North Cobb High SchoolDate: August 2016 Sra. Amaya C - Spanish II

Phone:770-975-6685 Room 2202

Spanish IISyllabus

Course description:This course is designed to develop proficiency in listening, reading, and writing skills. The study of Spanish speaking countries, cultural characteristics and the development of activities will help students improve the use of Spanish in situations that recreate real context. Dramatizations, authentic recordings, videos, literacy selections, music, current events, interviews with native speakers, games, and other technology assignments related to Hispanic culture are some of many activities incorporated into the foreign language curriculum.

Materials:Students are required to bring the following:

3 ring binder with paper

3 dividers

Pencil/ pen ( Blue or black only)

Red pen to underline


This material will be left in class to use throughout the year:

1 pack of markers

1 Big Elmer’s stick glue

1 bottle of hand sanitizer.(Boys)

1 box of Kleenex(Girls)

1 Pack of color pencils or Crayons


Spanish-English Dictionary

* Bag of soft candy (mint)

Course Book:“DESCUBRE”. Each student will receive an assign text book during class. Students may not take books home. This book is a source of information that provides additional practice for students. The student is responsible for maintaining the text book in good condition. They will also have an online access to the book where they can find different assignments that will be assigned in class.

Communication platform: Students are encouraged to look at the blog to get additional resources and practice.

Course Content:This course is divided into five main units to learn different components of the language and its grammar through rich cultural context. The Content of these units is shown as follows:

Unidad 1: “las vacaciones”(Travel and vacation, months of the year, seasons and weather and ordinal numbers).

Unidad 2: “De compras”(Clothing and shopping, negotiating clothing and buying, colors and new adjectives).

Unidad 3: “La rutina diaria”(Daily routine, personal hygiene and time expressions).

Unidad 4: “Lasfiestas”(Parts of the house, household chores, table settings incorporating food review and some celebrations).

Unidad 5: “En el consultorio”(health and medical terms, parts of the body, symptoms and medical conditions, health professions).

Assessment: The final grade will be determined by the following activities that are designed to improve their understanding of the target language:

  1. Participation in daily activities such as dialogues, class discussions, supplementary reading, completion of class work and homework on time, having the appropriate materials in class, individual and group activities.
  2. Written work such as paragraphs, worksheets, book activities, conversations, etc. will be periodically collected and graded.
  3. Quizzes will be given periodically, starting from the 1stweek of class, in order to review student’s progress and reinforce their weaknesses. These quizzes may be written, oral or auditory. Anything discussed in class is “fair game” for a possible test item.
  4. Final evaluation at the end of each unit, the teacher will provide a practice activities to be developed during class time in order to clarify any doubts before the test.

A final project will be done at the end of each unit. The project will include an oral or written assignment that shows evidence that the student has mastered the unit content. The parameters for the projects may vary, and will be given in writing before it is due.

  1. An oral proficiency interview OPI or Verbal evaluation is given at the end each unit. In this interview the student is asked fivequestions related to the topics learned during the unit, and he/she need to answer in Spanish.

Grading Computation:

Grading: Grading Scale:

Performance based Test/Summative Assessments 30% 100-90 A

Quizzes on Vocabulary and grammar 20% 89-80 B

Writing/Reading/Listening 20% 79-74 C

Speaking (interpersonal) 10% 73-70 D

Homework 10%

Final 10%

Make-up work policy:

It is the responsibility of the student to complete the missed assignments within 3 days of returning to school. In the event that an appointment to make up an assignment is required, it is the responsibility of the student to approach the teacher for an appointment. If the student has been in class there is no make up for classwork for a complete grade, unless the teacher has given a previous authorization. Late classwork will be accepted but will have a 20% penalty. You may only hand in late work no more than three days after the due date. If it’s later than that, the assignment will not be accepted for a grade. LATE TESTS WILL BE GIVEN ONLY IF A WRITTEN EXCUSE IS PRESENTED TO THE TEACHER.

Classroom Guidelines:This class will be taught in Spanish 90% of the time. This requires total attention from the students. In order to keep students from distractions they are required to:

  1. Come to class on time.
  2. Remain seated and must stand up respectfully with the teachers’ authorization.
  3. Student will be on task by having all materials ready (pencil, paper, book, binder)
  5. Student will be considerate of others by respecting them, their property, and their time in class.


Cell phone usage for Classroom instructional activities (ONLY) will be announced in advance by the teacher.

Other Policies:

Students must always keep a respectful and low tone voice during class.

Maintain a clean, safe classroom/school environment.

A small snack may be eaten in the first 5 minutes of the class, but the student is responsible to keep their working space clean. You may NOT eat during class time.

Academic Honesty: Cheating or plagiarizing on any assignment, quiz, project, or testwill result in a 0 for that assignment, and no make-up assignment will be offered. The student will also be given a "U" in conduct at the 6-week progress report. If a further incident occurs, the "U" will be the final conduct grade for the entire semester, and will show up on the student's high school transcript.



First Offense:Student-teacher conference at the end of class.

Second Offense:Parents will be called and notified about student’s behavior. Detention is assigned with an assignment

Third Offense:An administrative referral is written and the student is sent to the office.

Fourth Offense:Conference with parent and student.

(Failure to work off the above penalties moves the student to the next level of consequences.)

Please notice that the information contained above is “flexible” and may change during the year. Students will notified in advance of those modifications. If you have any questions about it do not hesitate to contact me at the e-mail address listed above.

Gracias por su apoyo!!! (Thank you for your support!!!)

Please return this section to Ms. Amaya C. For 5 bonus points

Parents and student’s agreement:

We have read and understood the grading computation, classroom policies and assessments in the Spanish class.

All rules violations shall be dealt with the teacher guidelines and by administration according to the Cobb County District and North Cobb High School student handbook/planner.


Student signatureParent’s signature

Student name: ______Parent’s name: ______

Parent Contact information

House phone number (Teléfono de la casa):______

Work phone number (Teléfono del trabajo):______

Cell phone number (Teléfono celular):______

E-mail address(Correo electronico): ______