1
Choice of inside or outside / 2
Play games with the teachers / 1
Red line= do not cross Yellow line=ask the teacher / 1
Y3 / 4 afternoon play / 1
Basket ball / 1
netballs / 2
badminton / 1
parachutes / 1
Space-hoppers / 2
Table tennis / 1
Vending machine / 1
Giant bowling game / 1
See saw roundabout / 2
Snooker table /crazy golf / 2
Patio heater / 1
Electric cars ( big) with speed bumps / 1
trampoline / 4
Food / ice lollies/popcorn machine / 3
Roller skates / 1
Tv area/xbox/computers /wii / 1
swings / 4
Swimming pool / paddling pool / 6
Snooker table / 1
gardening / 1
sports / 1
Animals- real ones / 2
Flower garden / 1