NVQ Certificate / Diploma Progress Review

Learner name: / E-mail + Mob.
Date: / Status: / A AA 16-18 / 19-24 / 25+ (delete)
Employer: / Contact:


/ /



Contact No:



Normal working days: / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun (circle) / Normal working hours: / Start time: Finish time: Total Hours:
Did you take any days off, other than your normal days off each week? / Number of Holidays? / Reason for any sickness or unauthorised absence:
Number of sick leave days?
Number of Unauthorised absences?
Reporting period: / From: / To: / Dates of planned holidays: / From: / To:
Summary of Progress for the NVQ Certificate/Diploma; ERR; Technical Certificate and Key Skills/Functional Skills
(to include detail of support for endorsed learners)
Unit no. / component / AON Test / AON P’fol / Com Test / Com P’fol / TC 01 / TC 02 / ERR / NVQ 01 / NVQ 02 / NVQ / NVQ / NVQ / NVQ / NVQ / NVQ / NVQ / NVQ
% Training progression
% Unit completion
Action plan (to include dates)
(if yes, must review within 6 weeks)

1   Are there any Health & Safety concerns arising from this visit? Yes No
If yes, Give details
2   Has the trainee been involved in any reportable accidents? Yes No
If yes, Give details
3   Is the Health and Safety review up to date? Yes No
B) If no – Annual review form completed? Yes No
If no, when will this be done? ______
I, the learner understand that I need to use Personal Protective Equipment necessary to carry out my job safely, e.g. gloves/goggles/guards.

Does the learner have access to a copy of the Reed in Partnership Learner Handbook? Yes No If no issued? Does the learner feel safe at work and/or when at Reed in Partnership? Yes No
Is the learner familiar with Reed in Partnership Safeguarding policies and procedures? Yes No
If no, what guidance has been provided?
Designated Safeguarding person:

Equality and Diversity subjects discussed:

Assessor feedback:
Assessor Signature: ______
Learner feedback:
Learner Signature: ______
I declare that the information I have given is a true reflection of my attendance for the period reported.
Supervisor feedback:
Supervisor Signature: ______
Pastoral review:

Learner Progress Review - Guidance Notes for Assessors

Progress Reviews should reflect the learner journey, which includes Learning and Assessment, we should be able to show that the learner has progressed in knowledge and skills from their starting point on the programme. The review is our proof that we have supported the learner in this progression and is essential evidence when claiming funding. It must be completed with the learner and the employer, at least once every 10 weeks or every 6 weeks if the learner is receiving ALN/ASN support.

Preparation for the review:

·  Arrive in good time

·  Review the previous review and collect information about the learner’s progress since the last review – work produced and checked / the results of any other support

·  Check that a suitable location is available to conduct the review, somewhere private enough for the learner to be able to discuss sensitive or confidential matters, but not so private that the Assessor could be compromised

·  Ensure that there is enough time to complete the review thoroughly, the learner should always know at what stage they are at in their programme

·  Arrange to speak with the learner and the employer at the same time and separately, if required

Conducting the review:

·  It is important for the Assessor to have an accurate understanding of any issues, plans or changes

·  Ensure that the learner and the employer have input into the review, that their input is relevant and that any irrelevant issues are avoided

·  Ask the learner to tell you what targets agreed at the last review/meeting they have achieved and how and to explain what skills or knowledge they have developed:

o  Learning

o  Evidence collection

o  Personal development/effectiveness e.g. attitude/confidence/punctuality/organizational

o  Skills development

o  Key Skills

·  Recognise and praise what the learner has achieved

·  Discuss any barriers the learner has experienced, encourage the learner to say how they will overcome them and state when they will be able to meet any missed targets

·  Encourage the learner to take responsibility for the quality of their work and completing it on time

·  Encourage the learner to set their own targets, but ensure targets are SMART and that the learner understands them, include personal targets as well as qualification related goals

Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities

·  The Assessor should use open questions to identify whether the learner has been subjected to or witnessed any of the following:

o  Bullying

o  Harassment

o  Prejudice

o  Discrimination – of any kind

o  Unfair treatment

o  Harm from the physical environment – e.g. poor Health and Safety practice

·  If the learner has been subject to any of the above, unless this is a very minor complaint, the Assessor should record this and seek advice from the Apprenticeship Manager about what action to take

·  Use open questions to check the learner’s understanding of Health and Safety questions and Equality of Opportunity, ensuring that the learner’s knowledge and understanding of these areas is growing and can be demonstrated

Safeguarding – Young People and Vulnerable Adults

·  The Assessor should ensure that the learner understands what to do if they do not feel safe and ascertain that the learner does feel safe in the workplace and when at Reed in Partnership

·  If the learner does not feel safe, the learner should be made aware that Assessor has a duty of care to report this to the Designated Safeguarding person

·  The Assessor should then report the information to the Designated Safeguarding person – see Safeguarding Policy for more information

Comments from the employer:

·  Encourage the employer to make constructive comments

·  Ask the employer to be specific about what the learner is doing well, or not so well and how the learner can improve

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